
Tatum 29 points Jaylen 22+8! The Greens swept to send the Nets on a round trip Durant conceded a deadly free throw by 39 points

On April 26, Beijing time, the Green Army ushered in the fourth battle with the Nets. Durant rebounded strongly with 20 points in the half, but the Nets still trailed by 8 points. At one point the Nets trailed to 15 points in the third quarter, Durant and Curry Jr. teamed up to fight back, and Tatum left the field with 2:48.6 in the final quarter. Irving and Durant scored consecutive points, and the Nets trailed by just one point in the decisive moment. Jaylen Brown's key ball opened a three-point gap, Durant sent a fatal 2-of-1 free throw, and Horford's second offense killed the game. In the end, the Green Army narrowly defeated the Nets 116-112, swept the Nets 4-0 to send the Nets a round trip, and then they will face the winner of the series between the Bucks and bulls.

Tatum 29 points Jaylen 22+8! The Greens swept to send the Nets on a round trip Durant conceded a deadly free throw by 39 points

Match data

Nets: Durant 39 points, 7 rebounds and 9 assists, Curry Jr. 23 points, Irving 20 points and 5 assists, Clarkston 13 points, 6 rebounds, 2 steals and 3 blocks (losing 10 consecutive free throws to set an NBA record), Dragic 10 points, 8 rebounds and 4 assists

Green Army: Tatum 29 points, 5 assists and 6 fouls, Jaylen Brown 22 points and 8 rebounds, Smart 20 points and 11 assists, Gervay 14 points, Horford 13 points

Tatum 29 points Jaylen 22+8! The Greens swept to send the Nets on a round trip Durant conceded a deadly free throw by 39 points
Tatum 29 points Jaylen 22+8! The Greens swept to send the Nets on a round trip Durant conceded a deadly free throw by 39 points
Tatum 29 points Jaylen 22+8! The Greens swept to send the Nets on a round trip Durant conceded a deadly free throw by 39 points

The Star of the Field: Double Probe Flower Shine helps the Green Army sweep

In this campaign, Tatum continued to cut points efficiently, helping the Green Army establish an advantage. After he made his sixth offense at the start of the final quarter, Jaylen Brown took over the offense and delivered a key jump shot, and the two became the biggest contributors to the Green Army sweeping the Nets.

Highlights of this session

Tatum 29 points Jaylen 22+8! The Greens swept to send the Nets on a round trip Durant conceded a deadly free throw by 39 points

Fantastic hit! Durant connects with Clarkston

Tatum 29 points Jaylen 22+8! The Greens swept to send the Nets on a round trip Durant conceded a deadly free throw by 39 points

Convert the buckle! Durant took off with ease

Tatum 29 points Jaylen 22+8! The Greens swept to send the Nets on a round trip Durant conceded a deadly free throw by 39 points

Long drive straight in! Jaylen Brown sends a dunk

Tatum 29 points Jaylen 22+8! The Greens swept to send the Nets on a round trip Durant conceded a deadly free throw by 39 points

Open hand hit! Gway out-of-the-air firing

Tatum 29 points Jaylen 22+8! The Greens swept to send the Nets on a round trip Durant conceded a deadly free throw by 39 points

Lucky Balls! Tatum sent a three-pointer on the board

Game review

Jaylen scored four consecutive points at the beginning of the first quarter, Brown returned the shot, Tatum made two free throws, Horford took the point from the basket, and the Green Army began with an 8-2 lead. Curry Jr. sent three points, Theis hit two free throws, Durant responded with two free throws, and Durant equalized with three points. The Green Army suddenly exploded 10-0, Clarkston scored under the basket, Durant sent a throw, Gwe hit a three-point shot, and the Green Army led 25-16. Irving returned the long shot, Smart threw the shot, Durant sent a dunk, Lowe made two free throws and White hit a shot, giving the Green Army a 30-21 lead. Mills returned the long-range shot, Clarkston sent a dunk, and the Nets trailed 26-30 into the second quarter.

Tatum 29 points Jaylen 22+8! The Greens swept to send the Nets on a round trip Durant conceded a deadly free throw by 39 points

In the second quarter, Dragic threw a shot, Curry Jr. hit a mid-range tie, Tatum sent a three-pointer, Curry Jr. hit another shot, and then Tatum scored five consecutive points to give the Green Army a 38-32 lead. Irving hit two free throws, Tess hit a layup, Jaylen hit a jumper, then Durant responded with a jump shot, Smart sent a three-pointer, and the Green Army led 45-36. Durant responded with a long-range shot, Irving threw a shot, Curry Jr. hit another three-pointer, and the Nets trailed 44-45. Gervay sent three points, Durant hit a hit, everyone hit another three points, Jaylen broke through the hit, and the Greens led 55-48. Durant hit two free throws, Gwey sent a long-range shot, and the Greens led 58-50 into the second half.

In the third quarter, Brown threw a shot, Tatum hit two free throws, Durant hit a shot, Theis basket scored, Irving made two free throws, Smart sent a three-pointer, and the Green Army led 65-56. The Nets blasted a wave of 6-2 to close the gap to 5 points, Tatum hit a three-pointer, Clarkston sent a dunk, Tatum made two free throws, Clarkston hit the basket again, then he conceded 10 consecutive free throws after the 11th free throw hit, Brown hit a layup, the Green Army led 75-67, Irving hit two free throws, Tatum sent three points, the Green Army led 78-69. Smart scored from the basket, Clarkston hit a layup, Tatum dreamed of taking the point, Irving returned the breakout, and the Nets trailed 75-85. Then the Green Army scored 5 consecutive points to open up the 15-point gap, and Curry Jr. hit a three-pointer and caused a foul, but unfortunately the penalty was missed, and the Nets fell behind 78-90 into the final quarter.

Tatum 29 points Jaylen 22+8! The Greens swept to send the Nets on a round trip Durant conceded a deadly free throw by 39 points

Curry Jr. scored four straight points in the final quarter, with Durant hitting a jumper and the Nets trailing to a six-point gap. Tatum dunked to stop the bleeding, Irving hit a layup, Tatum hit a three-pointer, Durant sent a jumper, and the Nets trailed 88-95. Griffin made Tatum an offensive foul, who made the fifth offense, Horford sent a three-pointer to give the Greens a 98-88 lead. Curry Jr. returned the long-range shot, Smart and Dragic played against each other for three points, Dragic hit a layup, and the Nets trailed 96-101. Brown hit two free throws and Dragic sent three pointers as the Nets trailed 99-102. Brown sent a 2+1, Smart hit a layup to give the Greens a 107-99 lead. Durant hit a jumper, Irving and Smart sent each other strong, and the Nets trailed 103-109. Tatum scored his sixth foul, Irving sent three points, Durant hit two free throws and the Nets trailed to a one-point gap. Jaylen Brown hit a layup and the Greens led 111-108. Durant's key free throws were 1 of 2 free throws, and Horford's second offense was played to kill the game. Durant missed three points and the suspense of the game was completely lost.

Both sides started

Nets: Irving, Curry Jr., Durant, Bruce Brown, Drummond

Green Army: Smart, Jaylen Brown, Tatum, Horford, Theis

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