
Coax to sleep for half an hour without sleeping, teach you a quick trick to coax you to sleep

Coax to sleep for half an hour without sleeping, teach you a quick trick to coax you to sleep

"How can I not sleep when I walk in my arms for half an hour"

"Maybe hungry, it's good to feed a little more milk"

"I fell asleep after drinking, woke up after drinking, what to do"

"Or get up and play again, and sleep in an hour"

"Yawning all the time, how to just not sleep"

"Crying and crying, milk is not drunk, it looks sleepy how to not sleep"

Every time you go to sleep, it is a long-term war of resistance, and you will never sleep for more than half an hour.

According to the wakefulness interval and sleep signal, immediately arrange to fall asleep, or do not sleep.

What the hell is going on here?

Restrictive responses

(Those who don't want to read the theory can skip to the next paragraph)

Conditioning response: When a stimulus appears, it induces a response.

Response constraints: New stimuli can induce responses.

Response weakening: When a conditional stimulus, in the absence of an unrestricting stimulus, continues to appear until the stimulus no longer has a corresponding restrictive response.

Hard to understand? It's okay, the cute Pavlov dog is coming!

When giving dog meat, the dog will drool, which is the restriction reaction.

Every time you give dog meat, you ring the bell, and after repeated stimulation, the dog will drool as long as he hears the bell, which is the reaction constraint.

When you give meat again, don't shake the bell again, don't give meat when you ring the bell, after continuous stimulation, the dog will no longer drool when it hears the bell, which is the weakening of the reaction.

Okay, the theory is over, or don't understand? Forget it, look down!

Coax to sleep for half an hour without sleeping, teach you a quick trick to coax you to sleep

Restrictive response to sleep

I have said before why newborns need to go to sleep, here is not much to say, want to know, please read the previous article.

Newborns are born with a restrictive response, that is, sedative reflex (that is, to restore the uterine environment, wrap, boo, shake, suck, 5S soothing method), after stimulation, the baby will quickly quiet down.

Then when the baby is sleepy, two ways of coaxing and sleeping (restriction reaction) are naturally derived, that is, to take away and shake and sleep with milk.

So what reaction constraints will we generally establish?

For example, patting your back and singing lullabies, these are the conversion of booing and shaking.

Such as sleep rituals, going back to the room to sleep, using pacifiers, comforters, etc.

Repeat the same way every time your baby is sleepy, and it's easy for your baby to fall asleep.

So under what circumstances will the response weaken?

The way of using milk sleep all the time, slowly holding away and shaking the effect becomes weaker.

Or if you only use the way of holding away and shaking all the time, the baby will not drink milk slowly until he falls asleep.

In addition, there are usually play in bed, or sleep in the living room, then back to the room will not want to sleep.

Of course, there is a very important point, do not pay attention to the baby's sleep signal and wake interval, every time the baby is sleepy, there is no time to coax sleep, slowly coaxing sleep and sleepiness is disconnected.

Coupled with excessive fatigue, it is even more difficult to sleep.

So the more chaotic the way of coaxing, the harder it is for the baby to coax.

So what should I do if it's hard to sleep?

Coax to sleep for half an hour without sleeping, teach you a quick trick to coax you to sleep

Uniform way of falling asleep

To solve the difficulty of sleeping, it is necessary to establish and strengthen the drowsiness and the reaction to sleep.

Unified way of coaxing: when the baby is sleepy, go back to the room and start to sleep, each time using (and can only use) the same way to coax the baby to sleep. It is recommended to sleep in place in the room, hugging horizontally, and can be shaken slightly.

If your baby is not willing to hug horizontally, you can hold it vertically for a while, and then try to hold it horizontally when it calms down. If your baby is crying, try squats.

Hum the same melody, you can also choose a more soothing song chorus or children's song, no matter who in the family to coax sleep with the same song.

Sleep rituals: go back to the room, turn off the lights, pull the curtains, put on a sleeping bag, etc., so that the baby will know that it is time to sleep.

Pay attention to the baby's sleep signal and wakefulness interval, the baby must be sleepy immediately. (Wake-up interval and work and rest, etc. according to the age of the month to view the previously shared articles)

Sleeping place: Fixed a room, the same location, only sleep in the room, wake up immediately after leaving the room. The room only offers sleep for this thing.

In the case of difficulty in sleeping, it is recommended to close the room a little darker and strengthen the baby's cognition of sleep, so that the connection between not being in the room - bright - awake, in the room - dim - sleep.

All the movements are completely fixed, so that the restriction response can be formed in the shortest possible time, and the baby can fall asleep very quickly as long as he is sleepy and returns to the room.

Generally speaking, for a week or so, the situation of difficulty in coaxing and sleeping will be improved. If it lasts for more than a month, you can fall asleep within 5 minutes.

Of course, when the problem of difficulty in coaxing sleep is solved, you can start to reduce the time of hugging, try to lie on the bed and pat yourself, and slowly reduce the soothing force.

Joe's dad's broken thoughts

If it is difficult to sleep, you must solve this problem before you can adjust your sleep behavior.

It is difficult to coax sleep in itself, and the way of high comfort can not sleep, let alone reduce the comfort force.

There is also the use of the pick-up and drop method or the Farber method, it is best to solve the problem of difficulty in sleeping first, otherwise it will fall asleep on its own at once, and the baby does not know that it is going to sleep, then in the end it is basically a white cry.

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