
The most stable champion in the single, but the investment is all by stud! Fans broke the news that Crown speculated on Bitcoin and lost money

Esports players are definitely high-income people, although many have questioned their livelihood after retirement because of their youth meals. However, the actual situation is that the transfer of commentary and being an anchor can allow retired players to have a stable income. But there are exceptions to everything, can you imagine that players with "S Champion" as a prefix will be in a difficult situation after retiring?

The most stable champion in the single, but the investment is all by stud! Fans broke the news that Crown speculated on Bitcoin and lost money

How stable the court is, how reckless The Crown is off the court

Singles Crown, the S7 champion, has been suffering from mental torture lately, and as a former pro, Crown had a long time after retiring from playing League of Legends. Over the past few years, Crown's addiction to the stock market has been nothing new. Judging by the results, Crown didn't become "esports Buffett." ”

The most stable champion in the single, but the investment is all by stud! Fans broke the news that Crown speculated on Bitcoin and lost money

In previous episodes, whenever people asked about Crown's investment, he was secretive and did not want to discuss too much. With the recent days when Crown revealed to the outside world that he was taking antidepressants, everyone also sensed that the situation was not good.

The most stable champion in the single, but the investment is all by stud! Fans broke the news that Crown speculated on Bitcoin and lost money

According to iron fans of the South Korean forum Crown, Crown's cash in the stock market alone is as much as 1 billion won (about 5.2 million yuan), and there are 2-3 accounts, which basically have hundreds of millions of won. But the problem is with Crown himself, who has no talent for stock trading.

The most stable champion in the single, but the investment is all by stud! Fans broke the news that Crown speculated on Bitcoin and lost money

Maybe beating Faker in the S7 Global Finals drained his luck. From buying GME to speculating in Bitcoin, he entered the market when he should not have entered the market, and the result was nothing. In addition, he was a bit too decisive in the stock market, and when GME first plummeted, Crown sold them all.

The most stable champion in the single, but the investment is all by stud! Fans broke the news that Crown speculated on Bitcoin and lost money

When speculating on Bitcoin, Crown even pressed his entire wealth! And then there's no then...

The most stable champion in the single, but the investment is all by stud! Fans broke the news that Crown speculated on Bitcoin and lost money

For fans, it's finally time to see Crown Live League of Legends. However, the psychological shadow brought by the investment to Crown could not be dissipated for a long time, so that he had mental problems. Perhaps god, after giving Crown extraordinary gaming talent, deprived him of his ability to speculate in stocks.

The most stable champion in the single, but the investment is all by stud! Fans broke the news that Crown speculated on Bitcoin and lost money

I hope that Crown, with the support of fans, can get out as soon as possible

TSM sent a lawyer's letter to Doublelift

Doublelift, as one of the greatest ADC players in the LCS division (not one of them), has a long career that began with TSM and ended with TSM. TSM made him a success, and he also helped TSM become the most powerful team in LCS. However, after Doublelift retired, the relationship between the two deteriorated, even to the point of going to court.

The most stable champion in the single, but the investment is all by stud! Fans broke the news that Crown speculated on Bitcoin and lost money

A few days ago, Doublelift posted a lawyer's letter from TSM to him on Twitter because Doublelift had more than once denigrated the TSM Club in live broadcasts. In addition, when WordArt was a TSM assistant last year, Doublelift also revealed a lot of things that touched on confidentiality agreements. For this reason, TSM claimed $600,000 in liquidated damages from Doublelift.

The most stable champion in the single, but the investment is all by stud! Fans broke the news that Crown speculated on Bitcoin and lost money

The fate of the incident is still inconclusive, but as early as January this year, Fist has been involved in the investigation of whether andy Dinh-Reginald, CEO of TSM Club, has abused and bullied employees as Doublelift said.

The most stable champion in the single, but the investment is all by stud! Fans broke the news that Crown speculated on Bitcoin and lost money

It is worth mentioning that Pilsen pursued him in TSM when he was preparing for his comeback this season, but the TSM star joined C9 without looking back. In terms of price, TSM will certainly not treat Pilsen badly. This raises the question of whether there is really something wrong with TSM's corporate culture.

At present, the confrontation between Doublelift and TSM is far from over, but no matter how it ends, neither side can go back to the past.

MSI winning probability calculation, T1 up to 46%

Although the Asian Games have been postponed, the importance of MSI has not been affected in any way. Next Tuesday, the MSI group stage will officially begin, and major data websites have begun to give their own predictions for upcoming events.

The most stable champion in the single, but the investment is all by stud! Fans broke the news that Crown speculated on Bitcoin and lost money

Yesterday, foreign data websites predicted the combat strength and probability of victory of MSI's 11 participating teams. Not surprisingly, the T1 team, which did not lose a big game in the spring, topped the list with a 46% probability of winning the championship; LPL's spring champion RNG came in second with a 19% probability. Both the G2 and EG teams are 10%, and the PSG and vietnamese teams SGB are fifth and sixth, respectively.

The most stable champion in the single, but the investment is all by stud! Fans broke the news that Crown speculated on Bitcoin and lost money

It should be mentioned that at last year's S11 League of Legends Global Finals, the website predicted EDG's victory.

The most stable champion in the single, but the investment is all by stud! Fans broke the news that Crown speculated on Bitcoin and lost money

Of course, if the data could tell the whole story, FPX wouldn't be out of the round of 16. At last year's MSI in Iceland, the odds of winning the DKvsRNG were higher than they are now before the start of the DKvsRNG competition.

The most stable champion in the single, but the investment is all by stud! Fans broke the news that Crown speculated on Bitcoin and lost money

Whether it works or not, you will only know if you have played it.

The most stable champion in the single, but the investment is all by stud! Fans broke the news that Crown speculated on Bitcoin and lost money

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