
Fuel car ban time into the countdown, the owner helpless sigh, good days to the end?

From the birth of the world's first fuel vehicle, the automobile industry has been developing for more than 100 years. Cars have long been popular around the world, and have been widely promoted in China in the past ten years, and the number of domestic cars every year is rising at a rate of 20 million. The emergence of cars has brought a lot of convenience to people, but the explosive growth rate has also brought a lot of "disasters" to the environment in which we live.

Fuel car ban time into the countdown, the owner helpless sigh, good days to the end?

Car exhaust is one of the main sources of air pollution, and relevant studies have shown that the composition of car exhaust is very complex, with at least 100 kinds of pollutants in it. Although there are redox devices such as ternary catalysts on cars, after many vehicles are used for a period of time, the redox effect of the ternary catalyst will decrease, and the emissions of automobile exhaust will not meet the standards of environmental protection.

Fuel car ban time into the countdown, the owner helpless sigh, good days to the end?

With the continuous increase of vehicle exhaust emissions, air pollution has become more and more serious, global warming, urban heat island effect is becoming more and more obvious, to people's lives has also brought a lot of adverse effects. In order to alleviate these phenomena, countries around the world have also made their attitudes clear, and will begin to stop selling fuel vehicles in the next ten to twenty years.

The mainland has also shown the attitude of banning the sale of fuel vehicles, Hainan will become the first city in China to ban the sale of fuel vehicles, by 2025 all public transportation in Hainan Province will be replaced by new energy vehicles, by 2030, the proportion of new and replaced new energy vehicles in the private sector will reach 100%. That is to say, by 2030, Hainan Province will achieve full coverage of new energy vehicles.

Fuel car ban time into the countdown, the owner helpless sigh, good days to the end?

Since the promulgation of the "Hainan Clean Energy Vehicle Development Plan", controversies over the ban on the sale of fuel vehicles have arisen one after another. Many people in the country to hear about the fuel vehicle this plan does not approve, although the price of gasoline is rising now, but everyone still feels that the advantages of fuel vehicles are significantly higher than new energy vehicles.

Fuel car ban time into the countdown, the owner helpless sigh, good days to the end?

Many people can't figure out why we should comprehensively promote new energy vehicles, and isn't it very good for fuel vehicles and new energy vehicles to develop at the same time? Banning the sale of fuel vehicles, is his good life coming to an end?

Reasons for banning the sale of fuel vehicles

1. Get rid of dependence on oil resources. The dependence of fuel vehicles on petroleum resources is too large, and oil is a non-renewable resource, and unlimited development will only make oil resources more and more scarce. Now the global energy structure is changing, in order to reduce the dependence on oil resources, countries around the world are working hard to lay out new energy vehicles.

Fuel car ban time into the countdown, the owner helpless sigh, good days to the end?

2. Protect the ecological environment. The damage to the ecological environment of automobile exhaust is very huge, and the nitrogen oxides and hydrocarbons produced after gasoline combustion will react chemically under the action of sunlight to produce ozone. Ozone combines with other components in the atmosphere to produce photochemical fumes that affect people's vision.

3. Achieve overtaking in curves. The foreign automobile industry has been developed for hundreds of years, whether it is technology or product influence, it is much higher than that of domestic cars. However, in the field of new energy vehicles, independent brands and joint venture brands are on the same starting line, there are not too many technical barriers, and domestic cars may achieve curve overtaking and lead the era of new energy vehicles.

Fuel car ban time into the countdown, the owner helpless sigh, good days to the end?

New energy vehicles have been developed in China for more than 8 years, and the overall strength has also made great progress compared with before. But there are still many drawbacks in the current new energy vehicles, short mileage, charging difficulties are the most difficult problems faced by current owners, we can not confirm whether these problems can be properly solved in the next few years, so after seeing the news of the ban on the sale of fuel vehicles, many car owners have questioned, how many years can their newly bought cars be driven?

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