
China's Guxiang peach drunk world| peach blossom fragrance

Text/Yang Fuming

China's Guxiang peach drunk world| peach blossom fragrance

Peach blossoms fluttering, like tears of people, flying, spinning, reminding me of home, long goodbye home...

The sky in March is blue and blue, and a few white clouds float leisurely; the mountains of March have become a sea of flowers, with pink peach blossoms like yarn, and white peach blossoms like snow...

From one end to the other, they were connected together, as if a scarf had been wrapped around the mountain. Er, a gust of wind blew, and the scarf floated up.

I used to sing under the flowers, and watch the flowers fall with the wind, like butterflies, flying and flying, flying into the distance. Reach out and catch a piece, watch her dance in her hands, stand up, fall down, and finally fly out of her hand and back into the wind.

This is all a thing of the past, and I want to make people nostalgic, and I miss home more deeply. Every day and night, the peach blossoms fly in the brain, rising and falling, reminding me of home, thinking of my parents, thinking of friends, thinking of the lonely me...

China's Guxiang peach drunk world| peach blossom fragrance

Many days and nights ago, I vowed to go out of the mountains and see the outside world. I heard that the outside world is wonderful, there are many novel things, even the flowers are whiter than the home, better than the home. After coming out, I found that I was wrong, and the flowers outside were not as bright as the flowers at home, and even less beautiful at home. Thinking of the flowers, thinking of home, the faint fragrance brought me back to my hometown.

How can we forget the hard work of Dad when cutting firewood, when he is tired, he often sits under an old pine tree on the mountain to rest, lights a bag of dry smoke, and takes a big gulp, behind the distant wisps of light smoke is The face of Old Man Cang.

How can you forget the beads of sweat of the mother during the laundry. As she washed her clothes, she rolled up her sleeves and scrubbed in the river. The clear water of the river reflected the thin body of the mother, and the white hair of the sideburns fluttered with the wind.

How can you forget, the joy of climbing the mountain with friends, the song, the laughter, the sound of the wind, playing a refreshing melody, turning, long, reverberating in the valley. The clouds in the sky flew in the wind, leaving a few faint marks, and the birds flew overhead, shouting, singing, and flying down the mountain...

China's Guxiang peach drunk world| peach blossom fragrance

When the peach blossoms are flying, Dad carries firewood to walk in the sunset; when the peach blossoms are flying, the mother washes in the breeze; when the peach blossoms fly, run on the path with friends. Fluttering peach blossoms, swaying memories, like a clock ticking past. The fragrance of the peach blossom floats around, it is the breath of home, that is the call of the father, that is the nagging of the mother, that is the laughter of the friends.

March, the season of peach blossoms. At this point, am I crying? It can only be washed with tears. In March, the peach blossoms fluttering, the fragrance fluttering, the tears fluttering, that is the feeling of home...

(Image from the Internet)

【About the author】Yang Fuming, male, Han ethnicity, born in November 1990, from Fei County, Shandong, joined the Communist Party of China in September 2013, joined the Communist Party of China in December 2014, graduated from Tianjin University of Commerce majoring in exhibition management, university degree, corporate culture teacher, assistant engineer, member of Shandong Prose Literature Association, member of Shandong Young Writers Association, member of Linyi Writers Association. He has been awarded the honorary titles of "Learning from Lei Feng Pacesetter", "Top Ten Excellent Individuals", "Excellent Communist Youth League Members", "Excellent Communist Party Members" and so on. His literary works have been published in newspapers and magazines such as "Young Eagle Literature", "Chinese Youth", "Pudong Chengguan", "Shandong Young Writers", "Today Zhangqiu" and other newspapers and magazines, and have won many awards in various literary competitions at the national, provincial and municipal levels.

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