
Lychees hurt the heart, pears hurt the spleen, and the most kidney hurt... The 5 most feared fruits of the major organs

author:Babaifang Health said

When it comes to fruits, everyone's reaction is: natural, healthy, nutritious...

Indeed, the fruit is sweet and sour, nutritious, and mostly contains vitamins, dietary fiber, and minerals. Both adults and children love to eat.

Lychees hurt the heart, pears hurt the spleen, and the most kidney hurt... The 5 most feared fruits of the major organs

However, eating fruit is also exquisite. Some fruits nourish the five organs, and some fruits are less friendly to the organs.

The fruit of the five organs that are loved and feared the most

01. The heart loves apples the most and is most afraid of lychees

Lychees hurt the heart, pears hurt the spleen, and the most kidney hurt... The 5 most feared fruits of the major organs

Apple has always had the reputation of "the general practitioner of the fruit world", and the benefits are leveraged!

It is worth mentioning that the polyphenols and flavonoids contained in apples can reduce the fragility of blood vessels, improve the permeability of blood vessels, and reduce blood lipids and cholesterol.

Clinically, many doctors have prescribed "apples" to cardiovascular patients: it is recommended that such patients eat an apple every day.

Small reminder: if you want to protect your heart, don't cook it!

Because after the apple is heated, the polyphenols and flavonoid antioxidants contained in it will be sharply reduced, and the heart-protecting effect will naturally be greatly reduced.

Patients with heart disease cannot eat lychees, because eating lychees is easy to catch fire and may aggravate the disease.

02. The liver loves hawthorn the most and is most afraid of avocados

Lychees hurt the heart, pears hurt the spleen, and the most kidney hurt... The 5 most feared fruits of the major organs

★ Hawthorn: A natural liver fruit

Chinese medicine believes that hawthorn taste sour, sweet, slightly warm, attributed to the spleen, stomach, liver meridians.

Hawthorn contains hawthorn acid, citric acid, tartaric acid can nourish the liver yin, and help the liver to give full play to its digestive function.

Lychees hurt the heart, pears hurt the spleen, and the most kidney hurt... The 5 most feared fruits of the major organs

Small reminder: It is recommended not to eat hawthorn on an empty stomach. The fruit acid of hawthorn will stimulate the gastric mucosa, especially for people with inflammation and ulcers in the gastric mucosa, eating them is tantamount to "sprinkling salt on the wound".

The avocado, on the other hand, has a fat content of about 15%, which is much higher than that of general lean meat and fish (fat content of about 3% to 5%), and is a typical high-fat and high-calorie food.

The liver is afraid of "fat", eating too much high-fat food, fat will accumulate in the liver, thus forming a fatty liver, and eventually causing impaired liver function.

Therefore, avocados are still better to eat less

03. The spleen loves grapefruit the most and is most afraid of pears

Lychees hurt the heart, pears hurt the spleen, and the most kidney hurt... The 5 most feared fruits of the major organs

★ Yuzu: A small skill in strengthening the spleen

Chinese medicine believes that grapefruit tastes sweet and sour, cool, has the effect of rationalizing phlegm and strengthening the spleen.

In the "Compendium of Materia Medica", there is an introduction to grapefruit that "can consume fast diaphragm and disperse the depressed atmosphere".

Small reminder: It is best to avoid eating grapefruit during medication. Grapefruit contains some active ingredients that can affect efficacy, may aggravate adverse reactions, and even poisoning.

Lychees hurt the heart, pears hurt the spleen, and the most kidney hurt... The 5 most feared fruits of the major organs

The pear is cold and cold, eating more is easy to hurt the spleen and stomach, especially the elderly and children and those with weak spleen and stomach are recommended to eat less.

04. The kidneys love grapes the most and are most afraid of starfruit

Lychees hurt the heart, pears hurt the spleen, and the most kidney hurt... The 5 most feared fruits of the major organs

★ Grapes: Natural kidney-nourishing fruits

Grapevine flat taste sweet acid, into the spleen, lungs, kidneys three meridians, usually eat grapes, can play a role in nourishing the kidneys.

There are many varieties and colors of grapes, but the best for the kidneys is the black grape.

Small reminder: the white frost on the grapes is not poisonous! This layer of white frost is a sugar alcohol secreted by the grapes themselves, also known as fruit powder, which is harmless to the human body.

The toxic substance that causes kidney damage in starfruit is a kind of oxalate, and normal people can excrete related toxic factors through the kidneys after consuming carambola;

Patients with poor kidney function, if they eat a large amount of star fruit, will have symptoms of confusion, limb weakness and numbness in their hands and feet, and more serious or even coma.

Lychees hurt the heart, pears hurt the spleen, and the most kidney hurt... The 5 most feared fruits of the major organs

Patients with renal failure will have different degrees of toxic reactions even if they eat only one star fruit, and if they are serious, they will aggravate the disease and develop uremia or even death.

No matter how expensive this fruit is, it should be thrown away

For fruits that are only a little rotten, I believe that many people of the older generation will choose to dig up the rotten parts and continue to eat.

But in fact, even if the rotten part is removed and eaten, it may not be safe.

Rotten and spoiled fruits are caused by microbial infestation, and the decay we see with the naked eye is the most mildew part, while toxic and harmful substances spread to other parts, and we can't see.

Lychees hurt the heart, pears hurt the spleen, and the most kidney hurt... The 5 most feared fruits of the major organs

For example, streptoxin produced by Streptomyces spores and penicillin exhibitum produced by expanded penicillium can cause metabolic dysfunction and kidney edema in people, and will cause damage to people's nerve, respiratory, urinary and other systems, and even have the possibility of carcinogenicity.

In particular, Streptosporium, which is the most commonly infected microorganism such as apples, oranges, winter dates, hawthorns, etc., will produce streptoxins even at the temperature of refrigerator storage, causing the fruit to rot and deteriorate.

Therefore, for moldy fruits, no matter how large the mold area, it is recommended to discard them all and do not eat them again.

Regardless of the type of fruit, do not overeat and choose the right fruit to eat according to your own situation.

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