
Why do newborn babies always grin when they fall asleep? It is not necessarily a dream, but after my mother understands it, she is solid

Why do newborn babies always grin when they fall asleep? It is not necessarily a dream, but after my mother understands it, she is solid

"Jing Mama, the baby in the confinement, often grins when sleeping?" Mother-in-law said superstition that this is to meet the mother-in-law, by the mother-in-law said that I am a little afraid, this situation does not need to go to the doctor? ”

Newborn babies often grin in their sleep, which should be encountered by many new parents.

Crying and laughing are common expressions, but newborn babies, when awake, will only cry, and will not smile, only after falling asleep can sometimes see the baby smiling, what is going on?

Next, let's explore the "smile secret" of the newborn baby with Jing Mama!

Why do newborn babies always grin when they fall asleep? It is not necessarily a dream, but after my mother understands it, she is solid

Why do newborn babies often grin when they fall asleep? Not necessarily a dream

My son often smiled in his sleep during the month, and my mother looked at him and smiled secretly, and said to me, "You see he often dreams and laughs, how smart"!

In fact, newborn babies often grin after falling asleep, mainly related to the growth and development of this stage.

Because the central nervous system is not perfect, the cerebral cortex is in a state of diffuse inhibition when sleeping, and the control of muscle groups in various parts of the body is limited, and the baby may have a transient perioral muscle involuntary movement during sleep, looking as if it is "smiling".

Why do newborn babies always grin when they fall asleep? It is not necessarily a dream, but after my mother understands it, she is solid

In addition, newborn babies should develop rapidly after birth, sleep most of the day, and babies in the first month of life can sleep about 16-20 hours a day.

But the sleep cycle is different from that of adults, and the cycle of a dark sleep is about 50 minutes.

When in a deep sleep state, the baby looks very quiet, but when in a light sleep state, sleep is relatively unsteady, and there may be eye movements, eyelid activity, irregular breathing, sucking and chewing.

However, this is all normal, the mother does not have to worry, the baby smiles in sleep, indicating that the spirit is more relaxed, the heart feels satisfied and happy.

Seeing this phenomenon, the mother should not disturb the baby, to maintain a quiet sleeping environment, the temperature and humidity are also appropriate, which can make the baby sleep better, but also more conducive to growth and development.

Why do newborn babies always grin when they fall asleep? It is not necessarily a dream, but after my mother understands it, she is solid

When will your baby laugh spontaneously? The sooner you laugh, the smarter you get

Mom and Dad are especially happy when they see their baby's first heartfelt smile, and the previous sleepless nights and days of devastation and chaos suddenly become irrelevant.

So, how old will the baby be to smile spontaneously?

In general, babies never realize that they laugh spontaneously and go through 3 stages:

0-1 month: Reflex smile.

At this stage of the baby, sometimes the mother will see the baby smile after he is full and asleep, but the smile at this time is spontaneous and unconscious, and there will be no eye contact with the mother.

Why do newborn babies always grin when they fall asleep? It is not necessarily a dream, but after my mother understands it, she is solid

1-2 months: Smile consciously.

As your baby's emotional and social skills develop, it is generally 4-6 weeks, and a conscious smile may appear when stimulated by the outside world. But different babies have individual differences, and babies who have a conscious smile early are relatively smart.

At this time, the mother should interact with the baby more and let him interact with your smile.

The American Academy of Pediatrics Parenting Encyclopedia points out that the more this interaction, the higher the baby's brain development, the easier it is for his attention to be diverted from instinct, which is crucial for his overall development.

Why do newborn babies always grin when they fall asleep? It is not necessarily a dream, but after my mother understands it, she is solid

3-4 months: Social smile.

By 3 months, babies will be "master of smile communication" and they will already recognize their mothers.

Babies at this stage sometimes use a bright smile and giggles to attract their mother's attention and take the initiative to start "chatting" with their mother.

Sometimes just lie down and look at your mother, knowing that you are smiling, he will respond enthusiastically, even the whole body of the dancer is involved.

Laughing, like crying, is a way for babies to express their needs, and with conscious laughter, it will make your baby more in control of everything that is happening around him, and learn to interact with adults and enjoy it.

American expert Elin Wolf has done tracking, and studies have found that if the baby will laugh after 3 days of birth, the IQ can be as high as 180 by the age of 6, so he believes that the earlier the baby laughs, the smarter it is.

In fact, in life, we have also found that smiling babies are more likely to get attention and be liked by the people around them. In order to increase the attention and like of the baby, the smile will increase, which also indirectly indicates that this is the performance of the baby's intelligence.

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Why do newborn babies always grin when they fall asleep? It is not necessarily a dream, but after my mother understands it, she is solid

As a new parent, the scientific parenting of the baby after birth is very important, only if the parents do it right, can they help the baby develop healthier and smarter!

Does your baby like to laugh? How old did you start smiling? Welcome to share your experience with new parents!

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