
After four rounds of nuclear blackmail, who would believe that Russia would throw nuclear weapons into war?

author:Fish without swim bladders


People all over the world know that Russia is a nuclear power and the country with the largest number of nuclear warheads; it also knows that once nuclear weapons are put into war, it means the end of the world; so everyone talks about "nuclear" discoloration and prays that the world will not have a nuclear war.

After four rounds of nuclear blackmail, who would believe that Russia would throw nuclear weapons into war?

Russia and the United States have the largest number of nuclear warheads


After four rounds of nuclear blackmail, who would believe that Russia would throw nuclear weapons into war?

First nuclear blackmail: February 27, 2022

After four rounds of nuclear blackmail, who would believe that Russia would throw nuclear weapons into war?

Second nuclear blackmail: March 2, 2022

After four rounds of nuclear blackmail, who would believe that Russia would throw nuclear weapons into war?

Third nuclear blackmail: March 23, 2022

After four rounds of nuclear blackmail, who would believe that Russia would throw nuclear weapons into war?

Fourth nuclear blackmail: March 26, 2022

Today, leaving aside whether Russia can break through NATO's various air defense systems and launch nuclear warheads; let's talk about whether Russia will put nuclear weapons into war.

After four rounds of nuclear blackmail, who would believe that Russia would throw nuclear weapons into war?

The Russian SS-18 Satan ICBM can carry a nuclear warhead

Once Russia throws nuclear weapons into war and indiscriminately kills women, children, the elderly and children, then Russia will become the common enemy of 7.6 billion people in the world (excluding Russia's more than 140 million people); after all, everyone's wives and children have a beautiful life, and suddenly there is a country that wants to make mankind go to the end of the world, and everyone will fight with this country; which country dares to become the public enemy of mankind?

After four rounds of nuclear blackmail, who would believe that Russia would throw nuclear weapons into war?

Mushroom clouds from nuclear explosions

再一个,俄罗斯是资本主义国家,是多党执政的;普大帝当局想用核武器时,有支持的,自然也有反对的(原先支持大帝当局的富人、名流估计也会反对动用核武);其他政党也想着找机会让普大帝下台(永远‬别‬低估‬了政客‬对‬权利‬的欲望‬),自家‬党派‬好‬上台‬当政‬;两权‬相害‬取其‬轻,大帝‬‬肯定‬不想‬着‬授‬人以把柄‬,想平平安安‬地‬ 走完‬自己‬的‬政治‬生涯......

After four rounds of nuclear blackmail, who would believe that Russia would throw nuclear weapons into war?

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, Russia changed from a socialist country to a capitalist country, and the state government was multi-party

To sum up, I think it is one thing to let soldiers charge into battle, it is another thing to let those high-ranking Russian officials and influential rich people throw nuclear bombs and kill them, and today's nuclear weapons are more of a strategic deterrent; so Russia will not put nuclear weapons into war, it will be thrown away long ago, otherwise it will not carry out four rounds of nuclear blackmail within a month. Far from nuclear war, may there be world peace.

After four rounds of nuclear blackmail, who would believe that Russia would throw nuclear weapons into war?

Peace 鸽️

#Russia-Ukraine conflict ##Russia ##乌克兰 #

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