
I forgot to pull the charger and burned my home! Do you master the correct charging "posture"?

Drop the charger at home. Soon, there was a noticeable fire in the home.

I forgot to pull the charger and burned my home! Do you master the correct charging "posture"?

Within minutes, the fire expanded rapidly, igniting large quantities of combustible materials in the home.

The property found a fire alarm and extinguished the fire through a fire hydrant in the corridor.

I forgot to pull the charger and burned my home! Do you master the correct charging "posture"?

Netizens have left messages

"My phone charger has never been unplugged"

I forgot to pull the charger and burned my home! Do you master the correct charging "posture"?

Do you master the correct charging "posture"?

I forgot to pull the charger and burned my home! Do you master the correct charging "posture"?

Remember that people take the electricity and cut people away from the fire

Leave no security risks

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