
"Ascetic" Zhang Songwen: He was rejected by the crew 800 times, and finally became famous, and now he can't afford to buy a house and has not married a wife

"Ascetic" Zhang Songwen: He was rejected by the crew 800 times, and finally became famous, and now he can't afford to buy a house and has not married a wife


In this world, people who do not pursue fame and profit and covet beauty are very few. In the show business circle, there are even fewer people who do not pursue fame and profit and covet beauty. Zhang Songwen, counts as one. He is 46 years old this year, and he has been on the road of an actor for twenty years, but his acting career is not shining, but can be described by the three words of "ascetic", which can be said to be a "martyr" in the show business. Twenty years after his career, he said he could not afford to buy a house, and he was still alone at more than half a hundred years old. Is such a life worth it?


Zhang Songwen was born on May 10, 1976 in Shaoguan City, Guangdong Province. His father was a soldier and his mother was a doctor. It can be said that although his original family is not rich, it is not poor.

He was particularly clingy to his father when he was a child. His father had to stay in the mountains with the army because of his work, and he followed his father for seven or eight years.

Also because his parents are very busy, his parents often give him to a neighbor after work, and this neighbor is a grandfather, a gatekeeper of the movie theater.

Because of his hearing, he has loved movies since he was a child. When he was very young, he wanted to be a film actor. It's just that, he doesn't know, his film road is so tortuous.

Originally, Zhang Songwen, who was born in a well-off family, would have a good childhood. However, fate played a big joke on him, and he still hasn't eased up.

When he was in junior high school, his mother died of illness. Zhang Songwen was also greatly hit by this, he originally had good results, because of this blow, even Pugao was not admitted.

Zhang Songwen, who was highly qualified, did not feel lost. Because the conditions at home are not good, you can go out to work early to earn money and reduce the burden on your family.

When he was in secondary school, he went to an electronics factory for an internship. After graduation, he went directly to Dongguan, where he worked as a printing plant worker and suffered a lot.

In order to change the status quo, he left the factory and went out to work as a salesman. But fate does not seem to favor him, and his performance has not been sharp.

Because he had no academic qualifications, he worked as a worker, salesman, waiter and other low-level jobs. Although it was a hardship at that time, when I look back now, I find that it is this experience that makes the characters he later shaped more touching and touching.

Although he accidentally fell to the bottom, Zhang Songwen is still a self-motivated person. He realized that if he relied only on labor, he would not only have a meager income, but also work a long time.

He thought about it and decided to use the money he had saved to take a tour guide certificate and then come out to do tour guide work. This year, he was only nineteen years old.

In the beginning, he enjoyed the job very much and was the hardest working on the team. Because the job of tour guide is higher than any job he has done before, the salary is higher.

However, after a few years of doing it, he suddenly looked back and realized that he did not like the job. The job, while lucrative, wasn't something he really liked.

And he has always had a movie dream in his heart. If you can't walk the path of the movie, no matter how much money you make, you won't be really happy.

At the age of 25, Zhang Songwen officially applied for the Beijing Film Academy. Film school took vocals, lines, acting, and form, and he didn't know anything about them.

However, fate took care of him at this time. At that session, there was a question that was:

"Suppose a tour group is stranded on an isolated island, what do you do?"

His companions have chosen the role of tourist, and he has been a director for many years, choosing the role of director. Of course, he starred in his true color, because of this wonderful performance, he was successfully admitted to the Beijing Film Academy.

But Nortel's admission of him is also required. Because he had no foundation at all and could not speak Mandarin, Nortel asked him to be a trial trainee for 4 months first, speaking Standard Mandarin first, saying that it was not standard, and automatically withdrawing from school.

In order to seize this opportunity, he spent 4 months and really improved his accent. During his four years at the school, he was the oldest, and was elected president of the student council.

And he's the hardest. Because he knows that if he doesn't work hard, he will be eliminated first. Four years later, his graduation grades were the first in the school.

As a result, because of his excellent grades, he stayed in the school to teach. The reason why he chose this path is because he had wandered enough before, he did not want to fight for the acting road without support, and wanted to pursue his ideals while coaching.

Zhang Songwen's grades during his time in school were very good, but this excellence did not continue outside the school. His acting road can be said to be quite bumpy.

Those who study acting, in addition to ensuring their studies, can go out to run the crew to take on the role after entering the school. In his first year, he ran 200 crews and was not hired. The following year, he ran three hundred, and was not hired. In the third year, after improving his professional ability, there was finally a crew that was willing to use him, which was the urban crime TV series "The Price of Love".

A director once said to him:

"Thick lower lip, deep nasolabial lines, and nostrils that are turned outwards make it too difficult to make a bad face." The deadly pair of triangular eyes are doomed to lose the positive character. An image of an actor who can't cross into the front line. ”

Rather frustrated, he was comforted by the teacher:

"Song Wen, you believe me, since I recruited you into the acting department that year, it means that you are suitable to be an actor, don't give up."

Therefore, in order to ensure that he has food to eat, he first stabilizes his work and then pursues his ideals.

Just when he was particularly difficult, Heaven once again took care of him. That year, there was a script called "Riding the Dragon Monster Son-in-Law", the director looked for a long time and could not find the right person, and when he saw Zhang Songwen, he fixed him.

Later the director said:

I have to say that Zhang Songwen is indeed the actor who can best perform the soul of this character. After his audition, I felt like I'd found the guy I wanted. ”

This was his first male number one. However, this drama did not make him rise, but only allowed him to eat by acting. In the years that followed, he was still only able to play some corner roles.

And he was still suspected of not being an actor.

Once, he went to an interview with Zhou Wei, and the director and the coal boss were discussing what kind of people can't be actors. As a result, the two of them became "negative teaching materials":

"Zhang Songwen, short, brain door, a Cantonese at a glance, can not be an actor." What about Mondays? Sausage mouth, half a pound eight two. ”

In the difficult days of taking over the play, the way he fights the difficult is to do his best to make his play better. He never wanted to take shortcuts, he just wanted to use his efforts and strength to stand firm.

In 2007, when he filmed "Spring Breeze Drunken Night", investors were very dissatisfied with his resume, but director Lou Ye supported him.

In this movie, he only has two scenes, one minute. But he grabbed the director and kept asking, so much so that later, when filming the scene where he was arguing with people, the crowd called the police on the spot.

Zhang Songwen can be said to be a "drama idiot". In his heart, no matter how impetuous he is on the outside, he sticks to his principles, shapes good roles, completes good works, is the first, as for fame and fortune, it is only incidental.

So that when capital entered later, he was not in a hurry, and he only played his role well, no matter how hard it was, his original intention remained unchanged.

From here, we can see that as early as 2007, Zhang Songwen's acting skills were already in full swing. However, the pure acting skills were seen and recognized by everyone, and it was many years later.

Due to dedication and birth class, Zhang Songwen has gained a lot of roles by his own efforts. Therefore, in many big productions, we can see his figure, but he is not the protagonist, but he is particularly serious.

In this regard, Zhang Songwen himself looked particularly open:

"Something is in man, and something is done in heaven." Do what you can, and leave the rest to fate. Do what you like, even if you are not famous, you will have a good time. ”

In 2016, he worked with Lou Ye again. And this time, he was finally seen. Because of the role of the director of the construction committee responsible for demolition in "Clouds Made of Rain in the Wind", people remember him, which is commonly known as "out of the circle".

Yao Chen said, "Song Wen, you've acted so well."

Shi Hang, a media person, said: "The person on the stage named Zhang Songwen, I knew you for the first time, I was watching a movie while searching for who you were, and you scared me." ”

So, let's take a look at how he got out of the "price" behind the circle.

After receiving this role, Teacher Zhang Songwen applied to go to the Urban Construction Committee of a southern city for a while, personally experienced this role, and also observed the people around him who were related to this role. Then he used the performance aesthetics he created to present this character on the screen.

In fact, he does this every time he receives a role. He never acted for the sake of acting, but treated the role as "fruit", and he carefully reclaimed the land, fertilized, and created an environment that could bear fruit, which was a stupid method and the smartest way.

So much so that after relying on "A Cloud Made of Rain in the Wind" to go out of the circle, every role he played could go out of the circle. And this out of the circle, just because of his explosive acting skills.

Recently, in "Heart Residence", he began to pick the beam and played the male protagonist, but the result was unexpectedly good.

The audience actually knows what a good actor is.

In the world of show business, there are two kinds of success. One is the success of the talent type, and the other is the late success of the big instrument. Zhang Songwen belongs to the typical late-stage actor of the big instrument.

He deserves it.

His golden age had only just begun.

But he said:

"I'm especially afraid that my performance will not work, and now I just have a little bit of luck, and I really hope that I can have a little more good luck, let me receive more good plays, and let my acting life last a little longer." 」 Because it's really hard to come by. ”

Off the screen, his life is very simple.

Zhang Songwen rents a farmyard in Shunyi District, outside Beijing's Fifth Ring Road, and does not attend social gatherings, interviews, or even parties or sing k. Guarding your own yard and watching the flowers in the yard blossom and fall, it is very pleasant.

A friend once commented on him:

"If Zhang Songwen is socially phobia, then 70% of people in China will not speak. A few of their friends went out to dinner together, and Zhang Songwen would figure out the bottom of the table within 5 minutes of being seated: mood, personality, occupation, and intentions. He would control the field for the next 55 minutes, letting the conversation and the pleasant atmosphere flow smoothly through the tips of his fingers, never landing on the ground. ”

He is not so lonely that he cannot fit into the crowd, but likes to leave the crowd to observe and think, and live a life of fame and fortune, which can allow him to find more of himself.

Referring to the recent targets, he said:

"Be sure to learn to save money and buy a house. Most of his elementary and junior high school classmates have a house, and he is in his 40s and still renting a house. Beijing did not think about it, I went back to my hometown, before I was old enough to buy a house of more than a million, if I could not afford to buy even a room and a living room. ”

As soon as his words came out, they were particularly surprising.

Because in the eyes of the public, it is easy for stars to make money. But everyone forgets that he is not a star, but a serious actor, an actor who does not have the right money.

This year, he is 46 years old.

In addition to the fact that the private life is very simple, the emotional life is also very simple, and there is no net life. His emotional experience cannot be found on the Internet, and now he is still alone.

Perhaps, in his noble life, there is no one who can accompany his soul.

And Ning Que is not indiscriminate, which is also his purpose.

The public will ask:

"Is such a life worth it?"

He would surely answer:

"Worth it".

Because he has answered with action.

However, at the rate at which he is now popular, he will soon be able to buy a house. After the career is stable, find a crush to marry,

It will also be achieved very quickly.

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