
Is material love long??

Can love be long without materiality?

First of all, love is like a message, it needs a carrier. For example, when you only have a bowl of porridge left, you are willing to starve yourself and give the porridge to him; when you have one piece of clothing left, you are willing to give him warmth... Material things don't mean money, sometimes very ordinary things, as long as you are willing to give, this is love. A silly love...

Is material love long??

The reality is that most of the reality is that two people have been together for a long time, there are many contradictions, and if the love is only based on material foundations, it will never last. Once he is materialistic, his heart will never be filled, and you will never be able to satisfy him. The material requirements of TA will become higher and higher. High is unreasonable, high makes you discouraged. Maintaining love with material things can only be temporary, not lasting. One day he will leave you.

Is material love long??

But just like bread and love are indispensable in life, you can't say who is lighter and who is heavier. Under its guidance, many people today have established a world view, outlook on life and values that are contrary to the "beginning of man, nature is good".

Let's start with the way love and bread are produced.

There are two ways to produce love: first, two people fall in love at first sight, see each other and hate late, and second, cultivate or have a long-term love. It is a command of the human brain to secrete hormones to the human body, which is a natural physiological phenomenon. Bread is produced in many ways, mainly four large pieces: inheritance, labor, gifts, and rewards. These are the results of man-made transformation of nature, which man has exchanged for labor.

As analyzed above, love is a natural physiological phenomenon, and bread is the result of human labor, so the problem is not difficult to solve: love is a signal that will be sent from the depths of the heart when it meets a specific person, please note that it is specific, not all, that it is encounterable and unattainable; bread can be created as long as you work hard with wisdom and hands.

What can be created through wisdom and labor, if not possessed for the time being, can continue to work hard, as long as the opportunities and methods are right, one day, it can be obtained after all, and the things that can be encountered but not sought, once missed, may never be produced again.

Is material love long??

Here is an appeal to all lovers in the world, please firmly grasp your hard-won love, do not change the most beautiful things in the world because of practical factors!

                         May a lover eventually become a family member!

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