
Night reading | love to be afraid of something

Night reading | love to be afraid of something

The anchor reads the classics and accompanies you to say goodnight, hello everyone! Here is the lightning night reading, I am Yucheng Rong Media anchor Chen Shuai, tonight to share with you Bi Shumin's article "What to Love Fear".

Love what to be afraid of

Bi Shumin

Love is very squeamish and stupid, and there are many things to be afraid of.

Love is afraid to lie. When we don't love, pretending to love is a painful and unlucky thing. If others see through it, we become hypocritical villains. If you cheat other people's money, you can pay it back, and if you cheat on the love of others, you become an unforgiving sinner. If others don't see it, it's even worse. Unless you have lost your conscience, commit yourself to the illusion of love, the stranglehold in the depths of your soul, and there will never be a peaceful day.

Love is afraid of silence. Too many people think that love to the depths is speechless. In fact, love is a difficult emotion to describe, which needs to be expressed and transmitted in detail. Love requires action, but love is not only action, or the expression of words and warmth, but also an indispensable part of action. I once did a quiz with friends to fill a person's mind with a unique feeling, and then made it with expressions and gestures for other people who didn't know the details to guess his inner activity. The people who came up with the mystery and solved the puzzle gladly agreed, thinking that they were foolproof. As a result, very few people can decode correctly. When you feel that your face is full of love, the conclusions that others misread are strange. Think of it as being reserved, dazed, melancholy...

A mother bowed her head confidently and made an expression. The other lady and I looked at her in amazement, looked at each other, and said in unison: You are going to kill yourself! She glared at us angrily and said, "How could this be!" How are you so stupid! My heart is full of warmth at the moment! The stupid two of us were ashamed, but before we could apologize, the mother suddenly realized: This is the case! No wonder every time I look at my son like this, he will say uneasily: Mom, what did I do wrong? What are you worried about?

Night reading | love to be afraid of something

Love is so expressed that it needs to be expressed, like an appliance that is depleted too quickly and has to be recharged every day. Repeat and freshly describe love, it is an art of bravery and wisdom.

Love to hesitate. Love is shy and clever, and if it is not careful, it eats the bait and flashes away. Love begins with a soft, boneless collision and a terrifying gravitational force. At the very early stage of love, it is a kind of ability to keenly identify one's true love, which is more of a boldness. If you love a cause, you will devote yourself to it. Love someone, and pursue it with all your might. To love a nation is to dedicate oneself to one's ashes. If you love a career, you will be bloody. If you love a faith, you will die without regret.

Love is afraid of ambiguity. Either love this one or that one, following a principle of all or nothing. Love, it overwhelms the earth, leaving no corner. If you don't love it, quickly cut the knife and cut off the water, and wash your hands in the golden basin. Hesitation and delay is irresponsible to others and oneself.

Love to be afraid of building towers on the sand. That kind of love, no matter how exquisite and transparent, ebbs and flows, and all that is left is a beadless mussel shell and a water weed with broken roots.

Love is afraid of the water of no source. The river in the desert, even if it is not a mirage, how many days can the sparkling water persist? When sandstorms hit, the first thing to dry up was the saltwater lake where tears were accumulating.

Love to be afraid of counterfeiting. True love may not be as smooth on the outside, brightly colored, without delicate packaging, without boastful advertising, but it is inherently quality assured. True love is not without short circuits and injuries, but it has a warranty, which is the promise of two hearts, written in heaven and earth.

Night reading | love to be afraid of something

Love is an organic whole, afraid of division. Like tempered glass, it is said that the tank will not break when rolled, but unfortunately its weakness is that it prefers to bend and is brittle and not cut. Once broken, it split into countless broad bean-sized dregs, flowing to the ground, flashing a miserable cold light, and could no longer be restored.

Love's feet are not strong, afraid of the distance. The distance will dilute the color of each other's thoughts, and if possible, get closer, and get closer, until the water and milk blend together intimately. Don't artificially test its intensity with separation, then you may regret it. Try to create a time when we work together to unite heaven and man.

Love like a cactus-like flower, afraid of fleeting, love can not be twilight, love can not be qingqing me, but love to grind the iron pestle into a needle, forever and long.

Love is afraid of equal division, can not learn the prince of the sky on the tightrope of love, and it is not appropriate to do dangerous actions. Even if you are shaky and have not fallen for a while, it is still accidental to save you, and any whirlwind may cause you to crash. The wisest and safest thing to do is to hurry back to the flat ground from above and leave deep footprints on the dirt.

Love is afraid of deliberately seeking work. Love can be draped and distributed, love can be a thorny cloth skirt, love can be coarse tea and light rice, love can eat wind and dew. As long as there is a true feeling, love has a dependency.

When you love, your eyes are myopic and astigmatized, and you only love to see the picturesque country. The ears are deaf and only love to listen to the song of the warbler. Love makes people one-sided, love makes people credulous. Love makes people IQ drop, love makes people wishful thinking. What love fears most is corruption. Love needs the vitality of passion every day, but it is like a deep pool, and the waves are not alarming.

Having said all these faults of love, isn't love useless?

Night reading | love to be afraid of something

Love is the strongest memory metal in the world, it does not melt in high temperatures, and it does not crack when frozen. Build a space shuttle of love and you can fly it for nine days.

Love is a universe that is bigger than the sky and the ocean, and in that unique vault, there are billions of stars of love, shining. An asteroid is a rain of love, embellished with clear light.

Love is the magic chemical agent that makes suffering sweet and makes a minute forever. It can make the ordinary face look like a heavenly immortal, and can make the murmur overwhelm the thunder and lightning.

Love is the prairie that nurtures all things. Here, ability, courage, wisdom, talent, friendship, care can be developed... All human virtues and beautiful talents belonging to nature will be given to you by love.

Between life and death, it is a unique journey in life. Having a true love is a lamp that illuminates the warmth of life.

About the Author:

Night reading | love to be afraid of something

Bi Shumin, born in October 1952 in Yining, Xinjiang, is a member of the Communist Party of China, a national first-class writer, attending physician of internal medicine, vice chairman of the Beijing Writers Association, master of arts of Beijing Normal University, doctoral course in psychology, and registered psychological counselor.

He is the author of the twelve volumes of Bi Shumin's Collected Writings, and the novels "Red Prescription", "Blood Linglong", "Saving Breasts", "Female Psychologist", "Flower Surgery" and other best-selling books.

Anchor Profile:

Night reading | love to be afraid of something

Chen Shuai, Yucheng Media Anchor.

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