
Women learn to color-block styling, enhance the sense of fashion is very effective, look at Jiang Qinqin's temperament is out of the ordinary

Color is very important for people, many people choose clothing, will use a single color to create their own image, but some people will use a variety of colors to put together to form a new shape.

This kind of stitching between colors is called color block design, color block design is the use of several colors stitched together, these colors have a clear dividing line, so it is not tie-dye or mixed design.

It is precisely because these colors have a clear dividing line, so even if there are more colors, more than three colors, it will not make the shape look very fancy, but there will be a sense of fashion on the color.

Women learn to color-block styling, enhance the sense of fashion is very effective, look at Jiang Qinqin's temperament is out of the ordinary

Borrow from the color block style of female stars

Jiang Qinqin's color-blocking shape

Although the design of the color block is very fashionable, many people do not know how to control this design well, because the color block design is easy to make their image become very messy, and some women's fashion sense is not very strong, it is difficult to control too many colors with a strong sense of color.

Therefore, it is necessary to use the color block style of some fashionistas or female stars to understand the charm of the color piece according to their color block shape, and make their image more fashionable through the color block design.

Women learn to color-block styling, enhance the sense of fashion is very effective, look at Jiang Qinqin's temperament is out of the ordinary

Not only do young girls like to use color-block clothing to match themselves, even if you have a slight sense of age, or people have reached middle age, they can use color-block clothing to enhance their charm, then in the entertainment industry, female star Jiang Qinqin wears a lot of color-blocked clothing.

According to Jiang Qinqin's color block modeling, we can understand some of the matching skills of color block clothing, and dress up the color block clothing more suitable for yourself. After mastering these skills, it is also very helpful for future wear.

Women learn to color-block styling, enhance the sense of fashion is very effective, look at Jiang Qinqin's temperament is out of the ordinary, I have to say that Jiang Qinqin's clothing is still very good, wearing a tricolor skirt with the frame husband Chen Jianbin, looking at the real Deng.

Women learn to color-block styling, enhance the sense of fashion is very effective, look at Jiang Qinqin's temperament is out of the ordinary

Jiang Qinqin's color-block styling choice

White, blue and coffee patch panel dress

Color block refers to the two or more colors spliced together, these colors even if there is nothing in common, can still be spliced together, forming a new fashion, in order to make their femininity also be enhanced, many women will choose color block dresses.

Then for women with elegant temperament, the use of white, blue and coffee color three colors of the three colors of the dress to match themselves, so that it is very helpful for the improvement of their own elegant temperament.

Coffee color is the main color of the dress, and it is recommended to choose dark coffee color, while white is recommended to be distributed on both sides of the upper body, and blue can be matched with royal blue, which can be displayed on the side of the sleeve.

Women learn to color-block styling, enhance the sense of fashion is very effective, look at Jiang Qinqin's temperament is out of the ordinary

Such a color-block dress can highlight the elegant temperament, and at the same time will make the shape more noble because of the royal blue, although the dark coffee color and royal blue one color is very dim, the other color is very bright, but because there is white from the middle of the harmony will not appear very contradictory.

The dress formed by the stitching of these three colors together also needs attention in terms of tailoring. The main cut part is the skirt part, the skirt is recommended to add lace design, the use of this lace pleat to modify their leg line, while this lace pleat design will also make the shape more feminine.

Women learn to color-block styling, enhance the sense of fashion is very effective, look at Jiang Qinqin's temperament is out of the ordinary

Other color block design combinations

Black and white color block T-shirt

Among the many color block designs, the most common color block design should be the black and white stitching, this is because black and white belong to a very simple color and a versatile color, the combination of these two colors is very harmonious.

You can choose a black-and-white paneled T-shirt to match yourself. The overall proposal is to use black as the main color, and add a white box to form a stitched design, and the overall shape is very advanced and clean.

Black and white color block T-shirts can be matched with black wide-leg pants, and black wide-leg pants can be used in some more design styles, such as on both sides of the legs. Add more fabric to create a sense of lightness and agility.

Women learn to color-block styling, enhance the sense of fashion is very effective, look at Jiang Qinqin's temperament is out of the ordinary

Red, white and blue checkerboard sweater

Color block design can also be achieved through check elements, such as the use of red, white and blue colors to add to the grid, such a design is not only very strong in terms of color, but also to create a touch of retro one.

Red, white and blue checkerboard sweater can add checkerboard grid to the sleeves and pockets above the sweater, but the overall color of the sweater is recommended to use black as the main color, so that it will look more simple, and with a pair of black jeans, the overall shape is very casual.

Women learn to color-block styling, enhance the sense of fashion is very effective, look at Jiang Qinqin's temperament is out of the ordinary

Black, red and blue color-block dress

Black and red and blue are stitched together, these three colors are relatively mature colors, so the sense of maturity after stitching together is very strong.

Black, red and blue three colors can be spliced into the dress, then the dress is recommended to choose the design of a short skirt, and the skirt can use the loose skirt to enhance their sweetness, so that women look younger.

Women learn to color-block styling, enhance the sense of fashion is very effective, look at Jiang Qinqin's temperament is out of the ordinary

If you can refer more to these color-block designs of Jiang Qinqin to enhance their own charm, then it is very helpful for the improvement of temperament, and only by understanding the charm of color-block design will you find a suitable form of clothing.

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