
Huawei Yu Chengdong: Automobile and mobile phone companies may completely stop production in May

In order not to make the above prediction a reality, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology has recently sent a working group to Shanghai, and together with the relevant departments of Shanghai Municipality, it has made every effort to promote the stable production and resumption of work and production of key industrial enterprises. Among them, SAIC Motor's passenger cars, SAIC Volkswagen, SAIC-GM and other vehicles, parts and logistics enterprises have launched the stress test of resuming work and production from today.

Huawei Yu Chengdong: Automobile and mobile phone companies may completely stop production in May

The automotive industry chain is long, and the scope of production and logistics bases for core components production and logistics is also wider, and the survey shows that 36% of 102 enterprises in eastern China suffered production suspension in the first two weeks of April due to the impact of Shanghai sealing. From April 1 to April 10, the national retail sales of passenger cars were 246,000 units, down 32% year-on-year and 39% from the same period last month; and the wholesale sales of passenger cars were 242,000 units, down 39% year-on-year and 45% from the same period last month.

Huawei Yu Chengdong: Automobile and mobile phone companies may completely stop production in May

It should be pointed out that although Huawei has always made its position on not building cars, it has in-depth cooperation with CAR companies such as BAIC and Xilis, and the M7, which is jokingly called Huawei's "pro-son", has just completed the declaration recently. From this point of view, Yu Chengdong can't sit still and is forgivable. The online car market also learned that in the first batch of key enterprises in Shanghai to resume work and production "white list" (666 enterprises), a total of 251 automobile and automotive industry chain enterprises, accounting for 37.7%.

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