
Twelve zodiac signs crazy narcissism index big ranking!

Narcissism sounds like a derogatory term, but proper narcissism is the source of a person's confidence, but if it is too narcissistic, it is not a good thing!

Twelve zodiac signs crazy narcissism index big ranking!

So, who in the zodiac has the highest narcissistic index?

1st place: Aquarius

They are the ones who love drift the most, and their tendencies to be neurotic are greater than those of others. Their brain waves often produce very strange squiggly squiggly lines, and their thinking is weird. This is all well known, and their thoughts cannot be considered in the same way as ordinary people. Maybe at some point he would be fascinated by an idea that had arisen on his own. Therefore, he found out how smart and great he was, and he also found that he was the one who knew himself best, so that he could truly trust himself and love himself, which can be described as "narcissistic". However, they never suffer from themselves and are very careful in doing things.

Self-love index: 90%

Second place: Virgo

Why are Virgos always so careful. The Virgin is a very delicate constellation, and it is difficult to tolerate the thick branches of other constellations when mentioned with other constellations. They always take care of the things around them, and it is a good choice to ask them to do nursing care when they are sick. Just because they only have confidence in their own way of doing things, they are very distrustful of the way others receive people and treat things, so they begin to slowly become confident and slowly become narcissistic, which is also no way to do it. After all, they have no sense of security about others, so they have to trust themselves.

Self-love index: 85%

Third place: Scorpio

I don't know if everyone knows their notorious indifference, sharp eyes, and sudden demeanor, are all a highlight, but just because of their cool superiority, they will also use this kind of thing to look down on, think that nothing is worthy of themselves, so they embarked on the road of no return, began a narcissistic career, in fact, their original enthusiasm for things is not very high, plus arrogance, there is no one to pay attention to him, he will be very lonely, so he will slowly start narcissism, because there is really no other person to love.

Self-love index: 80%

Fourth place: Leo

Pretentious, self-absorbed, condescending, like to give orders, these are the Achilles heel of the lion, so if the people around the lion are also very assertive, it is not fun, the lion will lose popularity, lose trust. Gradually broken. If the people around you do not have an opinion, you will cultivate a group of weak slaves who obey the order, which will only annoy the lion, and the person who has the opinion, the lion will not tolerate it, so the lion has nothing to love. Narcissistic, so passive, so pathetic.

Self-love index: 75%

Twelve zodiac signs crazy narcissism index big ranking!

Fifth place: Libra

This is found from real life, the author's father is The Balance, it is from the author's childhood to say how good he is, but also with a very intoxicated expression. Therefore, the author believes that The sign of Balance, generally will make some exaggerations about reality, and then be very proud to tell others, they are very demanding of everything balance, the pursuit of perfect constellations, it is easy to be attracted to themselves. (Shame on you...) That's the scales, naïve...?

Self-love index: 70%

Sixth place: Taurus, Capricorn

These two constellations are difficult to say who is in front of and who is behind, because of the enclosed space. These constellations are stubborn people, very few people can do anything with them, they are very unhappy because they have no one to communicate with, so the social circle is small and pitiful. Few people are willing to associate with such stubbornness, isolated them, and have to be narcissistic.

Self-love index: 65%

Seventh place: Gemini

Gemini, although they love to play, but still pay attention to feelings, they are so careful, because they think they are very good, can have the ability to have a lot of lovers, very confident, and they will find that they can completely match their own only themselves, because in this way, they are also very willing to play by themselves... Later, he also found himself his best playmate, because the playmates are Gemini's best friends, so Gemini became his best friend, and thus, became his most relevant person, slowly, developing in the direction of narcissism...

Self-love index: 60%

Eighth place: Aries

The fiery temper of the Aries is something that few people can happily accept, and their uneven personality rarely finds a confidant. The character of a child must be accepted by a very childlike person who can have a great measure. They entertain themselves, but they also make the victim cry and laugh when they hurt people. They are always silly laughs, innocent pleasures and simple thinking. This kind of simple let the people around them who like them are helpless to leave, and the awakened sheep and sheep lose the opportunity and have to love themselves.

Self-love index: 50%

Twelve zodiac signs crazy narcissism index big ranking!

Ninth place: Cancer

Cancer is a very family-oriented person, their tenderness is like water is also very famous, their opportunity for narcissism is not large, because they are very sentimental, touching the scene, and very nostalgic, such people love to miss their childhood, a certain thing, indulged in their own past, so as to find out how gorgeous their life is, think it is good to create their own future with themselves, to try the feeling of narcissism.

Self-love index: 30%

Tenth place: Sagittarius

So the shooters who like to play don't care about this aspect, as long as it's fun, they are easy to be swayed, but their narcissistic record is very, very small. Narcissism spends a lot of time paying attention to yourself, but more shooters prefer to pay attention to handsome men and beautiful women, so it is more practical, because the necessary tool of narcissism- mirrors, most of the shooters who love to play, spoiled... (Poor) Narcissism is a good sigh when calm, but the shooter Oh is not easy to calm, and most of the shooters who have no problem do not want to sigh very old.

Self-love index: 15%

Last name: Pisces

That's because they can always find a way to get someone else to fall in love. So love fantasy of them, how to have time to be narcissistic. However, when narcissistic, it is generally when imagining yourself as a prince and princess, but that is also when you are in love with others...

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