
Chocolate is suspected of being contaminated, "some of which have been sold to China"! Ferrero responded

Chocolate brand "Ferrero"

You must be familiar with it

Its "Kenda" chocolate

It is also loved by many children

However, on April 27

THE WHO bulletin said

Recently, there have been 11 countries

Successive reports have been reported of suspected and Ferrero Belgian factories

Production of Kinder chocolate related

Cases of Salmonella infection

Related chocolates have been sold

At least 113 countries and regions

These include China

International Network of Food Safety Authorities (INFOSAN)

A global alert was issued on 10 April

A global product recall was initiated

Chocolate is suspected of being contaminated, "some of which have been sold to China"! Ferrero responded

In Mexico City, Mexico, the "Kinda Surprise Egg" product is favored by children.

In this regard, Ferrero brand customer service staff said


The main recalled products suspected of being linked to Salmonella infection,

Kinder Surprise for Kinder Surprise, not the Kinder Joy, a Kinder egg sold in Mainland China.

The full range of Products produced in China and officially imported from Jianda are not in any way related to the production plants involved and are not covered by the recall. Chocolates purchased by consumers at Ferrero or Kenda official stores such as Tmall and are no problem.

If you purchase the Qanda chocolate produced in Belgium through a cross-border platform or direct import, you can apply to the original store for processing, or call Ferrero's official hotline to provide relevant materials, and the staff will give further feedback.

Chocolate is suspected of being contaminated, "some of which have been sold to China"! Ferrero responded
Chocolate is suspected of being contaminated, "some of which have been sold to China"! Ferrero responded

Goods such as Kenda chocolate and Kenda Qifu egg in the "Ferrero Official Flagship Store" on the Jingdong APP are normally on sale.

According to a communiqué issued by the World Health Organization on April 27, the investigation showed that the United Kingdom reported a group of salmonella infection cases to the organization on March 27, with the source of infection dating back to December 2021 and January 2022, the Kinder chocolate series produced by the Italian Ferrero Group's factory in Arlon, Belgium.

As of 25 April, 151 cases of salmonella infection suspected of being associated with the consumption of contaminated chocolate products have been reported from 11 countries, including Belgium, France, Germany, Ireland, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Sweden, the United Kingdom and the United States, according to WHO. 89% of those infected are children under 10 years of age, and at least 9 infected people are hospitalized.

Chocolate is suspected of being contaminated, "some of which have been sold to China"! Ferrero responded

Mexico City, Mexico, a "Kenda Surprise Egg" item on a supermarket shelf.

According to WHO, Salmonella is widespread in domestic and wild animals and often infects humans by contaminating food. People infected with Salmonella may present with symptoms such as fever, diarrhea, vomiting, and abdominal pain, which usually last from 2 to 7 days. Most infected people do not need special treatment to heal themselves, but for special groups such as children and the elderly, the associated dehydration symptoms can become severe and life-threatening.

Synthesized from the surging news and news workshop

Edited | Johnny Q

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