
Ephemeris 0328: Aries focus on career Lions focus on physical health

Ephemeris 0328: Aries focus on career Lions focus on physical health


Today's Horoscope:

Today, we should pay more attention to the career trends. For example, we need to pay attention to the trend of personnel reduction and the economic growth of the company. For freelancers, adjust their offers in time, and for people with a fixed income, your salary and benefits are also prone to change at this time.

Lucky color: dark green

Lucky number: 7

Fit sign: Sagittarius

Lucky item: Black spinel

Mood of the day: Occasional showers


Today is the day when it's easy to get assistance around you. Although the original plan was hindered, with the help of the people around him, there was a good ending. In terms of learning, you may switch learning environments or seek other instructors. Cram schools will also be considered today, and I want to make up for certain subjects.

Lucky color: Silver

Lucky number: 8

Consort sign: Capricorn

Lucky item: Opal

Mood of the day: Gentle rain


Today you need to re-measure your relationship with someone. It may be a person who you used to think that you have no ability, but today you have discovered a different talent and hidden strength. It could also be a character who didn't care before, but today finds to be a partner worth working with. In short, the process is happy and easy, and it is highly recommended that you actively get to know others.

Lucky color: Black

Lucky number: 4

Fit sign: Pisces

Lucky Item: Blonde Crystal

Mood of the day: Waiting for the wind to come


Today you may discover someone else's little secret. You who are deaf and discerning can see through the hidden hearts of others and can also see through the skills of problem solving. Still, you're hesitant about how to use your findings. You don't want to expose yourself on the one hand, and you want to get benefits on the other hand, and you think about it for a while.

Lucky color: purple

Lucky number: 5

Lucky item: Opal

Mood of the day: Rainbow after rain


You need to pay close attention to your physical health today. Maybe because of sudden anger, or some long-term unpleasant things, let your mental state deteriorate, physical function is also declining. Even if you are not sick, you still feel that you have no energy, leaving an image of irritability and crying. So it is recommended that you pay attention to emotional regulation, listen to more light music, and eat some sweets.

Lucky color: Orange

Lucky number: 6

Consort sign: Taurus

Lucky Item: Moonstone

Mood of the day: Blowing a pool of spring water


Today you need to focus on your own material power. You may have thought that talking about money was too vulgar before, but many situations today require you to solve it in the most vulgar and copper-smelly way. Do things more from a rational point of view, less use of emotional thinking. If you want to cooperate, it is best not to cooperate with relatives.

Lucky color: Milk brown

Lucky number: 1

Lucky Item: Grape Stone

Mood of the day: Thunder and lightning masterpiece


Today is the day when problems worsen, and what was supposed to be a small mistake will turn into a big problem. Therefore, even the smallest errors should be resolved as soon as possible. Today, we need to pay attention to 2 points, one is to do things in the long run and prevent problems before they occur; the other is not to be frizzy, and to act steadily.

Lucky color: yellow

Lucky number: 9

Fit sign: Gemini

Mood of the day: Light rain


You will pay a lot of attention to your salary today, and even ask your superiors for a raise. Being aware of one's own labor and value is a good way of being aware, but talking about salary is always a matter of skill. You have to understand your chips in the team and understand your own substitution. Mere mentioning one's own hard work or past merits can easily become futile. Grasping your own chips and making yourself an indispensable person is the key.

Lucky color: Gold

Fit sign: Leo

Mood of the day: Thunderstorms


Today is the day when your personality shines, and you can always show your special charm. Social luck improves, you are more likely to show a lively side, if you can master the relationship, your credibility and status will improve. In addition, when dealing with legal and real estate matters today, we must not be soft and bold.

Lucky color: green

Lucky number: 0

Fit sign: Cancer

Lucky Item: Stone

Today's mood: people warm and windy


Talking to a highly educated person today will be great for your rational thinking. If there are lectures, seminars, exhibitions and other activities, it is recommended that you actively participate. However, today's fortunes are average, so prevent the pseudo-bully from selling products to you. At the same time, you may need to pay for high-ranking intellectuals to eat in order to form alliances.

Lucky color: rose red

Lucky Item: Topaz

Mood of the day: Tornado


Today you need to face the problem of three views of discord. It is not that the people who have contradictions with you are not right, nor is it that your three views are not correct, but that you have different positions and different experiences, so it is difficult to reach an agreement. It is necessary for you to strengthen communication, even if you can't talk in the end, don't be cold and violent. These efforts may not be able to continue a relationship with three views, but they can make you feel ashamed.

Lucky color: Beige

Lucky number: 2

Mood of the day: Cloudy and cloudy


Today, you know better than usual how to reject others and say no to things you don't like. You don't know where the courage comes from, it may be that the heart has longed for too long, and finally opened up. Today you will bravely reject all the people and things you don't like, no matter who wants to force you, or deny you, PUA you don't work. Because you know how to stand firm and try your best to fight for your rights.

Lucky color: Navy blue

Lucky number: 3

Lucky item: Agarwood

Mood of the day: Cold ice rain

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