
The pregnant wife wanted to eat the rock sugar gourd, but unexpectedly, she was eaten by her husband when she turned around

Pregnancy is the most special stage that a woman has to go through.

At this stage, the average woman will vomit in the early stage, can't eat anything, and want to eat everything in the later stage, and have been eating herself as a big fat man.

Early morning sickness is not to be said, only the taste of the third trimester.

Some people like to eat sweet, some people like to eat sour, some people need several meals a day, and some people want to eat something, and it is difficult for people who come here to experience that feeling.

The older generation said: When pregnant women want to eat what to try to satisfy, it is because her body lacks this nutrition, otherwise it will be bad for the child.

Just like this pregnant woman, she was pregnant and wanted to eat a rock sugar gourd, but she was stolen by her husband and cried angrily.

The pregnant wife wanted to eat the rock sugar gourd, but unexpectedly, she was eaten by her husband when she turned around

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Why didn't this husband let his daughter-in-law eat rock sugar gourd? This matter also has to start from the concept of scientific parenting:

It turned out that this husband was also a very careful person, the wife had been unstable in the early stages of pregnancy, could not eat and sleep well, a toss down, both people were tired enough to choke.

With the growth of pregnancy, the fetus gradually stabilized, the wife also began to have an appetite, before she loved to eat rock sugar gourd, she began to want to eat rock sugar gourd.

In the first trimester, because of the instability of the fetus, coupled with the husband's online information, it is said that pregnant women cannot eat hawthorn, she has always wanted to eat but did not dare to eat.

Now that everything is stable, I want to buy a rock sugar gourd to relieve my hunger. She bought it and put it on the family table, and went to change her clothes and wash her hands.

The pregnant wife wanted to eat the rock sugar gourd, but unexpectedly, she was eaten by her husband when she turned around

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But I didn't expect that when I finished washing it: the rock sugar gourd was gone! There was nothing left for him, the bamboo skewers of the hawthorn were still on the table and not thrown, and it was obvious that the sugar gourd had been eaten by her husband.

Under normal circumstances, men don't like to eat such sweet and greasy things, so why would he grab a rock sugar gourd with his wife?

According to this wife: the husband usually does not like to eat rock sugar gourd, the reason why she ate all this time is that she must be afraid that eating this rock sugar gourd will be bad for the child in her belly!

Although her husband was for her own good, when she saw her beloved rock sugar gourd being eaten, she still cried bitterly.

The pregnant wife wanted to eat the rock sugar gourd, but unexpectedly, she was eaten by her husband when she turned around

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Netizens said: Some men are really annoying, they can't quit smoking and alcohol, they can't do housework cooking, let pregnant women smoke second-hand smoke, rub the ground against their stomachs to fry vegetables to dry clothes, and finally pregnant women are stable, want to eat a mouthful of hawthorn He wants to die or live.

Some netizens also said: She cried this time, which is greater than eating ten strings of rock sugar gourds to the fetus!

Some netizens said: Pregnant can not smoke second-hand smoke he does not believe, pregnant can not eat rock sugar gourd he believed.

Obviously, these netizens are unfair to this pregnant woman, thinking that the harm of pregnant women eating a string of rock sugar gourds is not great, and there is no need to be so harsh on pregnant women.

Some netizens do not think so, they said: hawthorn live blood, care about it. Let him buy it for you when you're done.

The pregnant wife wanted to eat the rock sugar gourd, but unexpectedly, she was eaten by her husband when she turned around

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So, can you eat rock sugar gourd during pregnancy? In fact, this matter is justified, and the mother-in-law is justified.

Hawthorn live blood knows, but it is not a medicine after all, it does not matter if you eat less, the harm of a string of rock sugar gourds really can't catch up with smoking a few mouthfuls of second-hand smoke.

Pregnant women want to eat so that she can eat two bites to relieve hunger, there is no need to eat at all, salt will also be poisoned, who does not eat? Everything about toxicity aside from dose is nonsense.

The author believes that the most important thing for pregnant women is to maintain a pleasant mood, eat well, sleep well, have a good mood, regular obstetric examinations generally have no problems, this can not eat that can not eat is the wrong way.

Dear netizens, do you think that it is necessary to strictly avoid mouthing during pregnancy? Can icy gourds be eaten?

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