
What does the purest online game look like at the moment? Free trading, decimal values, and slow paces can not be less

Nowadays, the online game industry is full of all kinds of exaggerated propaganda, 3 days full level, a knife 999, or sell equipment to exchange RMB directly to the wallet, the player's IQ tax is not enough to pay.

However, when online games began to be popular in China more than a decade ago, the most fun and pure online games did not have so many routines now. Admittedly, there were not so many online game methods at that time, but it could attract many players to tirelessly contribute points and time to it, which is the great charm of "purity".

What does the purest online game look like at the moment? Free trading, decimal values, and slow paces can not be less

A pure good online game, need to give players a free environment, whether it is fighting or moving bricks, can be arranged by themselves, the equipment can be freely traded, do not pursue flashy ultra-high values, rely on slow pace to let players integrate into it, unrestricted, but this means that developers need to abandon the most popular online game elements, to bet that players can return to their original intentions and fall in love with "pure" again. Obviously, NetEase's "Taiya Epic" opened this big gamble.

Is giving players freedom to rob developers of the pie? I'm going to let go of Taiya Epic!

Nowadays, online games, moving bricks has become the norm, but most fast food games have learned a well-known routine of a certain number of people, claiming that you can move bricks, reward a distinguished member on the line, rise to a certain level and receive cash, and finally you will find that when you withdraw cash, you will always be 1 cent short.

What does the purest online game look like at the moment? Free trading, decimal values, and slow paces can not be less

In addition, the stalls are only allowed to sell equipment, and even the reference price is limited to you, and the road you have traveled is not as much as the routine of online games.

The real free trade has no official control, players can trade with each other through the stall, the exchange must be converted into game currency, and finally converted into RMB.

What does the purest online game look like at the moment? Free trading, decimal values, and slow paces can not be less

And this series of operations, "Taiya Epic" has done, and it is very complete. Because in the game, players have no binding equipment and props! Whether it is the equipment that explodes from the monsters and bosses, or the upgrade props that are played, they can be traded between players, not only that, players can also choose to upload the proceeds of moving bricks directly to the treasure cabinet and quickly monetize at any time.

What does the purest online game look like at the moment? Free trading, decimal values, and slow paces can not be less

Of course, those with a keen sense of smell and business acumen can also buy low and sell high in the market, or find treasures from various stalls, which is also a good game experience brought about by pure free trading.

And in order to make the trading market more free, the official mall directly abandons the most profitable equipment and attribute growth props, and directly gives such a large cake to the players themselves, so that lucky players and brick movers who have paid for a long time can get a lot of income through the best equipment and various props, which shows how excellent and free the economic system in the game is.

What is the use of selling equipment without a high critical hit? My Taiya Epic uses decimal values to bring the player a balanced environment!

With a powerful free trading system as the foundation, I believe that many players are happy to play in the game, move bricks, for this reason, "Taiya Epic" provides players with a very balanced game environment.

Here, we don't see a knife down to burst 999 or even 9999 damage, because each player's initial ability attribute is only a double digit of 1X or 2X, and the damage hit in the early stage is only a few dozen points or up to a hundred points after the fusion skill bonus.

What does the purest online game look like at the moment? Free trading, decimal values, and slow paces can not be less

Although such a setting is indeed not as enjoyable as the thousands of damage indexes on the screen brought by fast-food online games, after all, the sense of achievement brought by the special effects and high-value critical hits is very exciting, but compared to this numbing moment of excitement, the small numerical attacks in "Taiya Epic" make the player's sense of achievement after killing enemies after a glue battle more durable.

What does the purest online game look like at the moment? Free trading, decimal values, and slow paces can not be less

In battle, small damage allows players to slowly move closer to brain combat, and every dodge and roll in battle requires the player to think carefully, while reducing their own pitiful amount of health consumed by the opponent, they must also find a way to greet the opponent with only a few dozen damage points.

What does the purest online game look like at the moment? Free trading, decimal values, and slow paces can not be less

Through carefully selected skill sets, playing maximum DPS, watching the opponent's health drop little by little in their own attacks until they are killed, this excitement and sense of accomplishment will make players really happy, because this is the experience brought by pure online games more than a decade ago.

Abandoning large values and emphasizing the sense of operation and strategy, so that the gap between players in the early level of combat strength will not be too large, even through equipment enhancement, the gap between the same level will not be so exaggerated as 1V10, thereby improving the confidence of players to play the game. Those who work hard to upgrade can go to higher places to fight and move bricks, while low-level Buddhist players can also have leisurely entertainment in the safe area, so that the balanced game environment can better retain the player's heart.

Slow upgrades can't get happiness? The slow pace of Taiya Epic makes it easy to find fun at all levels!

Compared with the rapid upgrade speed and offline hang-up experience setting of other fast food online games, NetEase's "Taiya Epic", an online game based on medieval magic realism, has pulled the overall upgrade speed to the same slow and fulfilling pace as the online game more than a decade ago.

What does the purest online game look like at the moment? Free trading, decimal values, and slow paces can not be less

Filling the player's experience slot with the experience gained from fighting monsters on missions requires a slow process, and each level 10 is a hurdle, such a speed allows the player to really slow down in the game, starting from 0 to learn how to follow the arrows to find targets, how to fight in the game, how to talk to each NPC, understand the mission requirements, how to follow the various NPCs to understand the various ways to play in the game.

What does the purest online game look like at the moment? Free trading, decimal values, and slow paces can not be less

This kind of speed and rhythm, I believe that only players who have experienced the old online game era understand, but also know its significance, that is, to guide players to truly understand all aspects of the game and immerse themselves in it.

What does the purest online game look like at the moment? Free trading, decimal values, and slow paces can not be less

Even for new players, after the conversion from the pursuit of the same speed of fast food online games, really experienced this process, only to know that the original to play an online game, need to go through these processes, this is the real meaning of playing the game, not to mention the game in different level ranges, but also provides players with corresponding gameplay, dungeons, activities and monsters, not only can fight monsters and explosive equipment, but also when farmers earn change, each level will not be boring.

Now it seems that the main theme of "don't forget the original heart to remember the mission" NetEase is going right, "Taiya Epic" this "high gamble" online game, indeed to achieve "do not forget the original heart", but also the pure online game to the player this "mission" firmly practiced, I believe that after the real experience, we will find more of the previous happiness from this pure online game.

"Taiya Epic" opened the undeleted test on April 1, and will open a server, if you are interested, you can try it.

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