
Can't install a charging pile, self-esteem is still strong, advise you not to buy an electric car, and money has nothing to do

Recently, with the rise in oil prices, many friends have shifted the focus of new car purchase plans to electric vehicle products, because no matter how to calculate, electric vehicles are much cheaper than fuel vehicles. But we've always had a view that if you buy an electric car just to save money, it's likely to end up being neither money-saving nor worry-free. In other words, if as a consumer, you can't buy an electric car for various reasons before the oil price rises, then you buy an electric car because of the rise in oil prices, then you may regret it in the future.

Can't install a charging pile, self-esteem is still strong, advise you not to buy an electric car, and money has nothing to do

Before the rise in oil prices, we once said that the purchase of electric vehicles is the need for certain conditions, for ordinary consumers, if there is a demand for long-distance driving, then at least two cars need to have the ability to buy, that is, a fuel car, an electric car, daily commuting in the city, the use of electric vehicles is more quiet, comfortable, there is no endurance anxiety, the key can also be very economical. When it comes to the need to run a long distance, directly driving a fuel car on the road, the fuel cost may be slightly higher, but there is no endurance anxiety, and after all, everyone is not running at high speed every day, occasionally spending a little more money, in exchange for no anxiety along the way, there is no problem.

Can't install a charging pile, self-esteem is still strong, advise you not to buy an electric car, and money has nothing to do

Of course, another problem is that if you want to buy an electric car, you must have your own charging pile, that is, install a home charging pile on your own parking space. In fact, this point does not seem to be a problem, hundreds of thousands, hundreds of thousands of electric vehicles can afford to buy, is there any charging pile is any big problem? In our view, no matter how much the electric car itself is priced, home charging piles are the most important "accessories". The reason is very simple, for many electric vehicle owners, if you have your own home charging pile, after each use of the car, your own charging pile on the plug does not have to manage, wait until the vehicle is full, you will stop, basically every time you drive out, it is fully charged, this feeling is very good.

Can't install a charging pile, self-esteem is still strong, advise you not to buy an electric car, and money has nothing to do

But now there are still many car owners can not install charging piles, such as some old residential areas can not install charging piles, or car owners do not have their own parking spaces, but also can not install charging piles, so in fact, want to smoothly install charging piles, obstacles are still many, the threshold is relatively high. Of course, there are also some dealers and direct store sales will tell you that the high-speed charging pile outside is charged quickly, and the electricity price concession is also very large, so even if there is no home charging pile, there is no problem in buying and using electric vehicles.

Can't install a charging pile, self-esteem is still strong, advise you not to buy an electric car, and money has nothing to do

However, as a "person who came over", I would like to tell you that if you do not have your own charging pile, going outside to charge is far from being as simple and "beautiful" as you think. First go outside to charge, no matter how fast or slow, are to wait, and many charging piles in the vehicle more time, the power will be relatively low, charging speed is very slow, then this leads to the need to wait in the car for a long time, occasionally wait once of course does not matter. However, if there is no own charging pile, charging all depends on the outside charging pile, so long, multi-frequency waiting, for many people is very painful, the key is to waste a lot of time.

Can't install a charging pile, self-esteem is still strong, advise you not to buy an electric car, and money has nothing to do

There is also a problem, in fact, for many people, everyone commutes to work time is almost the same, so after work there will be many people at the same time to go to the outside charging pile to charge, many times need to queue up not to say, sometimes will encounter charging pile damage, some car owners park randomly, resulting in charging piles can not reach the car, etc., which is a lot of self-esteem, or a sense of dignity of car owners, is very "humiliating". Although I am not an electric vehicle owner, but because I often test drive a new car, so many times when I drive an electric car back, I will go outside to charge, all kinds of waiting, all kinds of charging power is not enough, queuing, basically have experienced, that kind of "humiliation", as a fuel car owner, has never experienced.

So we insist that at present, if the use of vehicles is relatively extensive, that is, the needs of urban commuting and long-distance driving, then the choice of electric vehicles should be very cautious. If the charging pile can be successfully installed at home, and there is another fuel vehicle or hybrid car, then there is no problem in choosing an electric car. But if there is no way to install charging piles at home, you can only go outside to charge, then the outside electricity price is actually not cheap, the key is very troublesome and test patience, for some owners with strong self-esteem, I am afraid it is difficult to accept, which has little to do with money. Of course, we believe that oil prices have risen and fallen, the future may still come down, if there is no condition to buy electric vehicles before the oil price rises, then do not choose electric vehicles because of the rise in oil prices.

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