
How boring is this artist? Set the cans with crystals, and the truth is contemplative

In recent years, we have seen a lot of innovative artistic creations, artists break the mold, integrate new ideas and personal perspectives into their creations, and bring people a unique visual experience. We often say that the most feared thing about artistic creation is that there is no innovation, but sometimes it is too late, and in recent times, we have also seen a lot of controversial works of art, making it difficult to distinguish whether to encourage or complain.

Recently, Xiao Dai also noticed an artist who set crystals on a can, don't be in a hurry to complain, when you understand his creative intentions, it may make us change our minds about this idea. The artist is from Sam Keller, who is very good at finding inspiration from everyday objects, and this artist likes to incorporate some criticism of real-world problems into his creations.

How boring is this artist? Set the cans with crystals, and the truth is contemplative

Of course, most of the materials needed for Sam Keller's artistic creation are also derived from daily life, and under normal circumstances, he must not use the old ones to use the new ones, and he must not buy them if he can use the ones he picks up. This is not to say that this artist is more "cut", but in the process of creation, he has always practiced the concept of environmental protection.

As mentioned above, Sam Keller's setting of crystals on the body of a can is not how boring he is, but he hopes to criticize the over-packaging of the capital market through such works, so that people unconsciously fall into the trap of consumerism. I don't know if you realize that sometimes when you buy a product, you have forgotten what the intention of buying it is.

How boring is this artist? Set the cans with crystals, and the truth is contemplative

For example, a can of drink, you need it to be delicious and thirst-quenching enough, but you have to pay for its colorful, often updated outer packaging. Or maybe you don't need a can of drink, but you'll buy it because it's well packaged. In order to give people a clear understanding of their own needs, Sam Keller decided to use a set of satirical works to wake people up.

The artist looked for a lot of discarded, damaged cans from the surrounding discarded garbage heaps, and then filled the entire jar with colorful crystals, which looked shiny and another attractive beverage can. I would like to ask, such a drink can that is only beautiful and useless, will anyone buy her home?

The answer is yes, of course, people are also seriously reflecting on their own behavior when answering this question. "When someone starts to reflect, then their intentions are achieved," says Sam Keller. I don't know if you have some reflections on your consumption behavior after reading it?

How boring is this artist? Set the cans with crystals, and the truth is contemplative
How boring is this artist? Set the cans with crystals, and the truth is contemplative

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