
LOL Test Suit Changes: Parker Moves can grow, and Wild Rock Sparrows can be enhanced

Without further ado, Parker has ushered in a wave of changes in the test suit not long ago, and the designer looks like he is going to completely toss this hero, let's take a look at the specific content.

1. Hero changes


LOL Test Suit Changes: Parker Moves can grow, and Wild Rock Sparrows can be enhanced

Springs of Hate (R)

New: Now you can increase the kill value of your R skill by killing an enemy in any way

Kill Value: Ranged Soldier Mobs (+1), Melee Guard Eyes (+2), Hero Gun Trucks and Super Soldiers (+7)

New: When there are friendly heroes around 1000 yards of Pike, Pike's Pu Attack will execute creeps and provide gold coins to friendly troops with a cooldown of 50 seconds. When the execution effect can be triggered, Pike will have soul items floating around him

The renderings are as follows

LOL Test Suit Changes: Parker Moves can grow, and Wild Rock Sparrows can be enhanced

Rock sparrow

LOL Test Suit Changes: Parker Moves can grow, and Wild Rock Sparrows can be enhanced

Base Armor: 1820

Base movement speed: 335330

Stone Wear (Q)

Mana Cost: 60/65/70/75/8040/50/60/70/80

Mana cost at The StoneWork: Full Level 3020/25/30/35/40

Damage to Wild Monsters: 150% 170%


LOL Test Suit Changes: Parker Moves can grow, and Wild Rock Sparrows can be enhanced

Base Armor: 23-26

Initial movement speed: 325-330

Designer Miscellaneous: Our development team is still evaluating some of the mage heroes, making gameplay adjustments without changing the hero's characteristics, of course, this is a big project, but we are confident that we can do them well.

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