
Legendary World: The Taoist Dodge Stream Gameplay, have you ever seen it?

Legendary World: The Taoist Dodge Stream Gameplay, have you ever seen it?

Taoists had a high-level way of playing, and there were very few people who played Taoists at that time. Many people's initial understanding of the Taoist is assist, the amount of health is small, the damage is not high, but later found that you can summon two skeletons, when you brush the wild monster, you only need to throw a skill in the back, the two skeletons you summon can resist damage and help fight monsters! Why not!

Legendary World: The Taoist Dodge Stream Gameplay, have you ever seen it?

Speaking of dodging! The Taoist is the class with the highest dodging attributes of the three classes, especially after the bonus agility speed, it is difficult to touch him. Pk as long as the level difference is not much, you can consume him indefinitely, when he hits you, you can run stealthily, he can't catch up with you, while running while poisoning him, even if you can't beat him can also be disgusting to kill him. However, in the later stage, when encountering warriors with too much difference in rank, they will run quickly!

Legendary World: The Taoist Dodge Stream Gameplay, have you ever seen it?

I am also an old player myself, although this game is no longer the original appearance, but the touch and blood it brings to us are still in the heart. Xiaobian recently found a good mobile game, there are many versions, very fun! Recently, I also looked for memories of that year on my mobile phone

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