
After the baby is 2 years old, the most difficult thing for the mother to manage, it ranks first

前几天朋友 @Y姐 吐槽说,她家宝宝 @小土豆最近好像混世魔头上身,甭管啥东西,一到手全给你拆得稀碎,拆不掉的就砸烂、踩烂。

用 @Y姐 老公的话说:“土豆出征,寸草不生。”


After the baby is 2 years old, the most difficult thing for the mother to manage, it ranks first

来自贵州的 X 先生,下班回家看到了这样一幕:

After the baby is 2 years old, the most difficult thing for the mother to manage, it ranks first

X 先生表示,气不过来了,揍孩子瓷砖也回不去了,索性全换木地板吧。



After the baby is 2 years old, the most difficult thing for the mother to manage, it ranks first


After the baby is 2 years old, the most difficult thing for the mother to manage, it ranks first


After the baby is 2 years old, the most difficult thing for the mother to manage, it ranks first



After the baby is 2 years old, the most difficult thing for the mother to manage, it ranks first

(图源:微博 @酱婶儿嘤嘤嘤)

After the baby is 2 years old, the most difficult thing for the mother to manage, it ranks first

在娃眼里,低矮的马桶就像为 TA 们量身定做的洗漱池。“妈妈说了,要讲卫生”,于是,水果、餐具要洗一洗。

After the baby is 2 years old, the most difficult thing for the mother to manage, it ranks first


After the baby is 2 years old, the most difficult thing for the mother to manage, it ranks first


After the baby is 2 years old, the most difficult thing for the mother to manage, it ranks first


After the baby is 2 years old, the most difficult thing for the mother to manage, it ranks first


After the baby is 2 years old, the most difficult thing for the mother to manage, it ranks first


After the baby is 2 years old, the most difficult thing for the mother to manage, it ranks first


After the baby is 2 years old, the most difficult thing for the mother to manage, it ranks first


After the baby is 2 years old, the most difficult thing for the mother to manage, it ranks first


After the baby is 2 years old, the most difficult thing for the mother to manage, it ranks first



After the baby is 2 years old, the most difficult thing for the mother to manage, it ranks first
After the baby is 2 years old, the most difficult thing for the mother to manage, it ranks first



After the baby is 2 years old, the most difficult thing for the mother to manage, it ranks first


After the baby is 2 years old, the most difficult thing for the mother to manage, it ranks first

万一家里的宠物们生病也没在怕的。本宝宝行医 3 年治狗救猫,看诊打针药到病除。 (猫与狗:但我俩没病……)

After the baby is 2 years old, the most difficult thing for the mother to manage, it ranks first
After the baby is 2 years old, the most difficult thing for the mother to manage, it ranks first


After the baby is 2 years old, the most difficult thing for the mother to manage, it ranks first



After the baby is 2 years old, the most difficult thing for the mother to manage, it ranks first


After the baby is 2 years old, the most difficult thing for the mother to manage, it ranks first


After the baby is 2 years old, the most difficult thing for the mother to manage, it ranks first


After the baby is 2 years old, the most difficult thing for the mother to manage, it ranks first


After the baby is 2 years old, the most difficult thing for the mother to manage, it ranks first
After the baby is 2 years old, the most difficult thing for the mother to manage, it ranks first



After the baby is 2 years old, the most difficult thing for the mother to manage, it ranks first


After the baby is 2 years old, the most difficult thing for the mother to manage, it ranks first


After the baby is 2 years old, the most difficult thing for the mother to manage, it ranks first


After the baby is 2 years old, the most difficult thing for the mother to manage, it ranks first


After the baby is 2 years old, the most difficult thing for the mother to manage, it ranks first


After the baby is 2 years old, the most difficult thing for the mother to manage, it ranks first


After the baby is 2 years old, the most difficult thing for the mother to manage, it ranks first

每次娃一拆家闯祸,咱们当家长的,心里可能都出现过这样 2 个小人:

After the baby is 2 years old, the most difficult thing for the mother to manage, it ranks first
After the baby is 2 years old, the most difficult thing for the mother to manage, it ranks first




所以,和过去的“熊孩子”和解, 也对现在家里的“熊孩子”多一点点耐心吧。


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