
【First child e science】Correct collection of peripheral blood, parents and inspectors should cooperate closely

1. Which finger is rooted in learning

For peripheral blood, the common puncture sites are the fingers and heels, and the most common choice is the ring finger of the left hand, so why choose this finger? Is it different from other fingers?

Usually most people are accustomed to using the right hand, using the left hand to collect peripheral blood, and the impact on the function of the hand will be less. In addition, the flexor tendons, which play a major role in hand movement and hand holding function, are surrounded by a synovial sac, and the synovial sac of the thumb and little finger can directly lead to the deep palm, and once the infection occurs, it may be secondary to the entire deep palm infection. The index finger is the second flexible and commonly used finger of the hand, the use rate is high, in order to not affect daily use after blood collection, the index finger is also excluded. Although the synovial sac of the middle finger and ring finger are relatively independent, the middle finger is the longest finger and is the strength finger second only to the thumb, so it is not recommended to collect blood samples, or it is safer to collect the ring finger.

2, which part of the finger is also said

In fact, the collection of peripheral blood should be selected for healthy skin punctures of normal temperature, no scars, wounds, bruises, rashes, burns or infections, and the skin on both sides of the ring finger tip is the best choice. Because the finger is a protruding part of the bare body, it is relatively easy to operate, and the finger tip is distributed with rich nerve endings, a strong capillary network, no large arteries and veins, and blood collection in this position can first avoid heavy bleeding, and secondly, taking blood on the finger side can reduce pain. If blood is taken in the middle of the fingertip, the nerve endings of the ulnar and median nerves will be stimulated at the same time, causing a strong sense of pain, so it is best to take blood at the lateral end of the finger.

【First child e science】Correct collection of peripheral blood, parents and inspectors should cooperate closely

For infants and young children under 6 months of age, the finger is too small to be conducive to blood collection, and in order to prevent the damage to the nerves, tendons and bones that may be caused by puncture, the position of the heel is usually collected, that is, the heel blood is collected.

【First child e science】Correct collection of peripheral blood, parents and inspectors should cooperate closely

3. How do parents cooperate with the collection of peripheral blood?

The operation of the collection process is not standardized, which will affect the quality of peripheral blood, in addition to the correct operation of the inspector, it is more necessary for the correct posture of the parents to complete the blood collection quickly and well.

Children under the age of 6 who collect peripheral blood, parents need to help children maintain a more comfortable position, generally sitting, to help fix the wrist, pay attention to the warmth of the hands or wrap the child with a package, only exposing the blood collection site.

【First child e science】Correct collection of peripheral blood, parents and inspectors should cooperate closely

The first is the fixation before puncture: the parent sits on the blood collection chair, places the child on the leg, clamps the child's lower limbs with his own legs, and at the same time wraps around the child's chest, clamps his non-blood collection arm with one hand, firmly fixing the elbow that needs to collect blood; the other hand fixes the child's wrist so that the palm of his hand is up.

Immobilization in puncture: Parents need to regularly press and relax the child's wrist to ensure adequate blood flow. It is important to pay attention to the force and avoid excessive pressing of the wrist to prevent hemolysis or poor blood flow.

The most important thing is to pay attention to the soothing of the child's emotions throughout the blood collection process. Parents can comfort the child through gentle words and actions to maintain their emotional stability, if the child is too emotional, excessive and intense crying may affect the test results of some components of the blood, so for severe crying and struggle does not cooperate with the collection of children's specimens, need to be specially marked.

4. Nursing care after blood collection

After the peripheral blood collection is completed, the inspector will use a cotton swab to press to stop the bleeding, and the parent will continue to press the puncture point with the cotton swab after taking the cotton swab until there is no bleeding. The fingertip of the finger should raise the blood collection arm slightly, and the heel should raise the foot to a position higher than the body after the blood collection. If the bleeding is not well stopped after compression, children over 2 years old can apply a bandage to the wound to stop bleeding; it is not recommended that children under 2 years of age use a bandage or bandage to avoid the risk of tape irritation to the skin or bandage entanglement.

There is no need to panic in the face of the epidemic

Text | Liu Weijie

Figure | From the "Consensus on Peripheral Blood Collection Operations in China"

Edit | Publicity Center

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