
"Heartbeat Moment" The road of acacia is long, and the road of love is vast

1, the most beautiful you are not born like a summer flower, but in the long river of time, the waves are not alarming.

"Heartbeat Moment" The road of acacia is long, and the road of love is vast

2, the ancients said that young people read like a window to peek at the moon, adults read like the moon in front of the steps, and the elderly read like looking at the moon on the top of the mountain.

3) If someone really wants to be a part of your life, then they will definitely work hard for it.

4, maintain a relationship is not a confession, but to consider the other party's feelings, and have reservations.

5, perhaps, behind all the wrong choices that are not optimistic and no one tries, there will be the possibility of not seeing, the unknown that has not been designed. The unknown is frightening, curious, and therefore proves your courage and fulfills your self-confidence. At the end of every cul-de-sac, there is a sky of another dimension that forces you to take off when there is no way out, and that is a miracle.

6, slipped away of the small fish, always the most beautiful; the lost lover, always the most understanding of you. If you find that there are such people around you, please cherish them.

7, some people have big dreams, some people have their own small happiness. There is no difference between high and low, as long as you have a good time. The sign of a person's maturity is not to disturb other people's little happiness, nor to laugh at other people's dreams, as long as they are really involved in it. One day you will understand that it is impossible to make everyone like it, as long as the people around you like it, there is no need to listen to too much of a bustling sound.

8, do not delusional in the passage of time to complete self-redemption, time is not able to automatically heal the wound, at best only in the wound of a thick scab, if you think of tearing it off, it will still be bloody; do not expect to achieve self-transformation under the support of others, someone can send you a ride, no one can accompany you for a lifetime, most of the time we are on our own to the end. You don't have to rely on fantasies, you don't have to rely too much on it, you are the only one who can cross you.

9, if the moon comes out with you, if the autumn wind blows up the fallen leaves, if you are still in place, I will run to you, even if separated by a sea of people and thousands of rivers and mountains, please let me hug you.

"Heartbeat Moment" The road of acacia is long, and the road of love is vast

10, learn to maintain a certain degree of loneliness in the crowd, do not have any ideas to tell others immediately. Also, don't take too seriously what others say. You can't expect too much from others, both morally and intellectually. An indifferent and indifferent attitude should be exercised in the opinions of others, for this is one of the most practical means of cultivating a commendable tolerance.

"Heartbeat Moment" The road of acacia is long, and the road of love is vast

11, time is a good thing, verified the human heart, witnessed human nature, understood the real, understood the false, there is no unsolvable problem, only the unsolvable mood, no experience that cannot go, only the self that cannot go out! I was always worried about who I was going to lose, but I forgot to ask, who would be afraid of losing me? Life, hard work, cherished, and have a clear conscience! 12, the road of love is long, the road of love is vast. Keep the loneliness, keep the loneliness, only then can the fragrant flowers bloom. The petals contain your gentle smile, charming style, and rich pure fragrance. The wait is long and helpless.

13 There are some people in life who have rubbed shoulders with us, but they have not met; they have met, but they have not met; they have known each other, but they have not been able to get acquainted; they are familiar, but they still have to say goodbye.

14, the world's things are very strange, obviously very much in love with each other, but always hurt each other, so that love becomes scarred. Perhaps it is precisely because of the depth of love that the other party will be more demanding and will be more likely to cause harm.

"Heartbeat Moment" The road of acacia is long, and the road of love is vast

15, people who speak well, the heart is often cold. People who do not have a good word on their lips are very kind in their hearts. People are very good at being human, and there is always a calculation behind them. What does not become a man before man is integrity. Saying to your face that you are not good are really friends. It is the one who says bad things about you behind your back. It is not terrible to offend people in front of you, and it is the most important thing to offend people unconsciously. Therefore, being a person can not only look at the front, but also look at the back to know the whole picture.

16 We live in such a complex world. Pulled by irregular things that are never repeated like pi. Towards the end of the world, a blind trek. I live in a world as complex and unpredictable as Pi. Go through your life slowly. In fact, many times I never even believed in myself.

17, love can tolerate resentment, can accept hate, love does not need to say sorry. Traveling together for a lifetime is a rare fate; spending a trip together is also a valuable anniversary. Love has no cause and effect, love has no rules, love does not distinguish between right and wrong, and love never fades.

18 When you meet someone you truly love: Try to fight for the opportunity to be with him for a lifetime, because when he leaves, it is too late. ------ When you meet a friend you can trust: get along with him well, because in a person's life, it is really not easy to meet a confidant. ------ when you meet someone you've loved: Remember to smile and thank him, because he's the one who made you know more about love. 19, do not wear colored glasses to see people, learn to respect everyone around you.

20, only when you really see it open and figure it out, the heart disease will be eradicated. Soldiers will come to block, water will come to cover, put the heart flat, relax the heart, happiness will always be there. Once there is greed, it is doomed to loss. If you are simple, the world is simple for you. Simple life can be a happy life, people should be self-sufficient and happy, nothing can be thought of complicated, the load of the soul is heavy, it will complain about the world.

"Heartbeat Moment" The road of acacia is long, and the road of love is vast

21, growth, take away not only time, but also take away the courage of those who are not afraid of losing. Most of the mistakes are because they do not persist, do not work hard, do not retain, and then hypnotize themselves to say that everything is fate. It turns out that time has always been there, but we are flying by.

22, people, can live authentically, but not too seriously. When the water is clear, there is no fish, and when people are aware, there is no vain. The greatest sorrow of perfectionists is that they live unreally. Reality is the truest reality. In the real world, there is bitterness and pleasure, sourness and sweetness. The greatest pleasure of human life is to find happiness from suffering. Pursuing everything well is a positive thought, but it is not the best way to live. It is rare to be confused, easy-going, and easy-going in life.

23, life, always make people speechless. When laughing, it is not necessarily happy, perhaps it is a kind of helplessness; when crying, it is not necessarily a tear, maybe it is a kind of release; when it is painful, it is not necessarily hurt, maybe it is a kind of heartbeat. After walking a long way, I always want to see a landscape, because it has been engraved; when I think of a person, I will always shed tears.

"Heartbeat Moment" The road of acacia is long, and the road of love is vast

24, life is always ups and downs, don't complain about anything, you are happy, there will be worries; even if you are unlucky, you will be lucky. We think that life is a tragedy or a comedy, but in fact, it is not, you can get out of the tragedy, and in the end it is often a comedy; if you indulge in comedy, the ending is often a tragedy. Crying and laughing canine teeth intertwined, tragic and joyful moments of reincarnation, learning to forget when crying, sharing with others when laughing, no one wants to cry, no one refuses to laugh.

"Heartbeat Moment" The road of acacia is long, and the road of love is vast

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