
Have you ever eaten a gift of nature in the spring, a cold dandelion?

Dandelions are derived from plants of the Asteraceae family, alkaline land, and belong to the dried whole grass of several plant species. The efficacy and function of dandelion is to clear heat and detoxify, reduce swelling and loosen knots, diuretic and gory, and is used to treat boils and swelling, milk carbuncle, fistula, red eyes, sore throat, pulmonary carbuncle, intestinal carbuncle, damp and hot jaundice, hot drenching pain and so on. Dandelion also has the effect of clearing the liver and can be used to treat the swelling and pain of the eyes caused by hepatic inflammation.

Have you ever eaten a gift of nature in the spring, a cold dandelion?

Granddaughter Tachun learns to pick dandelions. Picture/Flower Fairy 0

In the spring, dandelions have just grown young leaves from the soil, and the dishes are both appetizing, heat-clearing and detoxifying. So, on Saturday, I took my granddaughter to enjoy the spring sunshine, went outdoors to pick dandelions, and used the dandelions I picked back to make a unique cold dish. From learning the operation procedures from picking to cold mixing, the granddaughter felt the magic of nature, and at the same time learned knowledge that could not be learned in school. Eating some wild vegetables properly in the spring can help clear heat and detoxify.

Have you ever eaten a gift of nature in the spring, a cold dandelion?

Wash the dandelions. Picture/Flower Fairy 0

Dandelion cold mix preparation:

First, choose a fresh dandelion and wash it.

2. Bring to a boil in pure water and blanch the dandelions.

3. Ingredients oil, fresh red pepper, garlic, salt, soy sauce and sauté in a pan until fragrant.

Fourth, put the fried ingredients into the blanched dandelion miles, add oil, cold sauce, stir well.

Have you ever eaten a gift of nature in the spring, a cold dandelion?

Stir-fry the seasoning. Picture/Flower Fairy 0

Have you ever eaten a gift of nature in the spring, a cold dandelion?

Cold mix dandelion ready. Picture/Flower Fairy 0

Safety Reminder: Pick wild vegetables with caution

Be careful when picking and eating wild vegetables in the wild. Do not pick and eat wild vegetables that are not known and unfamiliar; do not pick wild vegetables that grow in areas with poor health environments and around highways; wild vegetables should be washed, blanched, and eaten in moderation; if eating wild vegetables causes physical discomfort, you can induce vomiting first and seek medical treatment in time.

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