
Biden disagrees with the Bucha massacre, and what signals have been released by the acceleration of the inflow of funds into Russia

author:Moderator Lao Zhang

The Russo-Ukrainian War entered its 41st day. Zelenskiy personally visited the town of Bucha on the 4th and spoke out about the "Bucha Town Massacre" incident of the Russian army, claiming that Russia's actions in Ukraine were genocide.

As expected, headlines such as "Nightmare," "Genocide," and "Massacre of Civilians" appeared on the front pages of Western newspapers. There is only one purpose: Russia is responsible for this. After the news was hyped up, politicians in Europe and the United States unanimously condemned Russia's "atrocities" and said that they would further increase sanctions against Russia.

Biden disagrees with the Bucha massacre, and what signals have been released by the acceleration of the inflow of funds into Russia


Biden naturally condemned it at the first time, but in the discussion about the "Butcha Town Massacre" later in the day, Biden disagreed with calling the Butcha incident a "genocide" but calling it a "war crime."

In contrast to Biden's claims, a senior Pentagon official said the United States could not independently corroborate reports of Boucha's atrocities.

It's interesting that Biden disagreed with Zelenskiy on the issue of the "Bucha Town Massacre."

As more evidence flows out, the massacre concocted by the Western media has basically been confirmed as a film directed by the Ukrainian side. This conclusion is in line with the consistent style of the actor Zelensky.

Biden disagrees with the Bucha massacre, and what signals have been released by the acceleration of the inflow of funds into Russia

From the current evidence, the driver director's "Bucha Town Massacre" has at least the following 7 loopholes:

First, the logic is different. In order to reach a negotiated term to end the war as soon as possible, it is completely illogical for Russia to create a massacre of 300 or 400 civilians at this time.

Second, from the video released by the Western media, in the rearview mirror of the shooting vehicle, the body that was previously photographed was seen, and when the shooting vehicle left, the "corpse" stood up.

Third, the Russian Ministry of Defense announced that the complete withdrawal of troops from Bucha was on March 30, while the Ukrainian side announced that hundreds of bodies were found on the streets three days later, and after March 30, the Ukrainian side believed that the Russian army was still in Bucha and had carried out multiple shelling of Bucha for up to 24 hours with heavy artillery and multiple rocket launcher systems; that is, if there were civilians killed in the streets, it was also the handiwork of ukrainians.

Fourth, on March 31, after the withdrawal of the Russian troops from the town of Bucha, the mayor of the town of Bucha entered the town and announced the "liberation" of the town, but did not say anything about the corpses on the road; the mayor's partner and wrestler Jambereyuk also arrived in the town of Bucha at the same time, and he smiled on the photos he published.

Biden disagrees with the Bucha massacre, and what signals have been released by the acceleration of the inflow of funds into Russia

The mayor's partner, Jambele-Nuuk, entered the town of Bucha with a smile on his face

Fifth, according to a video previously released by Ukrainian officials, when they entered the town of Bucha, the streets were empty, and the residents were chatting casually and naturally, if so many corpses were found at that time, how could they not be recorded?

Biden disagrees with the Bucha massacre, and what signals have been released by the acceleration of the inflow of funds into Russia

Ukrainian officially released videos show the streets empty

Sixth, four days after the incident, these "corpses" on the streets were not dried. Judging from the published photos, those bodies even had undried blood and unskempt corpses, and if these bodies were real, most likely they were Russians in Ukraine, they were likely to have been killed as "agents of the Russian army" or "collaborators" cooperating with the "occupation authorities".

Seventh, in these released "dead" photographs, without exception, the head is covered by a hat of one-piece clothing, covering the entire head, or wrapped in a black plastic sheet, which is very similar to the scene of washing powder in Powell's hand.

Biden disagrees with the Bucha massacre, and what signals have been released by the acceleration of the inflow of funds into Russia


Obviously, the benefits of publishing such fake news for Zelenskiy are obvious. Europe, the United States, Japan and other countries have once again rushed forward and announced that they will increase sanctions against Russia.

Sergei Markov, director of the Russian Institute of Political Research, believes that the Bucha massacre concocted by Ukraine opened a new Pandora's box that could become a turning point, pushing Russians into the abyss to become untouchables.

Markov said this means that Russia faces charges of war crimes, lies will become the main means of fighting against Russia, and the Kiev regime can gain support for any heinous crime against Russia.

Biden disagrees with the Bucha massacre, and what signals have been released by the acceleration of the inflow of funds into Russia

Just as the Russo-Ukrainian War was in a stalemate, two news releases from Bloomberg and the Royal Bank of Canada attracted attention.

Bloomberg news on April 4 said that if Russia's major buyers of energy and resources do not impose an embargo on their imports, Moscow expects to earn nearly $321 billion in 2022, an increase of more than 30% over 2021.

The Institute of International Finance (IIF) of the American Institute of Economic Research predicts that Russia's current account surplus in 2020 could reach $240 billion. Others predict $300 billion. In 2020, China, which ranks first in current account surplus, is $310 billion, and Germany, which ranks second, is $261 billion.

This not only shows that Russia has a lot of surplus grain in its hands, but also shows that the large-scale sanctions of Western countries have failed to prevent the continuous flow of funds into Russia.

On the same day, RBC quoted economists as well as the International Finance Association as saying that money flowing into Russia from abroad could be a record this year.

Experts from the International Finance Association point out that Moscow's balance of payments has always been determined by energy resources, raw material exports and commodity imports. Despite the reduction in trading volumes, Russia's sales revenue in March was close to an all-time high, taking into account price increases, especially oil prices.

Biden disagrees with the Bucha massacre, and what signals have been released by the acceleration of the inflow of funds into Russia

But in turn, Economists in Russia have pointed out that given the current inability to inject excess Western monetary funds into official reserves, this could lead to an acceleration in domestic inflation.

The Kremlin is also preparing to fight this economic war. It is said that the Central Bank of Russia has taken measures to stabilize the situation in the foreign exchange market on the one hand, and on the other hand, it has implemented the strategy of paying gas supply fees in rubles to unfriendly countries. In addition, Russia has drawn up plans to deal with the restrictions and has prepared about one trillion rubles in funds.

Russia clearly faces many difficulties to be solved, and the situation seems to have deteriorated to the bottom. But judging from Biden's attitude toward Russia and the effectiveness of Russia's energy card, Russia is obviously not as bad as the outside world predicts.

How to break the game? This is a tough question.

But according to Markov, director of the Russian Institute of Political Research, it is actually very simple. He believed that there was only one way out, and that was to defeat the Nazi regime in Ukraine as soon as possible.

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