
How to fall in love with the Wind Elephant Man? This set of Venus 12 constellation love raiders, Aquarius Gemini Libra should be seen

How to have the ideal love?

Before answering this question, you first need to know:

How do you feel love?

How do you make yourself experience pleasure?

And, how do you connect with others?

The constellation Venus is a reference entry point.

In astrology, Venus is often used to interpret the "feeling of love." The constellation element of Venus can see a person's posture in love.

Starting this week, we will spend 4 weeks to launch the Venus 12 Zodiac Emotional Guide written by Frank Clift, Dean of the London School of Astrology. One element per issue, today is the first issue.

On the days of Venus and Aquarius, let's talk about Venus in the wind element.

Of all the constellations about emotional relationships, the wind element is probably the one with the highest rate of lying guns:

Gemini fickle, Aquarius alienated, even Libra is often labeled "bowl artist".

How to fall in love with the Wind Elephant Man? This set of Venus 12 constellation love raiders, Aquarius Gemini Libra should be seen

But is it possible that we just don't see the real need behind these three constellations?

We just don't see the way they enjoy their feelings?

We just haven't really seen the full picture of their emotional world yet?

This Venus Wind Elemental Love Guide will take you into the "true heart" of these three constellations.

How to fall in love with Gemini, Libra and Aquarius?

Remember, the most important word in their relationship is: breathing.

Other references:

Venus is in gemini/3rd house

The 5th or 7th house head is Gemini

Or Gemini is particularly emphasized

How to read the "wind" of Gemini?

After the tenacious Taurus, Gemini began to crave to get out there and communicate with others. In Gemini's formative years, they want to be involved in all topics that will interest them. Gemini aspires to be considered intelligent people who strive to keep themselves young.

How to fall in love with the Wind Elephant Man? This set of Venus 12 constellation love raiders, Aquarius Gemini Libra should be seen

Geminis are born with a knack for identifying patterns, connecting people with concepts, and they crave communication, understanding, and clarity. As a fluctuating sign in the wind element, Gemini is good at borrowing different opinions and piecing together different philosophical views to establish his own inclusive way of thinking.

Kim Gemini is usually a witty, humorous, and versatile person. They crave something new and exciting, and they get off to a great start with most people. The Golden Twins are like a bottle of champagne, they have sparkling and cute colors, there are sparkling bubbles, and they will make people suddenly feel excited when they drink.

However, this changing wind may also show another label: repetition.

People may only get this impression because The Golden Twins can quickly say goodbye to people who don't suit their own appetites. Like most social influencers, they are adept at separating those around them: co-workers, family, and friends. In such a seemingly complex network of relationships, they can easily cope with it.

If you are a Venus Gemini, then some people in the circle of friends will actually be very jealous of your talent, because in front of different people, you show yourself differently, and everyone likes you. And you can easily become the focus of your circle as a well-informed person. Not to mention talkative, even a little gossip...

It's just that behind the incessant talk, Jin Gemini also has to raise an awareness, are you afraid of the blankness of silence?

What is the love of venus geminis?

Golden Gemini's friends are basically the same as them: active thinking, simple and happy. Kim Gemini doesn't like to be with people with dull personalities and a love of ease. Even if his companions are on the same channel as him, the other party still needs to bring freshness from time to time in order to let Gemini continue the relationship.

How to fall in love with the Wind Elephant Man? This set of Venus 12 constellation love raiders, Aquarius Gemini Libra should be seen

The front chews sweet, and the back becomes more and more tasteless. People say that this is a sugarcane male/sugarcane woman.

After reading this label, someone will definitely post it to Venus Gemini. But in fact, this is only because the golden twins need a steady stream of stimulation, so it seems to be a bit fickle. But is that really the case? In fact, The Golden Gemini just doesn't tend to put all their energy into someone. Because the world is so much fun for them!

This desire for difference and change will also stimulate the other half's possessiveness toward you. Therefore, sometimes in order to be happy for themselves, It is inevitable that Jin Gemini will easily tell a little lie to his partner. How to honestly face the changing environment and deal with the relationship with the other half is a topic that Gemini has been exploring.

Focus means missing out a lot. But focus also leads to depth, which in turn translates. Once the Golden Gemini can understand the responsibility of love and marriage, they will really stabilize themselves. Perhaps at this point, they will really reap the rich and interesting experiences of an emotional relationship that is both light and stable.

What kind of lover do Venus Geminis need?

What the Venus Geminis need is someone who can let them express their ideas at will.

They need to open up the way the conversation atmosphere, this open talk, of course, also includes "sex".

Of all the configurations, the Venus Gemini is probably one of the few people who can ignite "excitement" through chat. Whether it's talking to each other about sex or just reading bestsellers in this area, it may also get them into the groove. A person who can make the golden twins fascinated, it is also easy to continue to communicate deeply with them physically.

How to fall in love with the Wind Elephant Man? This set of Venus 12 constellation love raiders, Aquarius Gemini Libra should be seen

It's just that love comes and goes quickly, and what Jin Gemini needs is someone who can create surprises at any time.

The love of the Golden Gemini is light, they enjoy the relationship they share easily with each other, they are willing to play with people who have a similar worldview to them, and once the other person is very dependent, or emotional blackmail occurs against them - they may actually run right away. Because such a pattern of feelings will make them lose their freedom and feel suffocated. As soon as they smell this possibility, they will quickly evacuate.

Space is so important to The Golden Gemini.

As a partner of Golden Gemini, you need to understand his infinite curiosity about the world for a lifetime. Even at retirement age, their mindset may still be like that of a young person.

Writing love letters, postcards, and warm poems to him from time to time can inspire his love for you. Once you have a foundation of trust between you, you can openly and honestly exchange ideas with each other. In the end, your life will be particularly wonderful, because there are countless lists to complete!

Venus is in the 7th house of Libra

The head of the 5th or 7th house is Libra

Or Libra is particularly emphasized

How to read the "wind" of Libra?

Mastering the art of "seduction" is probably the best of the Venus Libra people.

After Virgo's never-ending quest for perfection, Libra arrives with the mysterious art of establishing order. As natural strategists, they make things seem so effortless.

Presenting the wind element in a pioneering mode, Libra is always the bridgemaker, who learns to bring balanced objectivity to various situations. Their mission is to use diplomacy to quell disputes. It is often said that Libra is elegant and hesitant, but it is not, Libra is like a "polite Aries", they can convince their needs to be met.

How to fall in love with the Wind Elephant Man? This set of Venus 12 constellation love raiders, Aquarius Gemini Libra should be seen

Venus enters the temple of Libra, knows how to think about others, pay attention to the needs of others is their strength. They know how to praise others for their talents, looks, and work, and are happy to understand where others stand. Venus Libra can often provide constructive criticism, encouragement and support for the ideas of others, which enables them to become the most powerful "helpers" in the people around them.

On a personal and social level, they can easily maneuver between most people. They believe that "diplomacy is the art of getting others to do your own thing." They have an innate charm and can always express compliments in the most appropriate way, which is why any social event is willing to invite them.

Golden Libras hate rude and inappropriate behavior in public, and are most afraid of bad habits and embarrassing, rude social scenes. They need others to value their intellect, so they are less intolerant of those who disagree with them — especially those who are domineering or who laugh at their thoughtful advice.

At some stage, Venus Libra will suddenly discover its confident and independent side and begin to rely less on the opinions of others.

What is love like in Venus Libra?

Venus Libra will easily make romantic relationships an important focus of life, and their partners will usually feel completely safe because of Venus Libra. Whenever and wherever they are, they involuntarily spend their time and energy on one-on-one relationships. For them, sharing is everything, and it's the best way for Golden Libra to express their love and commitment.

How to fall in love with the Wind Elephant Man? This set of Venus 12 constellation love raiders, Aquarius Gemini Libra should be seen

Although Golden Libra usually chooses an easy life and does not easily take a tough attitude to spoil the situation, this may lead to them being easily dominated or exploited by strong people. Because of Venus Libra's tolerance and strong adaptability, it is easy to find rational excuses for the bad behavior of others.

Golden Scales need to learn to establish principles and bottom lines early in the formation of relationships. And how to find a balance in the relationship, neither to force yourself to integrate into the relationship, nor to express your own resistance.

The location of this Venus into the temple represents sophistication and taste. Even without any contact or communication, one can feel his wit and gentleness. Venus Libra prides itself on its fashionable elegance, so they also want to associate with smart people who are polite and attractive.

It's just that they are too easy to judge people by their appearance, and they may need to pay more attention to this: For example, will you judge whether you are willing to date a person based on their appearance alone? Or just by looking at the other person's appearance, you can judge whether the other person is a match for you?

However, what Venus Libra needs to remember is that you are not conjoined babies, so make sure that both parties can take the time to do their own thing – if both sides show good independence, then there will be more respect for each other. And you'll enjoy the relationship even more.

Being honest and direct about how you feel about yourself is something That Venus Libra has been learning. That way, your partner knows how they can support you and how to grasp the distance between you in order to achieve equal giving and equal relationships between each other.

What kind of lover does Venus Libra need?

Venus Libra needs others to respect their ideas, and they want their partner to be willing to take the time to understand you. However, they may need to show this demand more boldly. It's especially important for them not to maintain a relationship that ignores your giving, or has any abusive tendencies.

Communication is an art for them, and they can freely discuss any topic with anyone. In addition, whether it is fashion, art, or music, they all have a creative talent.

How to fall in love with the Wind Elephant Man? This set of Venus 12 constellation love raiders, Aquarius Gemini Libra should be seen

Even in the foreplay of the emotional relationship, they will enjoy wonderful dialogue. Of course, this is not to say that they do not have strong desires, but that they need more than just physical and behavioral satisfaction.

It's just that Venus Libra isn't very good at resisting temptation (especially when the opportunity comes to the door by himself).

The Venus Scale represents that what you fall in love with is "love" itself – you see, the idea is much better than it really is!

Sometimes, Venus Libra takes a "cool" approach to relationships, such as subconsciously moving themselves away as soon as they feel like they may be experiencing heavy emotional scenes. The one that makes them feel relaxed and happy and avoids playing emotional games is the choice of their ideal partner.

In short, their true love must first be in tune with their thinking.

Venus is in the house of Aquarius/11

The 5th or 7th house head is Aquarius

Or Aquarius is particularly emphasized

How to read the "wind" of Aquarius?

What could be more magical than a Venus Aquarius?!

Yes, they are a mixture of contradictions, rebellious and respectful of authority, both obedient and out-of-the-box. The point is that they are extremely provocative, but secretly eager to gain the favor of others... So, what the hell is going on here?

When we leave the red tape-obsessed Capricorn, the emphasis on independence comes with a momentum to tear up the rulebook. They strive to subvert the hierarchy of speech, traditions, and the values left behind by their predecessors—simply to build a society in which everyone is unique and equal.

As a fixed sign in the wind element, Aquarius has an uncompromising stance, they are catalysts for others. While in the early days, they may try to please everyone first, as they slowly understand the value of their own worldview, they will make a journey towards independence and an affirmation of their own situation.

In terms of emotional life, Venus Aquarius is undoubtedly an eccentric person, and is determined to keep private issues strictly confidential:

Others speculate about their sexual orientation? Leave him alone!

Someone else discusses their emotional state? Let him go!

Others find their interests odd? Doesn't matter!

Okay, but is that really the case? Maybe the other side of their mind actually cares a lot about what other people think—no matter how firmly they say no.

How to fall in love with the Wind Elephant Man? This set of Venus 12 constellation love raiders, Aquarius Gemini Libra should be seen

But one thing that is obvious is that they are keen to rebel against and attack a certain system. Sometimes, you feel like they're resisting some kind of authority. Once this is the time, the acceptance of others is really very important to Venus Aquarius. However, Venus Aquarius, should others matter?

What is the love of Venus Aquarius?

It is only after spending time together that people will probably discover the stubborn temper of Venus Aquarius.

They are not easy to change and need to be seen as the authority of everything. When they are affirmed by others, it is their happiest moment. In the same way, they want their partner to be perfect in the eyes of the world. They are always proud of their thoughts and are also easily attracted to their partner's wisdom.

They don't want others to think their partner is ignorant and will go to great lengths to prevent this from happening. Because of this, those who refuse to be their ideal partner may leave, and this departure will be as easy as when the water bottle leaves them.

The inability to control one's emotions, possessive partners, and clingy behaviors can all annoy Venus Aquarius. And they do need to distance themselves from partners who are super controlling and jealous.

However, in extreme cases, Venus Aquarius may instead become the person who needs emotional support the most in love. So when bottlers end up relying on emotional kidnapping to keep their partners, they find that this contradicts the independence they sought in the first place.

How to fall in love with the Wind Elephant Man? This set of Venus 12 constellation love raiders, Aquarius Gemini Libra should be seen

Therefore, it is very important to confirm as early as possible the scope of equal rights and independence that both of you can enjoy.

Because Golden Water Bottle will find it difficult to deal with these people's relationships and is likely to drift away from them on an emotional level. Such relationship patterns can also make them feel intensely insecure, depressed, and even feel as if they are asking for too much.

Venus Aquarius can be rebellious toward anyone who tries to impose rules on themselves, so avoid those who get angry when they don't connect with them for three hours. Bottlers, don't make easy commitments to please and appease each other, but tell each other that you really can't live according to their schedule.

This makes it easier to reduce your partner's expectations and demands of you later in the dating process.

What kind of lover does Venus Aquarius need?

The partner of Venus Aquarius must be their best friend.

They can share each other's expectations, thoughts, and mixed emotions about the future. Venus Aquarius is inherently friendly to everyone – they can talk to each other regardless of their social background or education.

Breaking through the hierarchical barriers and making people a community of common destiny is one of their greatest advantages. But there's also a minefield here where they're so friendly to everyone that even greeting the postman is as warm as they are to an old friend, which can cause their partner to feel like they're just part of a broad circle of friends.

Venus Aquarius would probably think that the brain is the sexiest organ, and anyone who wants to get their attention is best able to get your brain cells moving first. With thought, there are endless possibilities for creating plans and activities.

Their strength lies in being dashing, calm and rational, and the collision of thoughts can arouse their excitement. Therefore, a partner who can share (or even challenge) their ideas and doesn't get them in too much of an emotional hindrance would be a good choice.

Venus Aquarius hates rules and regulations, hates things that are too familiar, and even, in a way, hates people who try to have physical contact with themselves or bind themselves. But keep in mind that some partners can't live on fantasy alone, and people need emotional and physical connections as well.

How to fall in love with the Wind Elephant Man? This set of Venus 12 constellation love raiders, Aquarius Gemini Libra should be seen

Being too distant and rational can make those who fall in love with you feel alienated. You can't always be focused on your own world and be absent-minded about others. Your partner certainly knows that your love of work and your ideals is hidden beneath the iceberg, but they don't want to always feel your cold surface.

So, try not to shy away from the irrational part of your emotions. Maybe you might try to invent a new way of connecting mind, body, and soul at the same time.

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