
Life is very hard, don't wronged yourself

Dark clouds pressed against the top, and rain slowly drifted down, walking on the grassy corridor. No need for an umbrella, this time you, just like walking in the painting.

Occasionally relaxing, you don't need to work hard, you don't have to prove anything to anyone. Just live your own life.

As long as the home is warm, there will be no big fish and meat every day, and there is no need for how hearty the meal is, when you are not working hard, when you are not wronged yourself, a cup of instant noodles can also eat a feeling of happiness.

Ordinary people's lives do not have ups and downs in the traditional sense, but are mostly troubles of chai rice, oil and salt, and trivialities.

There are some places, some opportunities, that you missed this time, and probably not next time. Nothing is always ready for you.

Life has stages, and in every stage of a person, you must think about what you want. Love is even more so, don't waste your youth on a person who consumes yourself.

Life is very hard, don't wronged yourself

If it is a dream, there will be a day of awakening. Don't wait until your feelings are exhausted and time can't turn back before you wake up.

A person, a place in your heart. It also determines whether the other party can easily provoke your temper.

The noise of twittering does not soothe the loneliness in your heart. In the midst of a group of strangers, forcing a smile is more lonely than staying at home alone.

The rising sun, the sunset and dusk, the day so mercilessly passed, the beauty is never to save you. It's your mood that determines the view in front of you.

People, sometimes, need to put down their disguises and let themselves live a little looser, like an idle person who has nothing to do. Indulge yourself.

The state of the people around you, the atmosphere around you, will affect your mood. When everything around you slows down and people are not in a hurry, you will feel that time has slowed down.

Time is a luxury. You do something, you treat someone, if you are willing to give time, it proves that this thing, this person, is important to you, you care.

The effort behind you is actually rarely seen. Naturally, few people pay attention to it, and people want the final result, the bright side.

Curiosity is a limited thing, and may grow with age and experience. Your curiosity about the people around you, the things around you, will gradually decline. Unwilling to spend any more energy on recognizing something new. The time you are happy in the present moment, then you are worth it. There is no need to think about its meaning for the future, every future is made up of the present.

Life is very hard, don't wronged yourself

A wonderful life, an extraordinary life, also means that you need to withstand a certain amount of external pressure.

When you can't make a choice, it's better to let go first. Quiet yourself down and ask yourself what the road ahead is. Some efforts may be doomed to be useless from the beginning, but you still do it. Because most of the time, people have no choice.

Deceive a person, whether it is in your own intention or unintentionally. None of them can change the deception, and even then, it is better to tell the truth to the other party.

Life is very hard, don't wronged yourself

On the boating lake, green mountains come out. The thoughts in the heart will not be suddenly enlightened by the scene in front of you. There are many troubles in the world, and if you can't hide from them, you must face them bravely.

Most people's opinions are used for your reference. Some may not have real value, and people, the most useful experiences, may be their own experiences.

The way to get along

There are interesting and interesting things and attitudes. Analyze the feelings of both sexes, the psychology of men and women, interpret the origin of love marriage and family, discuss the wisdom of getting along with friends in the workplace and friends, share love skills, mother-in-law and daughter-in-law relationship, learn children's parent-child relationship, family education, and make your life more harmonious.

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