
A woman, with "poverty" in her bones, will show up from these three places

Good things, not dazzling or dazzling, but attractive, passionate things, always can not stand up to time, life a lot of times, always seem to like and us against the tune.

The more you expect something, the less it gives you anything, the more you don't care about anything, it just desperately stuffs these things into you.

This also leads to frequent complaints that unfairness is the main tone, and then on this basis, it is constantly extended to all aspects of life.

Many people want to change their lives, but after half a day of hard work, they find that they are just standing in the same place, and many problems have not been solved, just like the "poor" that everyone hates.

But the difference is that some people are only limited to material poverty, but some people are "poor" from the inside out, if a woman is "poor" in her bones, she will show up from these three places.

A woman, with "poverty" in her bones, will show up from these three places

1. Talk and behave

Although some women are worth a lot, sitting in large mansions, driving luxury cars, and having servants at home to help with housework, they seem to have a good life and are extremely rich people, but they are actually "poor".

Because of their speech and demeanor, there is no cultivation to speak of, because they have a better material life, their eyes are higher than the top, they always feel that they are superior, they have seen people who are inferior to themselves, and they always speak with a sense of mockery.

I like to be snuggled and flattered, and I think it should be, and I have never thought about what respect and equality are.

Such people are undoubtedly extremely "poor" in moral character, and they do not even know the most basic equality between people, or they cannot do it, so it can be seen that such people are just a good child, or married to a good husband, otherwise they will not be able to live such a life as they are now.

In fact, the people who can really make others look up from the heart are not absolutely related to material conditions, but are determined by everyone's virtue, and some people can get the respect of others even if they live a poor life, because they are "rich" in virtue.

A woman, with "poverty" in her bones, will show up from these three places

2. Working ability

There is a phenomenon that is very common in today's society, many college students, holding the graduation certificate of higher education institutions, seem to be full of poetry and books, should be the pillars of society, but may not even do the most basic work well.

There are many reasons for this, laziness, poor learning ability, low emotional intelligence, etc., the difference is that some people are temporary, only because they have not really applied what they have learned to real life, there will be a moment of confusion.

Some people are long-term, even after a long time into the society, such problems still exist, and have not been significantly improved.

Perhaps in the future, they will also be able to find their own positioning in society, but most of these jobs are very simple, without any technicality, and they cannot show what they have learned for many years.

For the latter, they are "poor", because the low ability determines, first of all, the height of their material life in the future, and secondly, the backwardness of ideological consciousness, so that they are doomed to become only the most basic level in society.

Do not say that even a screw is irreplaceable, the reason why society can progress is because people continue to improve and constantly improve their abilities.

Therefore, those who are satisfied with the status quo and do not want to improve their self-ability are destined to become people who have been eliminated in the tide of the times.

A woman, with "poverty" in her bones, will show up from these three places

3. Love experience

Everyone has been hurt in love, and they have also had the experience of failure, and it is not impossible for a successful person to win the lottery, but just like winning the lottery, it takes great luck, for the vast majority of ordinary people, it is always after experiencing many failures to meet true love.

But not everyone's love fails, just because they meet the wrong person, for some people, they will fail, just because they do not have the ability to love, they are "poor" in love.

They don't know how to express their feelings correctly, nor do they know how to be good to a person, thinking that love is two people who can get together after they have a clear intention, but in fact, in love, the most difficult thing is to get along after falling in love.

If a person does not have the ability to love himself, he can only end up breaking up.

Don't covet nothing, or you will have nothing; don't try to know everything, or you will know nothing; don't try to be omnipotent, or you will be able to do nothing.

A woman, with "poverty" in her bones, will show up from these three places

Man must know enough, not to be insatiable, to want everything, to allow his own ordinary and imperfect, but at the same time to improve himself.

Many times, the change of fate is to rely on this continuous self-improvement, and you may be very "poor" now, but it does not mean that you will be like this for a lifetime.

As long as you are willing to change, no matter what time, it will not be too late, life has not reached the end, everything is still too late, let yourself become a rich person, not only have material pursuits, but also have the pursuit of spiritual ability, only in this way can everyone become the object of envy in the eyes of others.

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