
How to educate children?

author:Shake it up

How to educate children? Now to educate children we can not take an extreme approach, scolding will only make the child's personality more extreme, parents need to lead by example, more from the child's point of view to think about the problem. Communicate with an equal mindset so that children will be more willing to communicate with their parents and education will be better carried out.

How to educate children

Educating children is a science for parents, but in fact, the most important thing is that parents need to be patient and think more from the perspective of children. Now let's take a look at the following ways of education!

1, do not use the way of scolding.

Some parents are extremely strict in their children's discipline, so whenever a child makes a mistake, he will not calmly understand the reasoning, but first scold and beat him. Always think that children do not fight and can not be made, such a way to treat children, not only can not let children really recognize their mistakes, but also very much in the heart of the shadow, personality is easy to become more extreme.

2. Parents should set a good example.

The child's ability to imitate is very strong, so the words and deeds of parents have a deep impact on the child. Parents should set a good example for their children. Lead by example. If there is a problem with the parents' character itself, and the child will only learn from the same, then how can a good child be educated. So it's really important to teach adults by example.

3. Adult opinions should be unified.

In terms of educating their children, parents should communicate well and unify their opinions. Don't say east and west, let alone count each other in front of the child. In this way, the child will feel overwhelmed and do not know who to listen to. And the authority of adults in front of children will also be gone. Over time, it is more difficult to discipline the child.

4. Let the child's interest develop freely.

Today's parents have high hopes for their children, reporting various special classes to their children and asking them to do so, but ignoring their children's real interests. Therefore, what parents should do is to let the child make his own decisions, if the child shows a certain hobby, do not interfere, but should encourage him, maybe it can also become a skill of the child.

How to teach children to love learning

Interest is the driving force for learning, if you want children to love learning, then you must turn learning into their interest, so how should you educate?

1. Help children build interest in learning.

If you want your child to be interested in learning, you must let your child build confidence in learning, which is inseparable from the guidance of teachers and parents.

Usually should be more and children with an equal mentality to communicate, in the process of communication and exchange to find children in the learning life and hobbies of the shining point, looking for common topics, and children to be friends, let the child believe in you, in the usual life process more encourage and appreciate their children, let him think that he can, only in such a long-term continuous effort to support him, in order to let the child find a sense of success, with interest, the child will naturally fall in love with learning.

2. Help children set learning goals.

If the child does not have a clear goal in the learning process, it will become a kind of blindness, not knowing why and how to learn. Learning is no longer annoying when you are able to have a clear learning goal in your studies and learn to achieve that goal. Instead, learning becomes a fun, most important thing to decide your own destiny. Children will naturally fall in love with learning, do not want to learn the problem will be solved, such learning is active, conscious, effective, rather than forced, stressful and inefficient.

How to teach children to be obedient

I believe that some parents will complain that their children are always naughty and disobedient. The more you talk, the less you listen. I don't know how to educate to be obedient. In fact, as long as parents are willing to think about it, it is not difficult to want their children to obey.

If you want to teach your child to be obedient, parents must put down their heights and think from the perspective of their children. What you think of as a "small thing" is a big thing in the eyes of your child. When you can understand the child from the perspective of the child, you will find that in fact, many times you criticize the child, the child will feel very wronged. Imagine not understanding how to be an obedient child.

Take time out every day to be alone with your child, do something that interests both parties, and become friends with your child. In this way, children are willing to tell their parents about their hearts, and parents, as children's listeners, supporters, and spiritual companions, many times their parents will be willing to listen to what their parents say.

How to teach children not to lie

Parents should not think that it does not matter if their children lie by accident, if they will develop a habit of lying in the long run, and most of this habit of lying has been developed from an early age. To teach children not to lie, we must first understand why children lie. This is the right medicine.

The investigation found that the main reason children lie is the fear of parents scolding and punishing. Therefore, parents want their children not to lie first of all to gain mutual trust and understanding with their children. This is a prerequisite for the child's honesty. Let the child know that even if he lies, you still love him, and you can understand his feelings. Once the child has lied, discuss with the child what better ways to replace lying the next time you encounter a similar situation. In addition, never threaten your child with harsh punishment, which will often make your child lie more and be more cunning so that you will not be discovered.

If you find out that your child is lying, don't immediately blame or lecture him in front of other people, it is best to find another suitable time to talk to your child alone. Most of the time your child lies for fear of being punished, say as much as possible why you are afraid that your parents will know so that you know why your child is lying. If your child has the courage to admit that he has done something wrong, he can immediately praise him in more special language.

How to teach children not to lie

Parents should not think that it does not matter if their children lie by accident, if they will develop a habit of lying in the long run, and most of this habit of lying has been developed from an early age. To teach children not to lie, we must first understand why children lie. This is the right medicine.

The investigation found that the main reason children lie is the fear of parents scolding and punishing. Therefore, parents want their children not to lie first of all to gain mutual trust and understanding with their children. This is a prerequisite for the child's honesty. Let the child know that even if he lies, you still love him, and you can understand his feelings. Once the child has lied, discuss with the child what better ways to replace lying the next time you encounter a similar situation. In addition, never threaten your child with harsh punishment, which will often make your child lie more and be more cunning so that you will not be discovered.

If you find out that your child is lying, don't immediately blame or lecture him in front of other people, it is best to find another suitable time to talk to your child alone. Most of the time your child lies for fear of being punished, say as much as possible why you are afraid that your parents will know so that you know why your child is lying. If your child has the courage to admit that he has done something wrong, he can immediately praise him in more special language.

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