
A must see for parents! It's relevant to your children who are taking online classes at home alone!



Children, because of the "epidemic"

Recently, I have been taking online classes at home

When you're at home alone

"Curious baby" of you

Is it to poke and poke in the east and touch in the west

(Xiaobian has "clairvoyance")

But did you know that there are some things that jeopardize your safety


Today, we sing old songs

Curious babies, come and listen

Let's be a good baby together~


Nursery rhymes are not catchy

Well, follow the editor

Knock on the point again

"Three No's"

"Wet hands don't touch, plugs don't touch, keys don't stick"

Children love to play with water

But water is the "nemesis" of electricity

Therefore, wet hands should not touch any household appliances

It may be short circuited or even electrocuted

A must see for parents! It's relevant to your children who are taking online classes at home alone!

The socket wires are long like ropes

The children couldn't help but pull and pull

But! In case the wires are old and worn

Then there is a risk of leakage

A must see for parents! It's relevant to your children who are taking online classes at home alone!

The "little nostrils" of the socket resemble a smiling face

Looks cute and loving

Can't help but want to play with the "little nostrils"

Keys, pencils, fingers in

You should know that this "small nostril" is charged

It's not cute at all

A must see for parents! It's relevant to your children who are taking online classes at home alone!

"Two points"

"Pack light, stay away from the wires"

Whether it's hot or cold

If you plug the electrical equipment into the entire socket

The circuit will be stressed

If the line is overheated, it will be short-circuited

Serious cases can lead to fires

A must see for parents! It's relevant to your children who are taking online classes at home alone!

Spring is here

How happy it is for the family to go out and fly kites

But play outdoors, remember to stay away from high voltage lines

In case of being wrapped up in a kite line

That's trouble

A must see for parents! It's relevant to your children who are taking online classes at home alone!

"One to remember"

"Remember the power sign, there is something to find uncle power"

Red is prohibited

Yellow is attention

Children must keep in mind

A must see for parents! It's relevant to your children who are taking online classes at home alone!

Don't be afraid in case of an emergency

Call Mom and Dad

Call Uncle Power

Uncle's magic pocket is magical

Various tools will be conjured up

Solve power problems

A must see for parents! It's relevant to your children who are taking online classes at home alone!

All babies are angels

It's all Mom and Dad's hope

Best wishes

Have fun and have fun

Grow up in peace

- End -

This cover song is for non-profit public welfare purposes, if there is a copyright problem, please contact to delete!

Source: State Grid Jiangsu Electric Power

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