
Key Q&A: Why does the concubine laugh at the lychee and not the male flower and the female flower?

author:Guangzhou Zhijing agricultural materials
Key Q&A: Why does the concubine laugh at the lychee and not the male flower and the female flower?

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  Concubine Smile is a variety of lychees, also known as Luotang Pu and Jade Lotus Bag. The late Tang Dynasty poet Du Mu has a poem: "A red dust concubine laughs, and no one knows that it is a lychee." That's how the variety of concubines laughs got its name.

This variety has large fruits, thick flesh, beautiful color, small core, sweet taste, and excellent quality and flavor. It is one of the high-quality varieties of medium and early maturing. Every year, there is a farmer consultation, and his concubine will have an imbalance in the ratio of male and female flowers, resulting in a low fruit set rate, so what is the reason? Is there any way to increase fruit set?

Key Q&A: Why does the concubine laugh at the lychee and not the male flower and the female flower?

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Concubine smiles at the lychee on the same tree, usually there are three batches of flowers, one batch next to the other, after opening a batch followed by the next batch. Different flowering orders have a great influence on fruit set, and their field performance is roughly as follows:



A small number of male flowers bloom first, followed by a large number of female flowers, and finally a small number of male flowers. This is the most favorable flowering order for fruit set. Most plants appear in this flowering order in normal years.



The female flowers bloom first, then the male flowers, and finally the female flowers, and the amount of flowers in each batch is uncertain. This is the flowering order of the "first batch of fruits" that is commonly placed in orchards. Because the "small fruit" of the last batch of flowers must sit after the "first batch of fruit", it is difficult for plants that appear in this flowering order to preserve fruit, either the "big fruit" arches a large number of "small fruits", or the "small fruit" arches a large number of "big fruits", and the number of symbiotic large and small fruits left is limited. No matter what kind of year or orchard, plants that bloom in this order will always appear more or less.


Female-female-male, female-female-female

The large number of cases that occur in this flowering order has a lot to do with the climate of the year. If the winter is hot and dry and the sun is abundant, most plants will appear in the order of "female flowers" that bloom first. When the "female flowers" bloom first in large quantities, often due to insufficient pollen of male flowers, coupled with the high sugar secretion of female flowers, the first flowers are difficult to set fruit, and large areas of fruit setting must rely on the second batch of flowers.


Male-male-female, male-male-male

The large number of cases that occur in this flowering order is also related to the climate of the year. If the winter is rainy and sunny that year, the plant will appear in large numbers of male flowers, and the number and number of female flowers are very small, and many plants will inevitably be "bald".

Flower organ development in the early stage of the bud is not male and female, are in the basic development stage, about fifteen days before the flowering period, the mother through gene expression, determine which buds develop into male flowers and which buds develop into female flowers. However, the development of female organs is more complex than that of male organs, and in subsequent development, more "raw materials" are needed to construct ovary and flower pillar, which include photosynthetic nutrients and cell constituents. If the "raw materials" are scarce, the development of female organs will stagnate, and they have to develop in the direction of male organs with simple structures, directly developing into male flowers.

Why do climatic factors have such an impact on the "gender" of flower buds? The most immediate cause is the accumulation of "photosynthetic nutrients (photosynthetic products, carbohydrates)". Sufficient light, less rain, high photosynthetic production capacity and less consumption, the photosynthetic nutrition of female flowers is sufficient, which is conducive to the formation of more female flowers. On the contrary, the light is insufficient, the rain is more, the production capacity of photosynthetic products is low and the consumption is large, the supply of photosynthetic nutrition in the subsequent development of female flowers is insufficient, female flowers become male flowers, female flowers are scarce, and the male flower ratio is large.

In actual production, if you encounter rare light and frequent rain during the control period, you should control the shoots steadily, do not let the "punching shoots" consume too much photosynthetic nutrients, and strengthen the accumulation of photosynthetic nutrients, such as "circumcision" or foliar spraying of "nucleotides", flower power strong foliar fertilizer, etc., in order to avoid the emergence of a large number of "bald" trees.

In addition, calcium and boron are important elements for building cell walls and promoting the development of sexual organs, and the subsequent developmental demand of female organs is greater. Due to long-term intake, the stock of these two elements in the land and tree body has been scarce, hindering the subsequent development of female organs, which is also an important reason why there are more male flowers and fewer female flowers in Hainan lychee in recent years.

Therefore, in the lychee before budding ~ bud stage ~ flowering period multiple sprays containing calcium, boron, zinc, vitamins and other 10 kinds of trace elements of the flower strength + sugar alcohol boron foliar fertilizer, help balance the proportion of male and female flowers of lychee, promote flower preservation, improve fruit set rate.

Summary: The different flowering order of the lychee concubine laugh has a great impact on the fruit set rate. Male-female-male is the most favorable flowering order for fruit setting. The main factors affecting the flowering ratio of male and female are related to climatic factors, and more light and less rain are conducive to the formation of flowers.

During the control period, there is little light, frequent rain, and "flushing", which can be circumcised or foliar spraying of flowers containing calcium, boron, zinc, vitamins and other trace elements. It can be sprayed multiple times before budding ~ bud stage ~ flowering period, which helps balance the proportion of male and female flowers of lychee, promote flower preservation, and improve fruit set rate. Have you all learned? If you want to learn more about lychee planting management technology, remember to pay attention to our public account!

Key Q&A: Why does the concubine laugh at the lychee and not the male flower and the female flower?
Key Q&A: Why does the concubine laugh at the lychee and not the male flower and the female flower?

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