
Yangcheng Tun Coal Academy: Let reading be as natural as breathing

Yangcheng Tun Coal Academy: Let reading be as natural as breathing

In recent years, with the deepening of the construction of Shuxiangyang City, a batch of study rooms, book bars, and academies have sprung up like mushrooms after a rain. The Tun Coal Academy, which is carefully built by Yangtai Group Tuncheng Coal Industry, has become a commendable star and benchmark with its first-class facilities and scientific organization and management.

Create an elegant reading environment and make reading more attractive

Tuncheng Coal is a modern mining enterprise located on the bank of the Qin River. In order to promote the construction of book-fragrant enterprises and the trend of reading, the mine draws on the advanced experience of other places, plans and builds a Tun Coal Academy from a high starting point, which was built and used in June 2021, with a total area of more than 3,000 square meters, and is a five-story multi-functional college with restaurants, supermarkets, smart party building and other places. The college has a collection of more than 30,000 paper editions and millions of e-books. The college is equipped with a variety of advanced reading facilities such as reading service all-in-one machine, smart reading big data display, electronic ink reading machine, Himalayan headphone forest and so on. The college adopts the membership system, and there are more than 1,000 staff members.

Approaching tun coal college, from the yanglian on the gate to the calligraphy display of employees in the corridor, various bookish propaganda slogans, bookish logos, etc., all of them exude a rich fragrance of books that are elegant and clean. Here is the perfect fusion of traditional culture and modern light and shadow, noble temperament and elegant taste. In this space, the poetry and ink rhyme, the book is fragrant, and the face is full of exquisite exhibition and arrangement, which is full of interest. A chair and a few, a lamp and a book, a person and a day, open the window to see the mountain, the heart wanders, just like "ten thousand scrolls of ancient and modern eternal sun, a window of dawn to send the flow of years", incomparably comfortable, as if to a pure land far away from the hustle and bustle of the world, let people suddenly feel a unique ethereal and wonderful.

Yangcheng Tun Coal Academy: Let reading be as natural as breathing

An elegant environment will not only produce an attraction, but also produce an influence that cultivates and influences the soul. Since the opening of the college, it has become a good place for employees to study. After work, employees will invariably come here, or open their favorite books, or put on headphones to listen, taste the nutrition of knowledge, and enter a world that flashes wisdom and unique experiences.

As the company's "Xiucai" describes the scene: "In the warm afternoon sun, you gently flip through a book with a cup of aromatic coffee; in the leisure time of dusk, you wear Himalayan headphones to let the heart relax and introspect." When night falls, you make a date with three or five friends here to talk about the world, and in a warm and elegant environment, sculpt your own thoughts and souls..."

Innovate the reading management mechanism to make reading the most beautiful scenery

Yangcheng Tun Coal Academy: Let reading be as natural as breathing

Directly opposite the first entrance door on the second floor of the college, there is a smart reading big data display screen hanging high, on this display screen, you can clearly and intuitively see the current staff members' book borrowing, best-selling list, the use of each reading system and the reading situation of each employee.

The implementation of reading reward points is a good method adopted by the College. After employees apply to become members of Tun Coal College, they can read points. In order to automatically manage the reading points, make the points calculation intelligent and convenient, and ensure the fairness of the use of the points, the college has carefully set up a small program, scanned the two-dimensional code, and installed this small program on the mobile phone, the employees can automatically score points for themselves at any time after work, through the use of the reading system, participation in reading activities, publishing articles, entering the reading places of the college and other ways. Each employee can see the reading point ranking of all employees on their mobile phones. And you can exchange points for coffee, tea, or in exchange for a special exquisite bookmark of Tun Coal Academy.

The implementation of the reward point system has invisibly produced a guidance and evaluation system, which has effectively mobilized the enthusiasm of the majority of employees to read. "In my spare time, I feel very satisfied and happy to be able to read books about my work skills in such an elegant environment, recharge my batteries, improve my work ability, and redeem points for gifts." Jia Weixiong, an employee who currently ranks leading in reading points, said.

In order to stimulate the enthusiasm of employees to study for a long time, Tun Coal College has insisted on carrying out regular corporate culture meetings every Friday in recent years. Every week, there are special people responsible for the plan and agenda of the activities, the theme is clear, the form of the activities is eclectic, the members of the enterprise team, middle-level cadres, party members, cadres and workers on the ground all participate, and more than 400 people participate in the cultural regular meetings and activities each time. The regular cultural meeting activities are divided into three stages: book recommendation, book tasting, and book enlightenment.

In the letter recommendation stage, from the mine leader to the middle management personnel take the lead in recommending the letter. Liang Wenyi, the director of the mine, has recommended books such as "Horizons", "Augmenting Sages", "Details Determine Success or Failure", and "Pattern" from the aspects of the book's content, practical significance, cognitive thinking, language style and inspiration for his own reading.

After the recommendation of the book, everyone began to read freely and autonomously with the reading expectations that naturally rose in their hearts. Subsequently, the staff and workers showed their strengths, divided their work and cooperated, gathered the essence of the book with their own ideas, turned the book into music, and vividly interpreted the reading list in the forms of cross-talk, sketches, allegro, etc. that everyone liked to hear. The interesting and informative interpretation not only allows everyone to enjoy the classic bibliography, but also leads the reader to reflect on the present through the energy transmitted by the program, contemplate the present moment, and taste the classics to comfort reality. Reading and enlightening the Tao should be the steadfastness and persistence of "although millions of people are looking forward to it".

In the final stage of enlightenment, the employees combined their own life and work reality, turned their reading thoughts into a clear and clear mind map, and told their thoughts and feelings and benefits and inspirations in a simple and simple way... The three stages of the regular cultural meeting activities are progressive and interlocking, realizing the ingenious combination and sublimation of book recommendation, lecture, book tasting, book performance, and book enlightenment, and continuously promoting the enthusiasm of employees to read.

Hold a reading salon to artistically display the profound experience, insight and harvest of reading. On the basis of determining the theme, each activity will be based on the department as a unit, self-directed and self-performed, and use colorful literary and artistic forms to express the achievements of reading. The activities are new and diverse: recitation, storytelling, lecture hall, performance, dubbing show, debate competition, flash mob, etc. Up to now, the College has held four reading salon activities, which can be described as wonderful and frequent highlights. "A single branch is not spring, a hundred flowers bloom in the spring garden", said The director of the tian mine, "our academy is to build a platform for everyone, so that everyone can exercise themselves, improve themselves, and show the high-spirited style of miners in the new era under the infiltration of books." ”

Build a first-class college, so that the fragrance of books can cultivate the spiritual temperament of employees

Yangcheng Tun Coal Academy: Let reading be as natural as breathing

In Tun Coal, you can see books not only in the college, but also in staff dormitories, corridors, offices and other places. In addition to the academy, Tunmei Group also built two new reading stations in the office building. The smell of books at your fingertips can wash the dusty heart, so that people can't help but blend into this melting atmosphere of books.

In Tun coal, the employees have their own reading notebooks, and everyone will write reading notes while reading. The College encourages employees to submit articles to the internal corporate publications of Tunmei Group every month, and the works that are selected for publication are paid. After the staff has a certain amount of reading accumulation, they actively write, submit articles, and even write their own performance scripts for reading salon activities, self-directed and self-performed, and present their flexible thoughts, superb insights and profound thoughts in an all-round way. Especially in terms of writing, the college will invite some foreign experts and scholars to carry out targeted writing lectures, and employees will activate their thinking mode and improve their writing skills through face-to-face communication with experts.

Miner Zhao Deqian said: "Now the atmosphere of reading is very strong in the mine, in the staff dormitory, the miners have books under their pillows, and after hard work, they will pick up books to read and taste the essence between the lines." Every time I see such a scene, I am very moved, and I have long wanted to write an article to praise the miner brothers who love to read! ”

The aroma of employees' books not only appears in the enterprise, but also subtly affects their children when they return home, and the children of many employees are also reading enthusiasts. Last year, the children of employees were admitted to well-known universities such as Peking University, Chinese University, and Jiaotong University, and enterprises took out 300,000 yuan of special funds every year to reward the children of employees admitted to universities. Companies also often receive thank-you letters from the children of employees. Shaan Lina, a family member of Yuan Zhifang, deputy director of the coal washing workshop, wrote on the card of the college's wishing tree in Junxiu's handwriting: "The sound of wind and rain reading is in the ears, and everything in the family and the state is concerned." Let us swim in the sea of books every day, obtain knowledge, draw nutrition, broaden our horizons, improve ourselves, and dedicate our own modest efforts to the development of Tun Coal. May my little family and Tun Coal family have a better tomorrow! ”

There is poetry and bookishness in the belly. Today's Tun coal workers are no longer the rough coal sunspot image in the deep memories of the past, they are dressed in neat and decent suits or overalls, showing a good temperament and cultivation between their hands and feet, with the blessing of books, they carry the warmth of still water, and they are blooming with the different light of the new era of Tun coal miners.

Once, the medical staff of Runcheng came to the mine to do nucleic acid testing, and a worker who had just come up from the mine was afraid that the cinder on his body had soiled the stool, so he silently bent down to do the nucleic acid test.

There was also a worker who had just come up from the mine, on a rainy day, came to the academy to return books, and the college administrator saw him walk to the door and carefully pulled out the book from the inner pocket of his clothes, which was a book tightly wrapped in two layers of plastic bags. Such a coal miner who loves books and cherishes books is really touching and awe-inspiring.

Liang Wenyi, general secretary of the party branch and director of the mine, said: "Building a tun coal academy and vigorously promoting the style of reading is the wisdom choice of enterprises, and it is also the only way to improve the quality of employees and promote high-quality development." We will build the college better with heart and affection, and write this article of the book fragrant enterprise more wonderfully! (White Army Society Ren Zhang Ling)

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