
Weave glory and dreams with chronicles and chronicles

author:Guangming Daily
Weave glory and dreams with chronicles and chronicles

【Audiovisual Observation】

Writing about China's magnificent historical drama from 1919 to 1954 is a blessing and a challenge. The history of the past 35 years has had ups and downs, with many veins and many characters. We need to sort out, choose, discard, and color, carefully lay out and skillfully conceive between history, events, people, and poetry, strike a balance between historical narration and tv drama dissemination, and tell the story of the Chinese revolution in the new era.

"Glory and Dreams" uses both the chronicle and the chronicle style, and strives to play the strengths of both. In terms of chronology, the play strives to capture the highlights of history, and the highlights are heavy and scattered, so it has formed major historical events such as the First Great Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Nanchang Uprising, the Autumn Harvest Uprising, the Gutian Conference, the Xiangjiang Campaign, the Pingshiguan Victory, the Anhui Southern Incident, the Chongqing Negotiations, the Transition to Northern Shaanxi, the Three Major Battles, the Founding Ceremony, and the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, which are connected into lines, radiation and surfaces. In terms of ji chuan, the portrayal of Mao Zedong, Zhou Enlai, and Zhu De is naturally sufficient, and He Long, Ye Ting, Peng Dehuai, Chen Yi, Chen Geng, Su Yu, Sun Yat-sen, Soong Qingling, Zhang Zhizhong, and even Chiang Kai-shek and Zhang Guotao have their own biographies. Other characters play a role in different units, such as Chen Duxiu, Li Dazhao, Dong Biwu, Chen Shuxiang, Hou Jingru, Zhang Renchu, Zhang Taofang, Li Longfei, Wang Fugui, etc., before and after, and the longitude and weft are densely woven. We also used a certain amount of pen and ink to describe the image of group figures, such as the workers' group of the Shanghai armed uprising and the heroic group of the Eighth Company of the Volunteer Army, forming a combined transmission effect. People and things reflect each other, and they are each other's appearance.

We attach great importance to the expression of blood kinship and comradely friendship. The husband and wife love between Mao Zedong and Yang Kaihui, and the father-son love with Mao Anying, a boxwood comb as a detailed clue, runs through the whole play. Mao Zedong and Zhou Enlai looked at each other and gathered together, showing the broad mind and deep friendship of the revolutionary leaders. The friendship between Mao Zedong and Zhou Enlai, Song Qingling and Zhang Zhizhong is the same. Li Dazhao's care and guidance for Mao Zedong, chen Duxiu's arguments and farewells with Mao Zedong; the cooperation and struggle between Mao Zedong and Zhang Guotao, and Dong Biwu's stormy and stormy boat and strength of one heart; Chen Geng, Jiang Xianyun, Zheng Dongguo, and other Huangpu students fought side by side and left and right; Two generations of Dragon Erhu and Long Xiaohu threw themselves into the revolution, and Cao Mingyu and Buckhua died before they got married; when the leaders bid farewell to Ren Bi, Li Jishen sent his son to the battlefield, showing the character scrolls of the great era, and striving to build the artistic characteristics of drama with love in mainstream creation.

The Chinese revolution is a great cause for the Chinese people under the leadership of the Party and is also part of the cause of international justice, and we attach great importance to the display of the spirit of internationalism. The legendary experiences of Marin and Nikolsky, who participated in a major meeting of the CPC, Dr. Bethune and Dr. Ke Dihua came to China to participate in the War of Resistance Against Japan, and the international justice forces represented by Xie Weisi, the observation group of the US military, all reflect the precious strength of the Chinese revolution from different aspects, and also strengthen the thickness of artistic expression and broaden the dimension of artistic expression.

The war passage of "Glory and Dreams" is also one of the key points of the play. In the Battle of Tamsui in Guangdong, the first battle was frustrated, Zhou Enlai strategized, and Huangpu students bravely took the lead, forming the first visual climax of the whole play. Many of the characters who emerged in this battle were sacrificed on the road of revolution. Cao Yuan sacrificed in the Battle of Wuchang, Sun Shucheng and Cai Qingchuan in the Battle of Sanheba, and Lu Deming in the Battle of Luxi, which made people sigh. Lin Biao and Chen Geng, who survived, and Su Yu, who were influenced by them, refined into steel and became the talents of the future generals. In the long shot of the Long March, dozens of historical figures march in a long stream of people; the bloody battle on the Xiangjiang River consists of more than thirty scenes. At the critical moment of the Chinese revolution, the commanders and fighters of the Red Army united and fought, splitting the mouth of the heavenly danger and opening the passage to the north. The victory at Pingxingguan boosted the morale of the people of the War of Resistance throughout the country. The surprise attack on Wuling Bridge in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, the capture of Sansholi, the ka-broken Dragon Source, and the fierce battle of Songbone Peak showed the highlight moments of the heroic group. The last shot that Zhang Taofang, the king of cold guns, stopped at the last moment before the armistice showed the humanitarian spirit of the people's army.

The creation of Glory and Dreams is unforgettable. From receiving the mission in early 2020 to broadcasting in 2021, it took nearly a year and a half. During this period, under the encouragement and guidance of leaders and experts, I worked closely with directors, actors, photography, art, special effects, coordination and other departments to meet each other frankly. Script writing, revision, every day. Overcome one difficulty after another, and create one good drama after another. Don't forget your original intention, forge ahead. It is a process of learning, but also a process of sublimation, more than 500 days and nights, unforgettable. The road ahead is long, we must go on firmly, in the desperate situation without losing courage, in the difficult to maintain the original intention, as long as we have a dream, we can continue to move towards glory.

(Author: Zhao Ningyu, Professor of Beijing Film Academy, Screenwriter of "Glory and Dreams", Special Researcher of Beijing Xi Jinping Research Center for Socialism with Chinese Characteristics in the New Era)