
Want to sanction Russia out of the game? Don't think too much, the hairs have proved themselves with strength

author:17173 Game Network

Introduction: Why is a country rich in poets, writers, scientists, musicians and dancers called a "fighting nation"?

Want to sanction Russia out of the game? Don't think too much, the hairs have proved themselves with strength

In the news about the Conflict between Russia and Ukraine, in addition to the mutual game between the battlefield and the political arena, the continuous intensification of economic sanctions against Russia, the Western literary and art circles have also set off a wave of asking Russian artists to "stand in line and take a stand", and those Russian artists who stand firmly with their motherland have proved with practical actions what is called "art has no borders, but artists have".

And the game manufacturers who have always been the head of the word have put pressure on public opinion from Ukraine, such as banning Russian player steam accounts, erasing the Russian elements in "Tetris", etc., although because of the depreciation of the ruble, they have suspended the sales of their own products in Russia, but it is not an easy task to delete the Russian characters in the game like "FIFA Football", because these characters not only have a distinct Russian cultural imprint from the beginning of creation. It is also the key to the construction of the game's world view and the advancement of the story, and it is the unobtainable "Natasha Dance" in the gorgeous music of video games.

"I'm going to find the sailors" – Nicole Mina Polsi Beach

It is estimated that many players will feel very unfamiliar when they see the awkward name of Nicolas Borsie Beach, which is from the 3DS period of the "Reverse Referee" series of "The Great Reverse Referee". A murder case created by Bolsi Beach in the plot not only leads to the appearance of the famous literary figure Sherlock Holmes, but also indirectly allows the protagonist Ryunosuke Narubudo to embark on the road of reasoning detectives and all-round lawyers who go out to fight lawsuits.

Want to sanction Russia out of the game? Don't think too much, the hairs have proved themselves with strength

Blonde Hairy Girl, Ballet Dancer, Pet Black Cat, And Polsi Beach set elements can be described as very full

Nicole Mina Porsi Beach is a Russian classical literary worker, a ballet dancer, who, in order to escape the chaos of the Russian Revolution in the early 20th century, disguised herself under the cover of sailors and boarded the ship on which the protagonist and his party were riding. The game revolves around her tortuous identity encounters, featuring two professions, sailor and exile politician, who played a key role in the real Russian Revolution. "I'm going to find the sailors!" It is in reality that Comrade Lenin used to remind opponents of their own military resources when they fell into passivity, and the special relationship between Polsy Beach and the sailors in the game that was protected and protected added a chaotic and tender color to the killing, hoping that the game would be officially Chinese as soon as possible, so that more players could personally experience the excitement of the story.

Want to sanction Russia out of the game? Don't think too much, the hairs have proved themselves with strength

AK-47 on the pitch – Andrei Kirilenko

Kirilenko's career trajectory has many similarities with the Yao Ming we are familiar with, both of whom are gifted from an early age, receiving solid basic skills training in the system, playing all over the country invincibles and going to the NBA to prove themselves. As a famous Russian basketball player, Kirilenko played for the NBA Utah Jazz, was selected for the All-Star Team, and after retiring, became the president of the Russian Basketball Association.

Want to sanction Russia out of the game? Don't think too much, the hairs have proved themselves with strength

Because of his initials and wearing the No. 47 jersey, Kirilenko received a natural nickname - "AK-47", and Kirilenko, as a combat weapon in the NBA2K series's perennial T1 lineup, in MT mode, is also as cost-effective as the AK-47 submachine gun, and players can usually get a Russian Hall of Fame level player with athleticism, shooting feel and physical fitness at auction houses at a lower price. Compared to FIFA Soccer's removal of the Russian team's lack of morality, NBA2K has not made any restrictions on Kirilenko's appearances, and I often see this AK-47 in the opponent's lineup when I play on the horizon.

Want to sanction Russia out of the game? Don't think too much, the hairs have proved themselves with strength

Last year's NBA2KMT model was introduced at the Halloween event kirilenko player card

The real-time strategy version of Professor X – Yuri

Bald Yuri is a highly recognizable classic character in the RTS game Command & Conquer, with a broad forehead, gritty eyes, and a handful of goatee, which constitute the ugly presentation of the great Russian prophet by American game manufacturers. Behind this ugliness, it actually reflects the deep jealousy of the West for the ideological penetration of the Soviet Union after World War II. My elder generation often describes Western popular culture as a "sugar-coated shell", but when it comes to "talking about doctrine", the Soviet Union's former GCism is the shotgun and dagger that makes Western capitalists feel frightened. Through the printing and distribution of pamphlets, the establishment of English radio stations, and intelligence activities with GCists in Anglo-American universities, the Soviet Union once made foreign propaganda bigger and stronger. In the game, Yuri is set up as an infantry unit capable of psychic control over enemies, which can be understood as a real-life rebellion, or to borrow another, more grounded term , "thought work".

Want to sanction Russia out of the game? Don't think too much, the hairs have proved themselves with strength

Feel the "throwing tiles" of Mao Mei - Chalia

As the second "hairy sister" we have appeared in this inventory, Chalia is a Russian female character in "Overwatch", she holds a huge cannon, her style is capable and tough, and she is the tank in the team. Born in siberia, a land of bitter cold, Chalia listened to the days of gunfire in the war and witnessed the destruction of her home. Growing up, Chalia worked hard, trained hard, and grew into an outstanding athlete. When the robot control center was activated again after years of silence, Chalia chose to return to the army to take on the responsibility of guarding the homeland.

Want to sanction Russia out of the game? Don't think too much, the hairs have proved themselves with strength

Chalia's background setting blends the history of the Soviet Union before and after World War II, on the one hand, she does not let her eyebrows be raised, standing up against the invaders who destroy her homeland, on the other hand, in the era of peace, she represents the motherland to win honors, her image of full of strength is very in line with the traditional advantages of Russian athletes in the Olympic Games in shot put, discus and other sports. Nowadays, the major sports events have closed the doors to Russian athletes, and the real Chalia will have to wait for a while if they want to win glory for the country.

Speaking of "throwing tiles", someone is not sleepy - Sangilff

Thanks to the fact that "Super Street Fighter 2" was once popular in the streets, Suncliff's recognition exceeded the scope of gamers more than twenty years ago, and he confirmed his "Soviet big" personality. If you're more familiar with Hollywood's Cold War films, especially action movies filled with M16 assault rifles or beautiful women, you'll see that most of the Soviet characters appear as villains. In order to match the Cold War mentality of a better country, American filmmakers planned to vilify the image of the Soviets in their works, so they conveyed to the world the stereotype of "Russian Hercules", which has developed limbs and a simple mind, and the wide spread of this image has largely covered up the real essence of Russian culture such as ballet, science, poetry, and literature. This setting naturally also affects the Chinese Hong Kong movies that started with plagiarism in Hollywood, and in many kung fu films, we can see the action section of Chinese kung fu overturning the Russian Hercules.

Want to sanction Russia out of the game? Don't think too much, the hairs have proved themselves with strength

Sungirf can be said to have set a template for many of the melee wrestling characters in many later fighting games, and whether he will fight Sungilf or not has also become a watershed between the new and the old. Due to the previous experience of missing "Street Fighter 3", and now the "Street Fighter" world has emerged Abigail, Hugo and other big and strong characters, I don't know if I can see this Russian macho man in the "Street Fighter 6" released this year.

Want to sanction Russia out of the game? Don't think too much, the hairs have proved themselves with strength

It's not a face bump, it's a touch of porcelain — Jaeger

This is a character who was selected for our list in the absolute sense of face.

The available character Jaeger in the call of duty modern warfare multiplayer mode is jokingly referred to by players as "Putin" because of his looks. In addition to his looks, Jaeger's resume shows that he was born in the former Soviet Ukraine and was a black-and-white mercenary active in the disputed zone. Danversko, one of the venues of the COD theater model, is based on Jaeger's hometown, Donetsk, Ukraine, the eye of the current Russian-Ukrainian conflict.

Want to sanction Russia out of the game? Don't think too much, the hairs have proved themselves with strength

Jaeger's character + weapon skin pack called "Mother Russia" was inspired by the controversial level "Not Speaking Russian" in Modern Warfare 2.

A 2019 game that pastes the appearance of the Russian president on the body of a Ukrainian pro-Russian regional character, this kind of obvious is to do things, making a lot of acquisition revenue for IW, and the paid skin designed for Jaeger in the digital mall is also full of contemporary Russian military elements. The evidence that players and military fans favor this character and eagerly buy skins is that the young soldier who "bumped" Putin's face can be seen in every game, and every Modern Warfare player can also boast to others: "I have been on the battlefield with Putin." ”

Instructor Assassination Fist - Dragonov

Sergio Dragonov first appeared in the Namco 3D fighting game Tekken 5 Shadow Recovery, where he was a Russian soldier nicknamed "White Reaper" in line with his pale skin, grim countenance and bloodless assassination technique.

Want to sanction Russia out of the game? Don't think too much, the hairs have proved themselves with strength

Because the Mishima Consortium's business development touched on Russia's most sensitive energy sector, Dragonov was sent to the Iron Fist Conference to investigate the real purpose of the Mishima family's layout in the Russian region. Dragonov and Sankilv can be seen as two western imaginations of the Russians' abundant martial arts, one is the pure strength represented by strong muscles, and the other is Dragunov's assassination fist that takes the key point and beckons the dead hand. Dragonov's actual combat environment in the game is much stronger than That of Sangilff, and for a long time he and Brian, who is also a soldier, are recognized by players as easy to use. The name "Della Konov", the same name as the famous Russian sniper rifle, implies that the character is in the shadows and is engaged in the work of "black gloves".

Want to sanction Russia out of the game? Don't think too much, the hairs have proved themselves with strength

The real-life "Dragonov" sniper rifle

Operate a "T-elimination" that eliminates all troubles – Tetris

Tetris that slowly descend, fill up, and automatically eliminate the screen are classic gameplay elements that every player has more or less touched. This simple but endlessly varied puzzle game has long since gone beyond the category of popular games to become a symbol of contemporary Russian culture.

Want to sanction Russia out of the game? Don't think too much, the hairs have proved themselves with strength

Originally designed and written by Soviet scientist Alexei Pakytenov, Tetris was first released on June 6, 1984, and the game's name "Tetris" is actually a mixture of the Greek number "four" and the English word "tennis", and the mainland market is intuitively translated as Tetris based on the nationality of the game's inventor and the background map of Moscow's Red Square in earlier versions. In the process of introducing Tetris into the European and American markets that year, due to poor copyright protection and easy imitation of the game form, it was exploited by people with ulterior motives. The game itself doesn't really have a Russian imprint, it's a game that everyone can get started with and have fun with, and compared to the current international environment, it would be nice if our world could be as pure and interesting as Tetris.

The Demon Monk - Rasputin

In SNK's famous 2D fighting game "World Heroes" in the last century, using the "heroes" of various countries as the material (in fact, it is a disguised copy of "Street Fighter"), the idea of Guan Gongzhan Qin Qiong was made into a global crossover.

Want to sanction Russia out of the game? Don't think too much, the hairs have proved themselves with strength

Other countries in the game are veritable heroes, but when it is Russia's turn, it is actually the famous "demon monk" Rasputin in the Tsarist Period who represents the country. This person can be called the "old king next door" + "beast ancestor" of the tsarist high-class society, not only using various religious ceremonies to attract a group of believers, creating countless court scandals, and the Curious Description of his physical characteristics by the Russian people, which is still a standing program for various marketing numbers. In the game, Rasputin has also been endowed with a strong magical attribute, becoming an oriental undefeated (referring to the eunuch in the original version of the novel, not the version played by Lin Qingxia) type of perversion, combined with the historical archetype of this person, if placed today, it can be regarded as a great disrespect to the LGBT community.

Want to sanction Russia out of the game? Don't think too much, the hairs have proved themselves with strength

Natasha's Dance – Oserot

If the entire "Metal Gear Solid" series is regarded as Hideo Kojima's writing of the dark side of history, then "Revolver Bobcat" Oseilot is a practitioner who still tries to break the darkness in the dark world of the game without the help of any light source.

Like our familiar protagonist, Solid Sneek, the Soviet-born Oserot was a spy and a double agent who bounced left and right between the two camps of East and West. From the original PS to PS2's "Snake Eater" to the series storyline final chapter "The Patriot's Gun", Oseirot has always appeared in front of the player as a villain, using weapons, wisdom and flesh and blood to block Snake's search for the truth.

Want to sanction Russia out of the game? Don't think too much, the hairs have proved themselves with strength

As the game's storyline progresses, the various factions continue to push the world into the abyss with what they consider to be righteous, and Oseilot, as the last bomb lurking in the story, finally detonates himself. Players finally discover that his previous behavior logic seems to serve different forces, is a tool-like figure, but in fact, he has no less tenacious will and firm determination than Snake, facing the "world will be good?" This ultimate doubt, because of the affirmative answer, gave all that he could give. In Russian culture, the humiliation-bearing "suffering" is one of the important motifs, and Oserot carries the cross and completes the "redemption" of the world with Sneek.

Want to sanction Russia out of the game? Don't think too much, the hairs have proved themselves with strength

Conclusion: May the world be at peace and mankind happy.

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