
Your insomnia has been targeted by merchants! See how "burning money" it is to get a good night's sleep

"Apply the most expensive mask, stay up the night at the latest" "Stay up late while maintaining health"... These "slogans" have become the true portrayal of contemporary young people, and not being able to sleep, sleeping well, and not sleeping enough has become a trouble for many people.

Today (March 21) is World Sleep Day, and this year's Chinese theme is "Good Sleep, Healthy Peers". However, the latest survey data shows that more than 300 million people on the mainland have sleep disorders. Moreover, young people face more serious sleep problems than the elderly, and 84% of post-90s have sleep problems, so the post-90s generation is also known as the most "sleepless" generation.

Your insomnia has been targeted by merchants! See how "burning money" it is to get a good night's sleep

At the same time, it is not only people who can't sleep who care about sleep, businesses and entrepreneurs have long been eyeing people's "sleep badly" thing - from sleep aid aromatherapy, eye masks, to hypnosis APP, white noise audio to mattresses, equipment, food and other fields, sleep aid has become a business.

300 million people have insomnia, creating a market of 500 billion yuan

Recently, the Chinese Sleep Research Association and other institutions released the "2022 Chinese National Healthy Sleep White Paper". According to the survey, nearly 3/4 of the respondents had sleep troubles, and difficulty falling asleep became the number one problem. 87% of people think sleep is important, but 80% of people have the habit of going to bed late, 16% of people stay up late almost every day, and 28% sleep until 9 to 12 o'clock the next day.

According to relevant reports, there are 300 million people who can be called insomnia, because they will suffer from insomnia at night, and they know that they should sleep, but there is no way to fall asleep. At present, the average sleep time of the people is 6.92 hours, and the proportion of people who often insomnia accounts for about 36.1%, while 69.3% of the "post-90s" will fall asleep after 11 o'clock at night, and it will also be accompanied by difficulty falling asleep.

In the past year, the market size of the mainland sleep economy has reached 260 billion yuan, and relevant experts predict that by 2024, this number will reach 500 billion. In other words, your insomnia may be fulfilling someone else's "dream of wealth."

At present, there are many products and services related to sleep aids on the market, and the classification is also very detailed.

According to the "2019-2020 Online Sleep Consumption Report" of Jingdong Big Data Research Institute, the number of sleep aid products increased by more than 32% per year in 2017-2019, and the number of merchants increased by more than 65% per year.

Your insomnia has been targeted by merchants! See how "burning money" it is to get a good night's sleep

On the entrepreneurial side, the relevant database includes a total of 152 companies related to sleep products and sleep services.

Your insomnia has been targeted by merchants! See how "burning money" it is to get a good night's sleep

At present, most of the startups cut into the sleep field in the form of smart hardware, smart home textiles, home daily chemicals, and hypnotic audio.

The data shows that more than 35 companies in the sleep startup market have received financing.

Your insomnia has been targeted by merchants! See how "burning money" it is to get a good night's sleep

There are too many sleep aids, whether it is iq tax or not

Nowadays, when we open the major e-commerce platforms, we can see a variety of sleep aid "artifacts", such as melatonin, aromatherapy candles and latex pillows, etc., each segment can become a means for merchants to "fish for gold".

Your insomnia has been targeted by merchants! See how "burning money" it is to get a good night's sleep
Your insomnia has been targeted by merchants! See how "burning money" it is to get a good night's sleep

Among them, young people's favorite is melatonin, according to relevant statistics, melatonin products accounted for 85% of the consumption after 90. Businesses that "care" about your sleep are racking their brains to create a comfortable sleep environment for you, whether it's drugs or sleep aid products.

Your insomnia has been targeted by merchants! See how "burning money" it is to get a good night's sleep

In addition, major capitals have also begun to focus on this "cake", for example, in 2018, Want Want Food launched "Want Want Water", the content of the propaganda is to help relax the brain and relieve fatigue; and Mengniu Dairy is not far behind, "Good Evening" Sleep Milk with the slogan of staying away from insomnia, slowly coming to consumers.

In addition to "drinking", wearables also look at the huge potential of the sleep market, Samsung, Huawei and Apple and other major giants, will be mobile phones and bracelets to combine, so as to export scientific sleep data to readers.

Your insomnia has been targeted by merchants! See how "burning money" it is to get a good night's sleep

In addition, a variety of soft economy to help sleep has also emerged, including APP to help you sleep and sleepers, etc., the latter is able to provide a variety of customized services, consumers can choose the corresponding sound according to their preferences, and the price of an hour is as high as hundreds. For some consumers, they will even buy out the sleeper and give tens of thousands of dollars a month.

Your insomnia has been targeted by merchants! See how "burning money" it is to get a good night's sleep

The sleep market is in a disorderly stage of development Diversification is the trend

Although 300 million people with sleep disorders are the main consumer force, the emergence of such a soft economy has led to some chaos, and some people who originally did not have good sleep disorders also hope to achieve their personal goals.

People's attention to sleep quality and the increase in consumption willingness are a positive for the development of the sleep economy market. However, there is no clear definition of the field at present, the services provided by manufacturers are also diverse, and there are no clear testing standards and specifications for whether products and services can truly promote sleep, and the market is in a stage of disorderly development. The current specifications are only for product production and sales licenses. Therefore, some "pseudo-concept" products and services have also emerged in this field.

In the future, with the increasing pressure of the younger generation of life and work will further promote the development of the sleep economy industry, the products will develop to the trend of diversification, from traditional bed textiles to sleep health products and sleep app fields, the increase in the number of market competitors will also promote the intensification of market competition.

■ Sweet little tip

Olympic champion Gu Ailing revealed that the secret of her victory is to sleep for 10 hours a day, and one-third of a person's life is sleeping, and if you do not use this third, it is likely to ruin the remaining two-thirds.

Therefore, Upstream News finally sends a sleep tip to wish you a good night's sleep:

Your insomnia has been targeted by merchants! See how "burning money" it is to get a good night's sleep

Upstream news is synthesized from CCTV News, Xinhua Net, Dahe News, IT Orange, Ai Media Network

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