
"Little Dragon Girl" Long Ting, after boarding the Spring Festival Gala, still sells songs on the street, and is full of helplessness under the fame

author:A break to talk about entertainment

At The Central Pier on March 9, there was a woman wearing a large cotton jacket and singing on the street, and now people have so little sympathy and curiosity about street singers that she sang there emotionally for a long time.

"Little Dragon Girl" Long Ting, after boarding the Spring Festival Gala, still sells songs on the street, and is full of helplessness under the fame

But who would have thought that the woman standing on the street selling and singing was called Long Ting, and the year before yesterday she had been on the star-studded stage of the "Walk of Fame", enjoying flowers and applause.

She also sang the famous ending song of the Spring Festival, "Unforgettable Tonight", wearing gorgeous dresses and enjoying professional lighting and sound equipment at the Spring Festival Gala in 2020.

"Little Dragon Girl" Long Ting, after boarding the Spring Festival Gala, still sells songs on the street, and is full of helplessness under the fame

Her current situation is in harmony with the glory of the past, and people can't help but wonder: why would a female singer who should have had a great future fall into the situation of selling songs, is it bad luck or inevitable?

A troubled draft market

Has Long Ting ever been red?

In Hong Kong, many people may know her name, but in the mainland, many people have some unfamiliarity with this name, maybe she once went to the Spring Festival Gala, maybe she once won the annual championship of the "Walk of Fame", but her name still never exists in our brain memory, in fact, if you look at the female singer market in the entire entertainment industry, everyone should be able to understand the reason.

The selection programs in various traditional senses have declined, and the programs launched by CCTV are no exception, which is an era of chasing hot spots, and hot spots of various meanings and levels are constantly emerging.

People no longer watch a program to judge the singing ability of a singer, nor simply want to enjoy an audiovisual feast, they are more concerned about the gossip behind them, the novel format, the interaction between the contestants, if you simply listen to the song to watch the competition will only be boring.

"Little Dragon Girl" Long Ting, after boarding the Spring Festival Gala, still sells songs on the street, and is full of helplessness under the fame

In 2019, when Long Ting participated in the "Walk of Fame", this classic veteran talent show has already had some lonely meaning, and it has long passed its heyday and cannot carry the star-making function that it should have.

The gap between singers such as Long Ting and Ah Bao, who were also the former champions of the "Walk of Fame", is like the gap between Huang Ying and Li Yuchun, who are also the top three players of the Super Girl series.

The former is unheard of, just an ordinary champion born from an ordinary competition, everything seems to be self-congratulatory in the circle, which can only impress the audience group watching the show, while the latter is a phenomenon of the times, even if you have not watched the show, you will still know their names.

"Little Dragon Girl" Long Ting, after boarding the Spring Festival Gala, still sells songs on the street, and is full of helplessness under the fame

It is true that long Ting's gold content in winning this award is absolute, which proves that her singing skills are extraordinary, and she became an Internet celebrity singer in her early years by relying on her good singing skills, but this champion cannot achieve any significance leap in her popularity, and even cannot attract better agencies for her to package her.

I don't know if you remember the 2018 champion of "The Voice of China", that is a slightly fat cute girl, a music conservatory student, but unfortunately, until now she does not seem to have touched the threshold of the entertainment industry, going around for two years, returning is still a vegetarian, which has little to do with herself, after all, there was no splash when the show was broadcast, and it was quietly broadcast.

It can be said that as a singer who has been drafted, it is not an accident that Her development is not smooth.

"Little Dragon Girl" Long Ting, after boarding the Spring Festival Gala, still sells songs on the street, and is full of helplessness under the fame

The real dilemma of Internet celebrities transforming into stars

Now the most popular female singers, divided into two types, the first should be a traffic female singer, said to be from the 101 series of talent out of the group of people, they should be strictly speaking should be called love beans, the usual performance activities to sing and jump mainly.

Most of their fans are younger, generally under the age of thirty-five, at least at the age when they can burn their passion for life for a stranger. The stars they pursue, their appearance, personality, and figure must be perfect, at least on the surface, in line with their inner fantasies.

And Long Ting does not belong to this type, her appearance is not as outstanding as her singing voice.

"Little Dragon Girl" Long Ting, after boarding the Spring Festival Gala, still sells songs on the street, and is full of helplessness under the fame

The second kind of female singer is a more orthodox female singer, their audience is middle-aged, the elderly, and to become the head female singer in this part of the singer, it is not easy now, after all, middle-aged people, the elderly do not chase the stars, they will not have a lasting love for any particular singer, the only way to attract this part of the group is to continue to produce excellent works.

Unfortunately, Long Ting also did not have excellent creative ability, she first became famous in April 2017, singing Teresa Teng's "Walking the Road of Life", which made people listen to it like crazy, and then she liked to cover Teresa Teng's classic songs more and more, becoming famous by covering songs, and had no foundation of her own.

"Little Dragon Girl" Long Ting, after boarding the Spring Festival Gala, still sells songs on the street, and is full of helplessness under the fame

Some people may say that she was originally an Internet celebrity singer, and 1.45 million followers are not her fame? But the problem is that the Internet celebrities and the mainstream singer circle have an absolute Chuhan River boundary, many Internet celebrities are only on a certain software to circle themselves, they do not have any public recognition, out of this video software, they disappeared.

Among the groups of Internet celebrities who have transformed into singers, the most famous is Feng Timo, but Feng Timo's popularity benefits from her natural cute attributes, very distinctive appearance and personality, so that she can firmly grasp the aesthetic needs of the young generation of Internet youth.

"Little Dragon Girl" Long Ting, after boarding the Spring Festival Gala, still sells songs on the street, and is full of helplessness under the fame

Use love to survive the long years

However, although the current situation of Long Ting is not very good, can not be regarded as a popular star, but perhaps this tepid state now, for her is not a good thing, street singing for her, has never been a shame.

When Long Ting was 20 years old, she had a musical dream and participated in many talent shows, but later she was said by the judges that "you are not suitable for singing", and the draft particles were not received again and again.

"Little Dragon Girl" Long Ting, after boarding the Spring Festival Gala, still sells songs on the street, and is full of helplessness under the fame

She has done purchasing in order to make money, and she has also been discouraged by singers, but in the process of "Hong Kong Drift", in the process of selling and singing on the street, she has gradually found her own value, and she has become more confident again and again, and finally can stand on the stage of the Avenue of Stars.

In early 2017, Long Ting joined the street performance troupe "Mong Kok Rowan Song and Dance Troupe", that is, in that year, the footage of her singing on the street was taken and uploaded to the Internet, which slowly attracted a lot of attention on Kuaishou, and the number of fans eventually reached 1.45 million, and she began to be called "Hong Kong Mong Kok Little Dragon Girl" by people who liked her.

"Little Dragon Girl" Long Ting, after boarding the Spring Festival Gala, still sells songs on the street, and is full of helplessness under the fame

If there is no street singing, if there is no first step to stand on the street and face the crowd, all this seems to have happened, at least Long Ting will still be like so many ordinary North Drift and Hong Kong Drift singers, with musical dreams but suffering from no channels, confined to reality, struggling between huge difficulties, just like a person who has been praying for good luck from heaven, but if he does not buy lottery tickets, how can he not win the jackpot.

"Little Dragon Girl" Long Ting, after boarding the Spring Festival Gala, still sells songs on the street, and is full of helplessness under the fame

Now Long Ting is 39 years old, according to the above analysis, we can already see that the capital market of the entertainment industry is cruel, it will automatically judge the value of a person, like Long Ting's age, not too high a starting point, not a stunning appearance, as well as the cruelty of the draft market and the lack of original works, she has been difficult to get favored, appearance fees and advertising fees will not be too high, if she really goes to take cheap commercial performances, catch up with the announcement, but is consuming her own reputation and value for money At this time, street performance + The operation form of internet celebrity video is her best way out.

"Little Dragon Girl" Long Ting, after boarding the Spring Festival Gala, still sells songs on the street, and is full of helplessness under the fame

Long Ting once said that the people who are willing to stay on the street to listen to her singing are people who really love music, and she is willing to sing for such people who love music, so she will not be eager to get rid of the identity of a street singer, and she will not rush to squeeze into the entertainment circle, maybe the flowery stage of the Spring Festival Gala is not much different from the Pier 10 in Central where she often stops to play songs.

After a short period of attention, the camera leaves Long Ting's side, and she returns to her original life and is comfortable with such a life.

I sincerely hope that talented people will not be buried, I hope that she can have a bigger stage in the future, of course, if there is no chance to rise up, it seems good to continue to sing for three or two confidants.

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