
The green | the spring night is happy with the rain

Text/Liu Yudong

The green | the spring night is happy with the rain

What a timely rain.

The long-awaited spring has been broken by impermanence, and people staying at home look through the windows at the original bustling, but at this moment it is an extremely calm and dead street, and the dream that has been broken in their hearts for a long time is instantly awakened by this happy rain.

Although, at this moment, the place you want to go can't go, and the people you want to see can't see, but the spring color is still the same, the spring rain is still silent, gentle and soothing, moisturizing and soothing the recovery of all things on the earth.

People who have been imprisoned for several weeks have gone from the initial regrets and complaints to slowly and calmly face them, and slowly understand that stability and freedom do not belong to us innately, just as, although we want to be close to spring, can only be a luxury at the moment.

The spring rains arrived early in the morning, and it had been raining all day. At the beginning of the lantern, it was still mesmerizing to moisten the land of Iris. The rain is like silk, like a light song and dance wetting the spring flowers, soaking with spring colors, lovingly caring for everything on the earth. A grass and a tree, a flower and a petal, empty streets, parks with few people, deserted squares and even corners and corners of the city, every place is not spared.

The ground was already soaking wet, and in some places it was glowing with light, and there was already some water. The road is still empty, and there are few pedestrians with umbrellas. Occasionally, a motor vehicle speeds by, adding some life to the dead streets, and after that, the silence and loneliness return.

The green | the spring night is happy with the rain

Expensive as oil spring rain, do you know, at this time of the year, the land of spring color change has long been full of people, crowded, cherry blossom avenue, kite square, along the Bailang River, people enjoying flowers rubbing shoulders, streets and alleys, everywhere singing and laughing, the apricot blossoms on the other side of the bank bloomed for the first time, with flowers as the medium to form a happy ocean, what a vibrant and energetic time.

However, this ever-changing life has formed the most unchanging thing in the past three years. Under the influence of the epidemic, for many people, it has become a luxury and unattainable thing to be able to enjoy the spring colors freely or walk in the rain and smell the fragrance.

At this moment, especially in response to the government's call, people who are isolated at home or working at home, can enjoy the spring color at close range has become out of reach, eager and not close, not close but not allowed to enter, can only be happy to see the circle of friends can freely touch the spring of the best people to shoot the spring scenery, spring flowers and rain shooting with raindrops of charming petals, or from the mobile phone photo album to find the previous shooting of spring colors and spring flowers freeze frame. At this time, the heart has already flown with the rain to the spring flowers. I can't help but put my hand through the window ledge of the window and stretch out the window vigorously, waving to let the rain soak as much as possible, to feel the moisture of the spring rain, to feel the taste of spring, it seems that the soul is also soaked by the rain.

The rain hit the hands, the slightest coolness, the wisps of attack, it seems that the "spring cold" has not completely faded, still stirring the power, like this colorless, tasteless and elusive virus. Retract your hand, through the neon in the distance, admire the rain, witness the lights of the ten thousand homes, a kind of satisfaction and long-lost feelings are instantly relieved, even if the hope is burned and extinguished, but the fire in the heart is still there, waiting for the day to be rekindled.

The green | the spring night is happy with the rain

It seems that there is a wind blowing, not big but blowing, accompanied by the rain that falls with affection, and there is a fresh smell in the nose. Yes, blowing noodles is not cold willow wind, years and years, the seasons change, the spring wind that sends spring back is like a mother waking up a sleeping child, blowing green willows, waking up the earth, sending spring flowers, sending spring colors... People who are still imprisoned at home, do you know that spring has arrived, spring has filled the garden, and spring has rendered the world. Although this spring, in order to win the anti-epidemic defense war, you may lose your hand with the spring of the competition, but you must firmly believe that this is only a temporary "separation", because a branch and a leaf is not spring, and thousands of purples and thousands of reds are spring in the garden, please believe that there is no incurable pain, there is no sinking that cannot be ended. Not to mention the good news is growing, I believe that when the spring flowers are blooming, the time for Jun to laugh in the layer is not far away, looking forward to...

I believe that all that is lost will return in another way.

Good rain, it's time. You go underground.

The green | the spring night is happy with the rain

(Image from the Internet)

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