
The doctor-patient relationship should change with the times, how should it "change"?

The doctor-patient relationship should change with the times, how should it "change"?

This is the 3716th article of Da Yi Xiao Nursing

As the old saying goes: "According to the conditions of the times, if you go with the times, you will be smooth." ”

In today's era, things are always moving, developing and changing, and have very different phenomena and characteristics at different stages of development. The same is true of the doctor-patient relationship, which changes in the long river of time.

The doctor-patient relationship should change with the times, how should it "change"?

Due to the different social and historical conditions and the different levels of medical development, the evolution and development content of the doctor-patient relationship are also different.

Since the separation of medicine and witchcraft, medicine has developed significantly.

In ancient times, the doctor-patient relationship was simple, from obtaining the condition, proposing a diagnosis to implementing treatment, etc., all of which were directly carried out by a doctor. Physicians are fully responsible for patients, and patients are fully entrusted with their health and life. In the process of treatment, not only the patient takes the initiative to seek medical treatment, but the doctor also takes the initiative to fully understand the patient. The traditional doctor-patient relationship is limited to the responsibility of a single doctor to the patient, and there are relatively few conflicts between doctors and patients, and its degree of harmony is basically consistent with the subjective wishes of people at that time.

After entering the industrial civilization, medical progress progressed by leaps and bounds.

With the development of modern medicine and industrial society, the simple doctor-patient relationship of the past has changed. Due to the increase in the popularity of medical science knowledge, the mystery of the doctor's profession in people's minds has gradually faded, and medical staff have become increasingly popular.

The doctor-patient relationship should change with the times, how should it "change"?

At present, the allocation of health resources in the medical field in the mainland is uneven, and some cities have abundant medical resources, while some grass-roots units have insufficient resources. At the same time, the government's insufficient investment has led to medical institutions in the process of "self-help" to excessively pursue economic benefits, which is also a major reason for intensifying the tension between doctors and patients.

How can we change the tension between doctors and patients?


Doctor level

Research in social psychology has shown that complementary personalities are more conducive to the establishment of a harmonious doctor-patient relationship between doctors and patients.

In making medical decisions, doctors are accustomed to putting themselves in a higher position than the patient, rather than treating the patient as a collaborator. In such a case, a patient with a conformist personality can cooperate with the doctor without causing misunderstanding. However, when a patient with an independent personality encounters an emotionally unstable doctor, it may lead to an unpleasant communication process between the doctor and the patient, resulting in a conflict between the doctor and the patient.

In addition, with the advancement of science and technology, a large number of advanced medical devices and equipment have been applied to the medical field, and some medical personnel rely too much on instruments to ignore the clinical performance of patients and the establishment of doctor-patient relationships. Therefore, once there is a misdiagnosis or other reasons caused by the failure of treatment, it is easy to cause medical disputes.

In fact, in the medical process, both doctors and patients are participants. The patient provides information, and the doctor makes judgments based on the information provided by the patient and makes decisions. At the same time, patients can explore and understand decisions. In this way, the benign interaction between doctors and patients based on trust can be conducive to the diagnosis and treatment of diseases and avoid conflicts and contradictions.

The doctor-patient relationship should change with the times, how should it "change"?


Patient level

The doctor-patient relationship is a specific healing relationship between medical staff and patients in the medical process, and is the key to medical interpersonal relationships. The internationally renowned medical historian Sigris once said: "Every medical action always involves two types of parties: physicians and patients, or more generally, medical community and society, and medicine is nothing more than a multifaceted relationship between these two groups of people."

In contemporary society, everyone is a complete and independent individual, and the doctor will affect the treatment of the patient, and the patient's emotions will also affect the doctor.

Two years have passed since the incident of "doctor Tao Yong being maliciously slashed" in 2020, but the harm caused by the violent injury to the doctor is always there. Dr. Tao Yong's scars became a wound that was difficult to heal, and he once described that darkest moment: "Since I have decided to live, I will have to face a more intense and cruel battle, and I have this preparation." It is difficult for people who have not experienced this experience to empathize, but we can feel the vigorous vitality of life from his words. He always believed in the goodness of others and the goodness of the world, while maintaining his own goodness.

The doctor-patient relationship should change with the times, how should it "change"?

The vast majority of doctors are "hanging pots light on self-interest, virtue is better than gold", and patients should give them enough trust.

Communication is the main means of forming a doctor-patient relationship, and the patient should take the initiative to communicate with the medical staff and communicate frankly with the doctor on its symptoms, the cost it can bear and the expected treatment effect, so as to improve the situation in which a single doctor decides all medical processes. At the same time, patients should better understand the particularity and hard work of doctors' work, and eliminate a certain "hostile" attitude towards medical staff.


At the government level

The government's factors are mainly due to some of the problems that still exist in the current medical security system in the mainland, such as the low level of protection of the medical security system. The high medical costs seriously exceed the patient's ability to pay, resulting in some people once having a situation of "difficult to treat the disease" and "unable to cure the disease", which led to the dissatisfaction of the masses with the medical institutions.

In addition, some patients do not believe that legal means can be used to defend their legitimate interests. It is based on this psychology of disbelief that they choose illegal methods such as besieging hospitals, which further increases the difficulty of handling medical disputes and aggravates the escalation of contradictions between hospitals and patients.

The government can start from the following four aspects: increase investment in medical and health care to meet social needs; increase investment in medical security and expand medical insurance coverage; deepen the reform of the health system, strengthen the construction of the medical security system, standardize the compensation and compensation of doctor-patient disputes; establish and give play to third-party medical dispute mediation institutions as soon as possible, improve the functions and mechanisms of medical dispute mediation committees, and effectively resolve medical disputes.


Social dimension

Social factors are mainly related to the media, as an information dissemination media, sometimes after the occurrence of medical disputes, there may be no professional medical knowledge, can not realize the complexity and variability of medicine, so that on the basis of no in-depth exploration, vigorously carry out publicity and reporting, misleading the public's cognition of doctors and hospitals.

As early as 2010, the internationally renowned medical journal The Lancet published an article arguing that some media in the mainland had exacerbated the tension in the doctor-patient relationship to a certain extent. The famous host Bai Yansong also deeply reflected on the problems existing in the media in the news program after the massacre of harbin doctors that year: "We media people are afraid that we have a responsibility, in the past many incidents, we should discuss things on the facts, where there are problems to criticize what, instead of consciously establishing a kind of hatred in a way that attracts people's attention in the report, and even encouraging a kind of hatred, I think we should take this as a warning from now on." ”

The doctor-patient relationship should change with the times, how should it "change"?

As the main channel for the expression of public demands, the media should use the overall view to examine the discordant phenomena in the current doctor-patient relationship, strive to build a good platform for doctor-patient communication, and promote the establishment of a healthy and harmonious doctor-patient relationship. Reporting "multi-perspective", hot issues "cold thinking", public opinion supervision can release positive energy. Reforming the existing old medical system and allowing the people to truly enjoy simple and honest medical services is the way to break through the current tension between doctors and patients, but this is bound to be a long process. Along the way, the media should act as a "lubricant" to minimize discord between doctors and patients.

- A responsible media, while objectively and truthfully reporting, should "look deeper" through the phenomenon, analyze the "facts" behind it, reflect their responsibility for their social responsibility, strengthen the guidance, and dig deep into positive reports, in order to rebuild the "bridge of trust" between doctors and patients. Medical and health work is highly professional, so journalists covering the field are required to have certain medical expertise and be familiar with relevant policies in the medical field.

The doctor-patient relationship should change with the times, how should it "change"?

The essence of the doctor-patient relationship is the "doctor-patient alliance". Fighting diseases is the common responsibility of both doctors and patients, and only when both doctors and patients cooperate and actively treat them can we seek better treatment results. Both doctors and patients are in a key position in the process of resisting and treating diseases, and the patient's desire for rehabilitation should be realized through the medical prescription, and the doctors also deepen their understanding and understanding of medical science and improve their diagnosis and treatment skills in the process of diagnosing and treating diseases. In the face of disease, the doctor and patient are allies and a united front, and both doctors and patients should encourage each other to defeat the disease together.

Author: North China University of Science and Technology Jitang College

Yuan Jie

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