
Babies are always "sick and weak" in the spring? Parents should pay special attention to these aspects!

As March enters the tail end, the temperature warms up more obviously, but at this time the weather recurrence also continues to occur, in this alternating season, the temperature change amplitude is relatively large, and the baby due to the young age, the resistance has not yet developed perfectly, in this period is always particularly prone to colds and illnesses. In the face of this phenomenon, parents should pay special attention, especially in these aspects, we must pay more attention:

First, a reasonable diet

We have all heard the phrase "eat well in the morning, eat full at noon, and eat less at night", and do not eat too much, that is to say, do not give the baby to eat, and pay attention to eat less greasy, spicy, indigestible food, especially fried things.

Once, my baby ate a few slices of steamed buns, a chicken leg, and two pieces of fried fish at night. The dinner was indeed plentiful, and it was a pleasure to watch the children eat it, and we didn't think much about it. When the baby is about to go to sleep, there is a feeling of wanting to throw up, which leads to not sleeping well all night. What's more serious is that the baby has been turning over all night, kicking the quilt, and as a result, he has a cold, and then he starts to catch a cold and cough. Therefore, the evening meal must be moderate, the baby loves to eat, and adults must also control the amount of food, especially to eat less meat and fried food.

Babies are always "sick and weak" in the spring? Parents should pay special attention to these aspects!

At the same time, in terms of nutritional supplements, parents can also choose some light and nutritious formulas for their babies, such as this Uberim milk powder is very good. Not only does this formula feature a unique whole whey protein formula, but its essence is also 100% simulated with colostrum content, and the specially adjusted whey protein to casein ratio is as high as 9:1, which can give your baby more comprehensive immune protection. In addition to the nutritional ratio is very rich, in terms of taste, this milk powder is also very close to breast milk, even if the baby is in the transition period, it can be easily accepted. As far as the brand is concerned, this milk powder has a history of more than 20 years, and the market reputation has been very good, which is very worthy of the trust of parents.

Babies are always "sick and weak" in the spring? Parents should pay special attention to these aspects!

2. Appropriate increase or decrease of clothing

The temperature in the spring is changeable, adults may feel that the house is not cold, so they did not add clothes for the baby in time, but for the baby, their sensitivity to temperature will be stronger, so when we feel "not cold", for the baby, it may be "quite cold".

So the best way to judge is to put your hand on the back of the baby to test it, if it is dry and warm, it proves that the temperature is just right, and vice versa, you need to increase or decrease clothing according to the situation. However, it should be noted that although children like to run and jump all day long, when reducing clothes, they still have to take off one by one, otherwise a cold and a hot will be more prone to cold.

Third, proper exercise, maintain indoor air circulation

Children like to go outside to play, so in the spring when the sun is full, parents may wish to take the baby out to breathe more fresh air, proper exercise, but the premise is to pay attention to keep warm, wear more clothes for children, do not freeze. Secondly, the room should also be ventilated frequently, keep the indoor air circulation, otherwise it is easy to breed bacteria, resulting in indoor air pollution, so that the baby is more likely to get sick, but it should be noted that when ventilating, it is best not to let the baby stay in the house, you can play in other places first, and then let the child come in after the ventilation is completed, so as not to get sick with a cold.

Babies are always "sick and weak" in the spring? Parents should pay special attention to these aspects!

In addition, for families with relatively dry weather in the north, in the bedroom where the baby lives, to ensure a certain humidity of the air, parents can place a humidifier, so that the baby's nasal cavity can always be kept moist, it is not easy to induce a cold again.

The above is a few precautions I share with you about how to avoid the baby's cold in the spring, I hope it will be helpful to everyone, and I also hope that everyone's baby can stay away from the disease and thrive.

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