
(Weekly Fortune) Lorna_Horoscope for March 28 to April 3, 2022

March 27 - Mercury enters the constellation Aries

March 28 - Venus joins Saturn

April 1 - Crescent 11° falls in Aries

April 2: The Sun and Mercury converge

April 3 - Sun/Mercury trichotomy

The iron fist in the velvet glove...

The Sun and Mercury now rule in mars in the constellation Aries. On Monday 28, Venus joins Saturn, the lord of time, and Saturn in Aquarius effectively forms a trichotomy with the karmic node of fate. It was a tough choice.

On Friday, April 1, the Aries Crescent is sandwiched between Mercury and Chiron.

On the world stage, disputes and wars are expected to intensify further.

In your own life, this Chiron Crescent will advance your consciousness, and it can be any aspect of your being. Aries Chiron serves as an elevated prototype, creating a new way of life. Desire to reintegrate the spirit into the body, recover from addiction, and purify the body through a healthy lifestyle. In fact, it is a season of soul redemption.


The Sun and Mercury plus the New Moon are in your own sign, how will you channel huge amounts of energy and momentum to avoid exhaustion or overwhelm? It's a good time to be honest about habits or behaviors that hurt you. You can choose to live to improve rather than consume. On Fridays of the New Moon, begin a mental, emotional, physical tidying up.


With such intense energy behind your sign, you may feel uneasy as if something is about to happen. Instead of being overly vigilant or nervous, take the time and space to stay in touch with your body in a way that suits you. This is especially important because your own planets are sensitive to Venus and Saturn this week to bring in some checks. Your batteries are running out a month before your birthday, and since life will accelerate in April, build up some viable self-care now. Make taking care of yourself your top priority.


Both the Sun and Mercury have now left the pinnacle of your chart and entered Aries, so some of the crazy activity that has been going on lately should be tapering off, which is a great consolation for you. That said, you'll have a lot of self-confidence this week, so take as much time as possible to decompress and get yourself back to where you were. Without you, the earth would still turn. When Venus meets the mission master Saturn in your 9th house, direct your efforts to expand your thinking, your vision, and your perspective, doing something practical to achieve a project instead of just talking about it.


The moon-guarded Cancer's strength of confidence this week is irresistible. Know this in advance, collect all of your most effective stress reduction tools, relieve stress, and set aside time to deal with them. When Venus merges with Saturn, financial problems may be resolved. If so, dispose of it immediately. Then Friday's Aries Crescent begins a new cycle of your work life. If you've made too many compromises, or put your ambitions on the back burner, ask yourself which old impressions are still negatively affecting you today.


This week, when Venus and Saturn meet, some relationship karma may occur. On March 28, you either take your commitment to another level or give up on leaving. Whatever the outcome, be kind and compassionate. Friday's new moon falls on the fire sign Aries, which will inspire you the need to broaden your horizons, whether it's traveling or taking a new course. Trust your instincts and follow the golden thread. In April, a whole new world will open.


On Monday, March 28, when Venus merges with Saturn in your sixth house, you may find a viable, practical solution to a problem that has been around for a long time, possibly related to resource or time management. Then Friday's New Moon in the blazing Aries readjusts your finances. It's time to look at the bottom line, look at any debt or money owed to you, look at any shared assets, and see how you can simplify and optimize your money strategy.


This week, your relationships are the most important. First, your own planets Venus and Saturn merge in your Romantic Palace on Monday, March 28, which means it's time to make a serious commitment to someone. Then on Friday, April 1, the new moon lights up your partnership in the fiery Aries, perhaps rekindling a relationship that is slowly losing its passion and sparks. Whatever the outcome, make sure you know what you want, who you want, what you want, who it no longer fits, and then move on with a relaxed heart. Let love change you.


As long as you let go of all the efforts to control and plan, it will be a romantic, creative and artistic time. On Monday, 28, the amazing merger of the moon, Venus, and Saturn lights up your home, belonging, and tribal house. It would be a great time to start a practical family project such as refurbishment, decoration or redecoration to create a perfect living space where your life has changed so much now. Friday's Aries Hot Crescent will give you the motivation to get your family members started the project.


The good news is that now that both the Sun and Mercury are in the fire sign Aries, your energy levels will get a much-needed boost. On Monday, March 28, when the moon, Venus, and Saturn meet, your family relationship strengthens and you realize how important the older generation is to you. Then on Friday, April 1, the stunning new moon brings a surge in creativity and a strong need for self-expression in your fifth house. Put that energy into something you love and remind yourself how good life can be. Stop to smell the roses.


Your own realistic planet Saturn has been in your house of money and resources since late 2020, and this week also includes the moon, Venus and Mars. This is a great opportunity to make smart investments, plan for your future personal safety, and share what you have with your loved ones. Friday's beautiful crescent moon illuminates your home and sense of belonging, and it's the perfect time to heal some old wounds and mend fences. Be sensitive, kind, and empathetic. Let kindness be your faith.


On Monday 28th, the rare and beautiful combination of the Moon, Venus and Saturn in your own zodiac sign lays the foundation for an emotional breakthrough or a deeper commitment to an existing relationship. Take a moment to appreciate yourself and your resilience since December 2020. Since gas giants Jupiter and Neptune affect your finances, impulsive consumption can easily get out of control. Take a closer look at revenue and expenses and fix any loopholes before they exhaust your resources. This is especially important because a new opportunity is guiding you to use your skills and talents in different environments. Spread the word about what you're looking for.


On Monday, March 28, the rare merger of the moon, Venus, and Saturn makes you think about a whole new directional change. This is an important time to re-evaluate, rethink and re-create how you want to express your gifts and talents in this world. There's more... Jupiter/Neptune, once in 166, meets in your own zodiac sign – April 12 – and if there is a moment to draw a permanent line under any job, to value you and stop underestimating yourself in any job, this is now. Take your time, let your intuition guide you, and set your goals as high as possible – your future is immeasurable.

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