
World of Legends: Those inexplicable injuries? The balance of the game has been destroyed

At that time, playing legends had some strange skills of thieves, the damage was not high, and the insult was extremely strong! Let's talk to you today!

World of Legends: Those inexplicable injuries? The balance of the game has been destroyed

The first thing I want to say is the nail poking the foot. When I was a new number, I would be stabbed several times every time I passed by the Akatsuki Demon. It's disgusting, and the current private suit is still like this, it is simply the magic of killing trumpets, similar to the skills of the Millennium Dryad, with long nails on the ground, but the attack will also be strengthened with the improvement of skill level and character attributes. This skill ends the melee attack situation and only upsets the balance of the game.

World of Legends: Those inexplicable injuries? The balance of the game has been destroyed

The second is not a class skill, it is a boss skill, but the player usually experiences his torture. Once the player is paralyzed, they feel embarrassed. After all, they went out to fight monsters. Bosses are actually paralyzed by monsters, as the paralyzing effect will cause the player to stand still and be stepped on by the boss's slow attack on the spot. A paralysis ring similar to the warrior class.

World of Legends: Those inexplicable injuries? The balance of the game has been destroyed

There is also the assassination of the sword. This skill is the skill of the warrior class and the nightmare of the mage. When it comes to the domineering skills of warriors, the first impression is mostly the fire sword method. Increasing the average attack power multiplier, level 2 Agni can easily get a Blood Crisp Mage, but Agni takes 6 seconds to offset some of the Fire damage. Speaking of another skill that threatens mages, assassination swordsmanship, especially for mages who have learned shields, assassination can ignore the magic shield and directly hit the mage.

World of Legends: Those inexplicable injuries? The balance of the game has been destroyed

The last one is invisibility. Running map spawners are popular because some wild monsters use stealth that cannot be seen. Many players are proficient in this skill, and even heard that some players dare to swipe the Zuma map in places where the level is not high enough, release the poison of the Zuma leader, and then slowly consume it in stealth.

World of Legends: Those inexplicable injuries? The balance of the game has been destroyed

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