
"Please don't play the middle order!" LOL Parker compensation plan is out, and the big move kills unlimited growth

Yesterday the League of Legends test suit carried out some modification experiments, Blood Harbor Ghost Pike was greatly weakened, the big move to kill the enemy will not give themselves a money bag, only teammates get the money bag, that is, the extra gold coin reward is directly cut in half, even Pike single kill opponents there is no extra bounty! The designer did this because Zhongdan Pike's winning rate in the Hanbok Passers's game has reached 55%, once again deviating from the original way of playing.

In fact, when Pike first went online, the big move would not have sent himself a money bag, but later he changed his QE to unable to clear the line, and the designer forcibly did not let him play a single road, which gave such a compensation. However, Zhongdan Pike revived, and the designer took this compensation back.

"Please don't play the middle order!" LOL Parker compensation plan is out, and the big move kills unlimited growth

This change makes The Parker players poorer, the single has no advantage to speak of, there is no way to snowball in the advantage game, it is estimated that no one plays. But the auxiliary position is also greatly affected, obviously the random killing is the single Parker, the auxiliary Parker high risk and high return, not particularly strong, innocent lying gun is too wronged, players are hoping that the designer to remake the compensation plan.

Today, April 28, LOL Parker compensation plan was released, the basic slash line of the big move was reduced from 250 to 550 to 200 ~ 390, but the kill line can be infinitely increased by executing the enemy. When Pike kills the Hero Gunship Super, he can add 9 kill lines, three for melee soldiers, and one point for ranged soldiers.

"Please don't play the middle order!" LOL Parker compensation plan is out, and the big move kills unlimited growth

After testing, it was found that as long as Parker personally got the head, he would be killed, and he did not need to pass a big move, but the assist did not count. Pike's big move is unable to kill the creeps, he can only execute the creeps through salary, and he can no longer leave the auxiliary position. Pike's base slash line drops by a full 160 points, which means he needs to kill 17 gun cars or heroes to reach the original level.

"Please don't play the middle order!" LOL Parker compensation plan is out, and the big move kills unlimited growth

Although Pike's big move slash is infinite growth, it is actually quite chicken. Because the auxiliary equipment has a maximum number of executions, when Parker earns 1000 gold coins with auxiliary equipment, he can no longer execute creeps, and the salary of 3 gold coins every 10 seconds is also counted, and the enemy hero is not easy to kill, even if he gets ten heads, he can only increase the killing line by ninety points, in fact, he can't add many points.

Think of the dog-headed brother next door, he Q cannon car can increase the damage by 12 points, that is the real sense of infinite superposition, not much stronger than Pike?

"Please don't play the middle order!" LOL Parker compensation plan is out, and the big move kills unlimited growth

Feeling that this so-called compensation plan is more like another weakening of Pike, netizens sigh that the dog-headed stacked creeps are more than this bit of harm, playing Pike is not as good as playing Hammerstone, and some people speak for the designer: "Please don't play single Parker, can you honestly go to get a salary to make up for the knife!" ”

It can only be said that some heroes really can't do the riot routine, and once they deviate from the route, they will be broken by the designer, and they can't even play the original way of playing. However, this change is still the testing stage, and perhaps the killing compensation will continue to be increased in the future, at least to give the auxiliary Parker a way to live!

"Please don't play the middle order!" LOL Parker compensation plan is out, and the big move kills unlimited growth

So what do you think about THE LOL Parker compensation scheme? Welcome to leave a message and share your thoughts!

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