
Coronavirus recombinant? 637 cases have been found in the UK!

Recently, the official website of the British government released a report on the restructuring of 3 new crown variants. The data shows that 637 cases of XE have been detected in the UK (i.e. recombination of Ami kerong BA.1 and BA.2).

Coronavirus recombinant? 637 cases have been found in the UK!

According to the website, when an individual is infected with 2 or more new coronavirus variants at the same time, a recombinant variant is produced. This is not uncommon, and several cases of recombination of NEW CORONAVIRUS variants have been discovered during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) analysed 3 situations, namely XE, the reorganization of TheOmecroon BA.1 and BA.2, and XD and XF for the reorganization of Delta and TheOmecronn BA.1.

The data shows a cumulative 38 XF cases and 637 XE cases in the UK; no XD cases have been detected, but 49 cases have been reported in the global database, most of them in France.

In the case of XE, Professor Hopkins, Chief Medical Adviser to the UKHSA, specifically noted that there was insufficient evidence to draw conclusions about its transmissibility, severity or effectiveness of the vaccine.

Coronavirus recombinant? 637 cases have been found in the UK!

Infographic: Nurses vaccinate an 82-year-old man against COVID-19 at the Rocky Health Centre in Dundee, Scotland, UK.

The Semikrona variant BA.2 became the dominant strain in the United States

According to the statistics of Johns Hopkins University in the United States, as of now, the cumulative number of confirmed cases of new crown in the United States has exceeded 80 million, according to reports, on the 29th local time, the latest estimate released by the CDC shows that the Semikrona variant BA.2 has become the dominant strain spread in the United States. According to the agency's model, BA.2-induced infections accounted for 51 to 59 percent of COVID-19 infections in the U.S. in the week ending March 26, up from an estimated 39 percent in the previous week.

WHO: Covid-19 will continue to evolve

WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus recently said that existing research shows that the most likely scenario is that the new crown virus will continue to evolve, but as the body's immunity is strengthened by vaccination or infection with the virus, the severity of the disease caused by the new crown virus will decrease over time.

Tedros noted that the best-case scenario is for less severe variants to appear, eliminating the need for a booster needle or adjusting the composition of the vaccine. The worst-case scenario is the emergence of a more pathogenic and highly contagious variant, in which case the protection from previous vaccinations or infections with the virus is rapidly diminished.

Source: China News Service, China News Network, CCTV News, etc

Editor-in-charge: Zhang Yongqun

Editor: Wu Yaqi Wang Yuanfang

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