
What kind of opposite sex does Cancer like the most?

What kind of opposite sex does Cancer like the most?

Loving Cancers they also have their spring, and there will always be many people who like to help them in the face of them. These people who help them may be the opposite sex in their lives, some of the opposite sex may show it, and some of them will be hidden in the shadows. Who are these people? So, let's see who has the 4 constellations that are most likely to be the opposite sex of Cancer!

Fourth place: Gemini

Some small smart, flower-loving Gemini when encountering Cancer, of course, is extremely easy to become the opposite sex in Cancer's life, they always like to try all kinds of new things, when facing Cancer, of course, they will also feel unusual curiosity, so they pursue Cancer. However, Cancer should be careful when encountering Gemini, and if you are not careful, you will easily fall into the opposite sex vortex of Gemini.

Third place: Taurus

Like the stable Taurus, often when encountering Cancer, even if they are slow and half-beat, they will strive to pursue, in the face of the Family Cancer, Taurus often feels that it is the most suitable for their lover,

Therefore, the Taurus will also become the stable opposite sex on the path of Cancer's life, if there is no accident, taurus and Cancer they are afraid that they will eventually cultivate the right results.

What kind of opposite sex does Cancer like the most?

Second place: Scorpio

When the scorpion meets cancer, he will definitely become the possessive opposite sex in cancer's life. They often want to control cancer crabs at all times, so that cancer crabs can not escape the palm of their hands completely, and they always have no choice but to accept them in the face of Scorpio cancer crabs. Encountering such an energetic opposite sex who likes to toss, Cancer is really difficult to escape. Therefore, they may live happily.

1st place: Pisces

When Cancer meets Pisces, when Cancer falls in love with Pisces, when Pisces becomes cancer's opposite sex, it's really not just about heterosexuality. Maybe they will become lovers, lovers or marriage partners. In the face of such a heterosexual fate of Pisces, Cancer crabs often have no resistance. Therefore, Pisces is the most attractive opposite sex that makes Cancer crab mud foot deep.

What kind of opposite sex does Cancer like the most?

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