
May there be people in the world who have a sweet love that cannot see the end!

Text/Wisdom Great Central Plains

May there be people in the world who have a sweet love that cannot see the end!

—— Preface ——


—— 001 ——

This weather is really strange, the spring breeze is blowing, the spring is warm and blossoming, it is almost into May, and the weather is still hot and cold. It's like a young person in love, sometimes sweet and charming, sometimes sighing, the sea, the sea, or the sea.

Although people's lives are hard, we will still choose life, live hard, and make our lives hot. There is no one who does not feel tired, but the mentality and catharsis are different, there is talking, there is laziness to say...

Sighing, always in the evening of the sunset, because the sunset returns to the west, always let the love fill the heart. But I have to sigh helplessly, may there be people in the world who are related to each other, and they can have sweet love with no end in sight.

May there be people in the world who have a sweet love that cannot see the end!

—— 002 ——

The things in life are not what you want, what you can do, this can not be done by anyone. It's just that things are not human feelings, who can comfort? The hard and fortunate years have long been ruthlessly torn apart in the howling.

Words on the Internet can very well express the mood at the moment. "I buried the rose in the soil, along with myself when I was young." The end of the world has fallen into vicissitudes, and the bitter sea is looking for the heart of the lover. The love of going far has given birth to hatred, it is difficult to see each other, and it is left alone to guard Chunfang.

I love the spring breeze and the freedom of loneliness. I love the spirits alone, but I can't sleep, and my mind is full of past events. The promises made for love now continue only in their own world the belief in love that they do not want to change.

Always unforgettable a warm word in the circle of friends, only when the heart is full of care, love can shine. In a person's life, who does not want to encounter beautiful things, but the mysterious and mysterious things of fate always rub shoulders with people.

May there be people in the world who have a sweet love that cannot see the end!

—— 003 ——

The past can not be forgotten, as if it is a burden that cannot be put down, a shackle that cannot be released, all these things are the shackles in life. The past is getting heavier and heavier, and I once longed for the pursuit of love, and I don't know how long I can hold out.

Life is not easy, love is a luxury, and anticipation will only make it more tiring. Because far away and poetry are the escape of grace.

The gouge in front of you is the past that is difficult to let go, whether you are okay now, is to listen to your gentle and sweet voice again, to see your delicate face, and to listen to your rapid heartbeat...

—— 004 ——

People always experience something, inadvertently, there will be a change in personality. Therefore, many deceased people will slowly change their lives as if they were a different person, as if I am the same, and I do not seem to be the same as I used to be.

It's not the same me as before, but it's the same as before, or that irrepressible miss of you. Because I believe in love, I can't suppress my expectations of love.

In the middle of the night, there will always be a voice ringing in my ears: miss you, don't wait until tomorrow; miss you, just go pick today; miss you, make me scarred. And wanting to see you is the beautiful companion I have been looking forward to all my life.

May there be people in the world who have a sweet love that cannot see the end!

—— 005 ——

How I wish that time could stop her, that memories would never be memories, that memories would always be so wonderful and sweet. How I wish that as soon as I close my eyes, I will no longer cry with pain, nor will I forget it reluctantly.

This article was originally first published by Wisdom Da zhongyuan Thank you for your attention Welcome to share The picture comes from the network If there is infringement, please inform to delete it immediately (the picture in the article has nothing to do with the content of the article)

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