
It's really important to get into a good university, don't take it too seriously, you'll regret it


There are currently 40 days left before the 2022 college entrance examination

It's really important to get into a good university, don't take it too seriously, you'll regret it
It's really important to get into a good university, don't take it too seriously, you'll regret it

1 The temperature is slowly rising, and the summer of cicadas is coming again.

2 This summer, the best decade of my life is about to begin.

3 In the morning and at night, please try to live.

4 I walked thousands of miles alone and never felt lonely.

It's really important to get into a good university, don't take it too seriously, you'll regret it

5 Nothing is impossible, believe in yourself and don't let yourself regret it.

6 summer surprises are the ride, the sunset, the ice watermelon, and the hard work after that sentence I can finally do.

7 Exams for a good university are really important, don't take it too seriously, you will regret it.

8 Even if there is a storm, life does not give up.

9 Try to make yourself shine first, and the right person can meet the light.

It's really important to get into a good university, don't take it too seriously, you'll regret it

The life of 10 people is short, but if you live this life in a despicable way, it is too long.

11 Always try everything to know more.

12 Whoever sows with tears must reap with a smile.

13 Don't be afraid, there are fog lights in the mountains.

14 Scattered and impermanent, do not come unharmed.

It's really important to get into a good university, don't take it too seriously, you'll regret it

15 A man's greatest bankruptcy is despair, and his greatest asset is hope.

16 As long as the road is right, don't be afraid of the road.

17 He who has not failed has probably not succeeded.

18 The world may not be as good as you think, but it's not so bad.

19 Think twice about everything, but it is more important than thinking twice.

It's really important to get into a good university, don't take it too seriously, you'll regret it

20 From now on, the forest re-emits fragrance, after a long rainy afternoon.

21 No matter how long the road is, you can walk step by step, and no matter how short the road is, you can't reach it without opening your feet.

22 Fantasy will come up with many brilliant ideas, but it will not be able to do anything.

23 There is no destiny that can be conquered without contempt, enduring, and striving.

24 Hope you can be a cute and amazing adult.

25 Tomorrow the sun will still rise as usual, and we will still have to go to see the sunset.

It's really important to get into a good university, don't take it too seriously, you'll regret it

26 It is precisely because of your ability to overcome that this test will come.

27 I shattered the sunset, draped in starlight, and from then on the romance was hidden in my heart, and buried my head in my dreams.

28 Each rode up the current, rejoicing with each other.

29 The most important thing in the world is not where we are, but in the direction we go.

30 Whoever looks for the answer becomes the one who writes the answer.

31 There are no desperate situations in the world, only those who are desperate for them.

32 If we want more roses, we have to plant more rose trees.

It's really important to get into a good university, don't take it too seriously, you'll regret it

33 Without sweat, there are no tears of success.

34 Don't think about creating the sea, you must start with a small river.

35 After walking all the paths to failure, there is only one path left, and that is the road to success.

36 Running in the blazing youth, the wind did not blow us away.

37 roses set off the waves of the sea, and the sunset is also very romantic.

38 years of young friends are collectors of each other's youth.

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