
Bi Shumin's work: Just the right happiness

Bi Shumin's work: Just the right happiness

Just the right amount of happiness

The beginning of my medical career was terrifying. When the recruits, who did not know anything about medicine, arrived at the Tibetan border troops, the chief of the health section told us, "Assign an old hygienist to each of you as a teacher, and let him teach you injections first, and then you can go to work in your white coat."

Bi Shumin's work: Just the right happiness

I don't think it's like studying medicine, it's like learning carpenter. My master was a chubby old hygienist. Say he's old, probably in his early 20s, but for us sixteen or seventeen, it's enough vicissitudes. He found a small plastic mannequin, drew a virtual "ten" on the person's buttocks with his thick index finger, and said: When the needle is injected, the needle is stuck in the upper quarter of the outer part of the cross on the buttocks, otherwise it is easy to hurt the nerves. If you are injured, your lower limbs will be paralyzed. It was horrible. I nodded and said remember, the outer quarter of the ass. The old hygienist said, from now on you can't talk about buttocks, talk about buttocks. I repeat like a parrot: hips and hips. The old hygienist also said that remember the steps of disinfection, first 2% iodine, then 75% alcohol. Cotton balls should be coated with concentric circles, not like brush paint. I said, remember! The old hygienist said, "Test you." How many degrees of alcohol should I use? I said, 75 percent. So, 80% of the lines do not work? I secretly wondered that 75% must be the minimum standard for disinfection purposes. The mountains in northern Tibet are far away, and the materials used are transported thousands of miles away, and they must strive to save money. So, the answer to the question is self-evident. I said, 80% OK.

Bi Shumin's work: Just the right happiness

The veteran's face was calm, and he continued to ask, "So, what about 90% alcohol?" I said, of course, that's okay. Veterans say, 100%? I said, it must be better! It's just that too wasteful. Veterans were sunburned purple by highland ultraviolet rays, turned brown-black, and said, wrong! 75% of alcohol can destroy the membrane of bacteria, and the potion penetrates into the inside, and the whole bacteria is killed. The higher concentration of alcohol quickly solidifies the outer membrane of the bacteria, just like building a wall, but prevents the liquid from further penetrating into the inside of the bacteria, killing the bacteria, some things, not the thicker the better, to be just right. On that day, I remembered "hips" and "just right" for that day. I visited an institution abroad. In the hall of glory stands the spirit of enterprise in golden characters. One of them is called "reasonable expectations." I said, this one is a bit special. It's generally more inspirational, like "high expectations." The accompanying staff answered, which is a principle that our founders respect. Expectations are not as high as possible, but just right. Expectations are too high, and if they are not met, they will feel resentment and frustration, and in the long run, they will lose confidence. Expectations are too low, there is no motivation and goal, and getting by will also make people sluggish. Therefore, reasonable expectations are a correct assessment to find the best balance between wishes and actual situations. In that instant, I thought of alcohol backwards and happiness as I looked forward.

Bi Shumin's work: Just the right happiness

The concentration of alcohol cannot be too high, and after that optimal value, the result is counterproductive. Happiness is the same, don't be insatiable. The house doesn't need to be that big at all, it's enough. It's too big, even if you have that silver two to buy, it's a tyrannical thing. The earth has limited resources, why do you enjoy so much territory and deprive others of space? Food does not have to be so refined, too scarce and thrilling ingredients, too complicated and laborious cooking methods, too elaborate and therefore mysterious eating environment, are not advisable. They are attached to the smugness of showing off the high class, and these are incompatible with the purpose of happiness, simplicity and warmth. Spouses do not have to seek the national color and heavenly fragrance to get ahead, have the same values, speak to each other, like each other, and are fairy partners. The matter of position has a certain relationship with your ability, but it is also related to the situation and relationship, and it is not necessarily achieved by hard work, and there is no absolute fairness in the high and low. Cut out the bad guys, there are many capable people in this world, you can't do that position yourself, let others do it, it may not be necessarily inappropriate. Why do you have to put more monks and less porridge into your pocket? The car is mainly a means of transportation, do not have to be regarded as a huge medal or family emblem, showing the financial resources. It was not an atmosphere of happiness, but an inferiority thrown down the street. As for how long to live, this is a secret containing heavenly chance. You are invincible, don't be too crazy. Moreover, life and death are not a duel of victory or defeat, but only a link in an endless river. Calmly, the height of life does not determine whether it is long or short, but more importantly, it is rich and deep.

Bi Shumin's work: Just the right happiness

Physical health does not have to be complete, even if there is a small arrow up or down on the physical examination form, we can also correct it in time. It really can't be corrected, and it is a matter of calmly passing away. Happiness is the flower of thought, and it has nothing to do with whether the body organs are impeccable or not. Just right, it is a crystallization of philosophy and art. It represents open-mindedness and indifference, and is the long corridor in front of the door of happiness. Walking lightly through it, you can slap the happy door knocker.

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